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Frost rework, entitely for fun factor.


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I dont hate summer, i just prefer cold weather.


Anyways here is some little bonuses to frost i think would make him more fun. Mostly silly synergies and a passive buff.


Passive: Now acts like a eximus aura. Enemies in 10m have a cold proc applied to them. Enemies who strike frost are frozen.

Freeze: New synergy with avalanche:

Casting freeze on a target frozen by avalanche instantly triggers avalanches secondary explosions with freezes damage added to it.

New visual effect: freeze now visually encases enemies in ice.

Ice Wave: New synergy with snow globe:

casting ice wave inside snow globe spreads ice spikes inside the globe as well the normal wave, perfectly filling the globe inside with spikes that linger for a base of 15s and deal damage over time.  

Casting ice wave on the outside of the globe covers the globe in a layer of spikes that damages enemies who make contact with it, potentially staggering them.

Snow Globe: unchanged. Gains 2 new synergied with other abilities based on their use.

Avalanche: New synergy with snow globe:

Casting avalanche with a snow globe in the avalanches range heals/buffs the globe for the damage of the avalanche.

Gains 1 new synergy triggered by the use of another ability.


There. Frost is entirely untouched in terms of being able to do what he always had been able to do. Now his weaker abilities have additional uses and his gameplay has some new varieties that encourage more active gameplay with him but do not require it.

Like eating incredibly spicey food in the winter time. Which i love doing.

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I like the ice wave idea, having a slightly more deadly bubble could be fun. 

One can also think about being able to teleport between snow globes (or limiting them to 2 and being able to switch from one to another at will), it could be fun too and quite useful to defend two areas at the same time.

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