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Stop Forcing an Up/Down Orientation in Archwing Missions


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In the Archwing Mission Type, there is an arbitrary limit to how far 'up' and 'down' we can look. We cannot perform 'backflips' with our cameras. In fact, there's a forced up-down orientation in Archwing Missions. Besides taking away one of the most fun elements of space flight in games and generally not making sense, it doesn't mesh well with how enemies attack you in-game! Enemies will come at you from every direction, and sometimes the most efficient path to turning and aiming at them is to look straight up or straight down, but we cannot do that. Basically, forcing an up-down orientation creates problems and solves none.

Basically, stop that. 

Instead, redesign the Archwing controls to account for pitching, rolling, yawing, strafing, elevating, and moving forward/backward. As I'm a PC user, I can only provide an example of this usage for the PC: mouse movements for pitching and yawing, 'w' and 's' for forward and backwards, 'ctrl' and 'space' for elevating up and down (relative to your own 'look vector'), 'a' and 'd' for strafing left and right, and 'z' and 'c' for rolling clockwise and counter-clockwise. You can still use 'shift' and 'shift' + 'space' for boosting forwards and all that, even! This would improve the quality of life of Archwing Missions by a LOT for me and I suspect other players would find they'd have an easier time, too. 

I'm not saying this is a 100% fix for how awful Archwing missions can be, but I think it's far more important than people realize. 

What do other players think? 


tl;dr: Let us fly upside-down, please. 

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There's already the "experimental Archwing controls" setting in the Options menu, which activates being able to fly in (almost) any direction. It used to be the default but a lot of people found that it was too disorienting, so DE made it optional. I personally prefer the current default just because most Archwing areas have an obvious orientation, and flipping upside down and sideways makes it very confusing to navigate areas like Corpus space tilesets. 

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1 hour ago, YUNoJump said:

There's already the "experimental Archwing controls" setting in the Options menu, which activates being able to fly in (almost) any direction. It used to be the default but a lot of people found that it was too disorienting, so DE made it optional. I personally prefer the current default just because most Archwing areas have an obvious orientation, and flipping upside down and sideways makes it very confusing to navigate areas like Corpus space tilesets. 

You can also move faster on the old system for some reason.

It's pretty fun flipping around, but sadly, with the slowed down movement and maps and enemies not really geared to it, it does put you at a distinct disadvantage.

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W h a t 


This is amazing. 

This is everything I wanted. 

Well, some things that I wanted. Some of the controls feel a little janky and in general it still feels pretty claustrophobic to play most Archwing Missions. Still though, I like it. 


Okay so my NEW request is a time machine to let my past self know this exists. 

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