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Mutegen Samples


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Okay, my story first.


for TLDR, check the last 2 lines.


New Biolab clan research items, my first thoughts: Better farm those Mutigen samples!


The fact that you could only get them on Jupiter and Eris against infested only was a good reason why I barely had any in the first place. Where in contrast the other samples could be obtained on numerous worlds, against a humanoid race or infested.



So I head over to Jupiter, enter some Io defence missions, and start picking up all the blue crates.

Due to the completely idiotic pickup message system that only shows one message at a time, and has an insane priority system placing "Energy is full!" and "Sniper ammo full!" messages whenever you stand on things you already have, I completely missed the fact that I was picking up Fieldron Samples instead of Mutigen Samples...


10 games later, I see a note on the councel chat stating that they don't drop anymore, anywhere (which was later fixed in the derelict areas, but not world map levels), so I check, and notice I still don't have any...


Why continue? there is no reason to continue, so I turn off warframe and go play EVE online instead.


Seriously, I'm not going to farm the new areas, the fact that you first have to farm for parts to make a key, to enter a ship, to farm parts to make a different key, to fight a boss who has a CHANCE to drop a frame part... NO WAY IN HELL am I doing that, Farming a normal boss for frame parts is hard enough allready, and I play by myself, and rely on the ability to just click on a mission and automatically form a group of noobs, if I'm having to manually invite a team to farm it, or get invited, no... if I want the frame, that's one I'd just buy, getting to that boss is too much of a PITA.


Seriously: we need a "Find group using X key" or "Open key to random players" options somewhere... it'll make using keys much less of a pain in the arse.


That and choose host too, because I have friends who have keys who literally can't use them at all, because if they host the game is unplayable, so the ability to have someone use a key, but forfeight hosting option is a must.




Anyway... that basically leaves me with... no Mutigen Samples, and therefore none of this new clan stuff, I can't even help research it. (even though I already donated over 100k nanospores, because... Jesus christ, those things drop like dog S#&$, and are used for barely anything... and I was only able to do this because I got there first, if I were a few hours later, it would've been full, and i wouldn't have been able to donate anything. as it stands now, we've deposited everything but the mutigen.)



So... my main question is... Is this lack of mutigen samples intentional? if yes, is it permanant? because I can really see this being one of DE's twisted senses of humor to force you to play the new content against your will.



In short: DE, you currently can't get Mutigen Samples from Jupiter or Eris, fix it! FIX IT NOW!!!

Edited by bobingabout
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So... my main question is... Is this lack of mutigen samples intentional? if yes, is it permanant? because I can really see this being one of DE's twisted senses of humor to force you to play the new content against your will.


Lets complain about DE giving us new content. Yes it's intentional. Why? Because it makes the game harder. Cry? No. Building frames and weapons now has an added difficulty other than just grinding a boss mission.

I have no problem with it, as I believe a majority of the community does not as well.

Edited by KingKeif
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@the fact that you first have to farm for parts to make a key, to enter a ship, to farm parts to make a different key, to fight a boss who has a CHANCE to drop a frame part..


Just want to say that I really don't think it's that hard, at all, to make the keys (it's just the waiting, but I am patient and don't mind it myself) and run the missions. The Navs can be generous if you take the time. Also, you are guaranteed a Nekros blueprint at the end of the mission; it doesn't drop from J2000. People who have put time into running it have been saying that you get the three parts in a few runs, conveniently.


But, there has been pretty much nothing but bad feedback reguarding the "grind wall" that is Mutagen Samples/Nekros/Derelict/J2000 being locked behind work and more work. There's probably no doubt that DE will change something to make the community happy, it's their thing. Just have to wait it out until they do do something.


And, hopefully, Void and Derelict Key transferring to capable hosts will be coming soon. It's been mentioned by the devs in a few livestreams.

Edited by Aramet
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I guess my main point as to why it's a bad idea is... this is clan stuff, the Bio-lab is no more, or less important or special than the energy-lab or chem-lab.


Why should we have to jump through extra hoops?


If they also made it so the only way to get fieldron and detonite was to go through the extrodinary means of farming for parts to make a key before you could farm it too, then sure, it works, but you don't, so it doesn't.



Seriously, DE basically said "Here's some new stuff, but we're removinig the finishing line from the end of your 10 mile marathon and moving it to another continent"



As for how hard it is to get the frame, I'm not even against that, I'm just against the fact that it's impossible for someone like me to do.

Why? I'm sure I've already stated, but, I rely on automatic group formation, the planning involved to create a team to get a key before hand is too much of a pain in the arse (friends want to play other games right now, mostly due to bugs and even those who are playing want to do other things in the game instead), this is the main reason why I've not done anything in the void yet. LFG channel? that's @(*()$ bullS#&$ right there, its a spamfest of people shouting LFG and very few groups being formed, so I try to avoid it unless I'm desperate. and I try not to be desperate, i'd generally just go do something else instead.


it is also a relatively unfair system, because you'll find most people just leech off your hard earned work to get the keys.


A sugested solution would be a kind of LFG automatic group finding system, where 1 key buys you into 4 matchs with randoms. once used the 4 matchs are permanantly bound to the LFG system in your account untill used. (all 4 players use a quater of their key to get in)

That or EVERYONE must contribute the required key to join the match, automatic LFG too.

Edited by bobingabout
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Iv just smashed every crate on a derilict mission, checked all the areas with my nova equipped with theifs wit and master theif.


7 Golem Nav and 0 Mutagen


For the new weapons the requirement is 70-100 Mutagen.


this man know's what's up, DE #*($%%@ us on this one, fer shur =[

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I have to add that I have no problem with a bit of grind.

I have my Nekros building, I only need the blueprint for Mag Prime BUT I belive this Mutagen farming to be an insane amount of work compaired to both of these.


At least Djinn is mastery 12 so i wont be crafting that anytime soon.

Just 148 more mutagen to go.....

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Did one OD capture mission there, walked away with 6 golem nav coords and 16 mutagen. The drops are there and they work. As for keys, I have about 60 regular coords and that's without desperately hunting them down. Now that the keys are affordable in both cost and resources, it's not really a paywall anymore.

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Because it makes the game harder.

Something taking longer does not making it harder, just more annoying. Something being strangely obtuse to get to does not make it harder, just more annoying. Removing a resource and putting it in a limited accessible area when it was previously available in freely accessible areas, thus worsening the system for no real reason does not make anything harder. Just more damn annoying. Something simply taking longer doesn't make it difficult. Also it's dumb to give us something that works perfectly fine and then worsen it for no good reason. I could understand changing Jupiter to Fieldron when they revamp it to be the new Corpus Gas tile-sets, but doing so before hand has no real good reason. As for the removal from Eris, there is no good reason.
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Lets complain about DE giving us new content. Yes it's intentional. Why? Because it makes the game harder. Cry? No. Building frames and weapons now has an added difficulty other than just grinding a boss mission.

I have no problem with it, as I believe a majority of the community does not as well.

Actually, you're wrong.

A majority of the community is pissed off.

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At least Djinn is mastery 12 so i wont be crafting that anytime soon.

Just 148 more mutagen to go.....


mastery 12?! F**** is this S***?! i have busted my a** to get the samples i got and that was binding my time to find something to use them for and i am talking about when the dojos came out. solo'ers like me were basically told to go F*** themselves cause they cared for the clans more than the solo'ers. i had to wait for the longest time to get anything from the dojos that when i heard about dojo's getting scaled i was finally thinking they cared enough( or got B****'d at enough) that they started to care.

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Did one OD capture mission there, walked away with 6 golem nav coords and 16 mutagen. The drops are there and they work. As for keys, I have about 60 regular coords and that's without desperately hunting them down. Now that the keys are affordable in both cost and resources, it's not really a paywall anymore.


Just because the paywall is actually knee high and can be stepped over doesnt mean there isn't a paywall.

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I have to add that I have no problem with a bit of grind.

I have my Nekros building, I only need the blueprint for Mag Prime BUT I belive this Mutagen farming to be an insane amount of work compaired to both of these.


At least Djinn is mastery 12 so i wont be crafting that anytime soon.

Just 148 more mutagen to go.....

pics Djinn is mas 12.

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Did one OD capture mission there, walked away with 6 golem nav coords and 16 mutagen. The drops are there and they work. As for keys, I have about 60 regular coords and that's without desperately hunting them down. Now that the keys are affordable in both cost and resources, it's not really a paywall anymore.


Just did a 20 min OD SUV and got 3 Mutagen. I would love a screenshot of people getting 16 in one run....


At this rate its only going to take me 19 hours of OD SUV.

I wonder how many keys I will need?

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Just did a 20 min OD SUV and got 3 Mutagen. I would love a screenshot of people getting 16 in one run....


At this rate its only going to take me 19 hours of OD SUV.

I wonder how many keys I will need?


Perhaps you're missing them with all the other drops on the map? (Defense maps get a bit messy with all the drops)  Go and get a carrier to help with the item pickups so you don't miss anything.  Also, the longer you go, the better your odds of seeing a drop because there are more infested coming at you.  I would say a good stopping point for farming samples would be as long as you can, but ended up going to wave 20 last night and ended up with 20 at the end, most of it being 1-2 drops in the last 6 or so waves.


So, how many waves is 20 minutes anyways?

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So i am going to ignore most of the comment to say this: i have no problem with the samples being in only one place, i have a problem that the resources are so high just for research when i need to find navs, build a key...wait, go in find materials 1-3 and repeat... Yeah before it was...defense until you get enough, you did not spend credits to get supplies!?!?

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Wel Jupiter will be changed to a Corpus gas station planet so it makes sense fieldrons drop there. But Eris? Really? There is absoblutely nothing but INFESTED in that section. At least make it the only one that drops the mutagen samples outside of the delerict ships.

And/or of course, lower the horrendous requirement for the clan weapons.

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I have to add now from experience that the best and only OD useful for farming Mutagen is OD Defense.

A run to round 20 will net you bout 15-20 Mutagen.

All other OD gave very little Mutagen in comparison  (about 1-5)

They tend to drop from high level enemies rather than boxes or chests.

Survival for some reason gave very little Mutagen even on 30 minute runs.

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they could've just left Mutagens how they were on the two planets they existed on. they were on planets that include common drops like Nano Spores, so we almost never got any of the damn things anyways.


they were rare enough to start with. 

without any directionalized grinding for Clan Resources, as of U10's new Infested weapons, i had ~1600 Detonites, ~600 Fielddrons, and ~180 Mutagens. after building all of the Clan Tech that'd already existed.


the volume of Mutagens we get wasn't high or anything. frankly, Detonites are too common, not Mutagens. 



i still don't like having multiple grind walls in a row to add 'difficulty'. it's just not necessary. might as well change the 'Golem Nav Points' to the generic Nav Points, and increase the number of them to make the Assasinate key. 25 or something. less items to grind, more universal items to keep things from getting so out of hand.

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I don't think its a problem, as another poster said, the derelict Infested defence can net around 30 mutagen samples per run and you only got to take it to wave 30. You need ideall 4 of you, in 40 minutes play we all obtained 70 mutagen samples in 2 runs. I only went along to help, because I have 700 mutagen samples left over from other missions. So in a few hours or less you can get all the Mutagen you needs.

yet another poster said about how hard it was to get these keys then to run the missions.....add some people to your friends list. I collected enough to do 1 Golem run solo for a nekros part and got the chassis. Then a friend messaged me in game and asked if I wanted to do a couple of Golem runs, we did em together and I got the other Nekros parts. Bought the BP for 100,000 and now crafting him.

3 Runs was all it took and some friends on your friends list. However, I've played over 700 hours, I have resources, I have a fair sized friends list carefully chosen. So I would reasonably expect to find stuff easy to get, things easy to build and to have good backup resources to build everything I want. But I would also expect players that are newer to have a more difficult time getting the frame.

I see a lot of complaints about farming all the time., what I have found best is to just play the game, gain friends and then stuff is easy. I've built every frame, pretty much every weapon and only spent platinum on WF slots. Weapons I limit myself to the ones I like and sell the others after I made em. I have every mod there is, and if I don't have one, I probably don't care or need it. Before the ability to share mods, all my frames and weapons had their own mods, i didn't have to move stuff around. I've never bought anything else. I haven't really farmed, although I do play defence to hi waves because I like it and it does get you a lot of stuff.

BUT, if you want it all now, and don't want to play properly, I suppose it can sem a bit grindy, but that has not really been my specific complaint about the game.

DE have lost their way a little in terms of overall gameplay, I hope they find it again...but Mutagen Samples, really isnt the problem DE need to be solving.

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