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[Fixed] Update: FPS Decreasing Over Time In Arbitrations


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EDIT: As far as I know, no more FPS issues! After looking through the Jovian Concord update notes for the first time (up to 25.0.5), there was nothing mentioned relating to the FPS problem. I was of course busy playing the new content so I wasn't doing any Arbs, until someone who commented on this post messaged me in game saying they weren't having any issues anymore. Once I found the time, I was able to go 2hrs into an Infested Arb Survival with my FPS never going past 15 FPS below the cap (120). After going through the update notes again (up to 25.0.5), I still couldn't find anything that would have fixed the problem, but either way my guess that it was a memory leak was correct. In the Imgur album, I have screenshots of 10, 60, and 120 minutes into the survival. The important part is that the listed memory usage was always around ~10MB from the values at the start of the run, even towards the end of the run. Compare this to the screenshots in this post where the difference is a little over 300MB after 100mins. Big thanks to the person who let me know it was fixed and the devs!

Imgur Album- https://imgur.com/a/7bshG3v


So this is a follow-up post from my previous one- https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1088064-fps-decreasing-over-time-in-arbitrations/?tab=comments#comment-10711349

Hotfix 24.8.3 fixed a memory leak with Khora's Strangledome that caused it to lower FPS over time, essentially the same issue as the one from my previous post. The only problem here is that it isnt just a bug with Strangledome. The memory leak they mentioned was most likely double dipping with the already leaking memory (or something like that) that is happening with endless modes, so the problem was much more apparent for those who used Strangledome in longer runs. To test if the hotfix solved the problem, i went into a Corpus Survival Arbitration for 100 mins, similar to my other tests, but without the extensive documentation. The screenshots below are on the same node (V Prime, Venus) in the same tile, but the first one is at the start of the non-arb version and the second is the arb version 100 mins in. The FPS over time was generally better until around 70ish mins where it got below my refresh rate (75hz) and slowly got worse. This could be because the change from Infested to Corpus or possibly a small improvement from the hotfix, but overall the FPS is still decreasing over time.

Non-Arb V Prime, Venus at 30sec in- 119 FPS/capped at 120, 1041MB listed RAM usagegr6lubC.jpg

Arb V Prime, Venus at 100min in- 44 FPS/capped at 120, 1357MB listed RAM usagemzxNyJ5.jpg

Edited by yecobxd
Problem Solved/Update
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Quick test from my side: went into Arbitration Survival (in party, other guy the host) with 100-110 fps, out after 30 min with 40-45 fps..... C'mon DE, your optimization is horrible than some EA game.... My PC is not the best but still can run the game with stable 75 fps, in Poe also have stable 60-75 fps (Orb of Valis terrible too..). Kuva survival started with 80-100 fps (in party), after 30 min out with 45-55 fps.. 

(40% Cpu usage - 25-35% Gpu usage - lmao...)

ESO also have fps drops... interesting in SO don't have any problem.. !?

I'm waiting now that Jovian update, but i think they not fix these problems, also if the game run in the same way after the update, i will quit the game. I don't want to play another copy of "Ubisoft/EA" company game with horrible optimization. Release more skin pls DE, instead of fixing the game...

PS: My english not the best, sry for the mistakes.

Edited by smebjulak
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1 hour ago, smebjulak said:

Quick test from my side: went into Arbitration Survival (in party) with 100-110 fps, out after 30 min with 40-45 fps..... C'mon DE, your optimization is horrible than some EA game.... My PC is not the best but still can run the game with stable 75 fps, in Poe also have stable 60-75 fps (Orb of Valis terrible too..). Kuva survival started with 80-100 fps (in party), after 30 min out with 45-55 fps.. 

(40% Cpu usage - 25-35% Gpu usage - lmao...)

ESO also have fps drops... interesting in SO don't have any problem.. !?

I'm waiting now that Jovian update, but i think they not fix these problems, also if the game run in the same way after the update, i will quit the game. I don't want to play another copy of "Ubisoft/EA" company game with horrible optimization. Release more skin pls DE, instead of fixing the game...

PS: My english not the best, sry for the mistakes.

Thanks for the input! Your English is pretty good so no worries there. Im hoping that my posts and others like it will get more attention so some Devs can take notice. The more people like you that do simple tests and share/post about it the better. It would be fair to at least wait for the Jovian update and maybe a hotfix or two after, but I have hopes the Devs can push out the fix soon or even with the Jovian update as long as they are actually notified of the issue.

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Update 2 (from my side): Started a Defensive Arbitration mission (party, other guy the host) with 100-110 fps, finished after 20 wave with 50 fps. Seems all Arbitration mission has the same problem, no matter of mission type...

Edited by smebjulak
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27 minutes ago, smebjulak said:

Update 2 (from my side): Started a Defensive Arbitration mission (party, other guy the host) with 100-110 fps, finished after 20 wave with 50 fps. Seems all Arbitration mission has the same problem, no matter of mission type...

From my personal testing, the problem affects all endless mission types, probably non-endless too if they lasted long enough to see the drop in FPS. With Arbitrations however, the FPS seems to drop faster than non-Arbitration endless missions. I believe my 3rd edit from my original post has a comparison between Arb/non-Arb survival, but im sure the same tests can be done for defense/excavation/interception and still have similar results.

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"Good" to see others are experiencing the same issues aswell. It seems to hit the game after rotation B in arbitrations or in general at the end of rota C in Kuva survival (possibly regular survival too and other endless modes).

I think the issue comes down to a mix between the new light settings they implemented along with a bunch of updated VFX on enemies, weapons and skills, like the new Eximus aura looks etc.

I've ran a few defense arbitrations with zero problems, but all survivals and interceptions have had it happen like clockwork after rotation B. And Kuva is the same, clockwork performance drops at the 20min mark. Oh yeah and ESO #*!%s up after a while too.

edit: And to make it absolutely clear for DE, this started happening after one of the recent patches.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

"Good" to see others are experiencing the same issues aswell. It seems to hit the game after rotation B in arbitrations or in general at the end of rota C in Kuva survival (possibly regular survival too and other endless modes).

I think the issue comes down to a mix between the new light settings they implemented along with a bunch of updated VFX on enemies, weapons and skills, like the new Eximus aura looks etc.

I've ran a few defense arbitrations with zero problems, but all survivals and interceptions have had it happen like clockwork after rotation B. And Kuva is the same, clockwork performance drops at the 20min mark. Oh yeah and ESO #*!%s up after a while too.

edit: And to make it absolutely clear for DE, this started happening after one of the recent patches.

Similar timings for me as well but I think the faction/map has a factor in how fast the FPS will drop. Sometimes (like in this post) i can go 100mins in Corpus survival and start hitting 40 FPS by then, while in a Grineer defense i'm breaking into the 40s after rot B/20ish mins. Not too sure what they changed with the lighting but i'm almost positive this wasn't an issue until a certain patch added a feature to Arbitrations that everyone loves.

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1 hour ago, yecobxd said:

Similar timings for me as well but I think the faction/map has a factor in how fast the FPS will drop. Sometimes (like in this post) i can go 100mins in Corpus survival and start hitting 40 FPS by then, while in a Grineer defense i'm breaking into the 40s after rot B/20ish mins. Not too sure what they changed with the lighting but i'm almost positive this wasn't an issue until a certain patch added a feature to Arbitrations that everyone loves.

Yeah havent noticed it before that patch either. And now that I think of it, the defenses I've done have been against the infested on the large cave map with the reactor/drill thing in the center of it. Could be the reason why I havent experienced the performance drop there. The first survival I noticed it on was the infested verion of the grineer asteroid base.

I think the problem lies somewhere in faulty code regarding the check for live/dead players and wether or not the drone should drop the pick up or not. And since it may not be perfectly coded there might be issues with it if no player is dead or if the check cant be applied to the mission i.e in normal endless and possibly other missions. It may be a check that keeps looping and just consumes more and more memory in the process.

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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yeah havent noticed it before that patch either. And now that I think of it, the defenses I've done have been against the infested on the large cave map with the reactor/drill thing in the center of it. Could be the reason why I havent experienced the performance drop there. The first survival I noticed it on was the infested verion of the grineer asteroid base.

I think the problem lies somewhere in faulty code regarding the check for live/dead players and wether or not the drone should drop the pick up or not. And since it may not be perfectly coded there might be issues with it if no player is dead or if the check cant be applied to the mission i.e in normal endless and possibly other missions. It may be a check that keeps looping and just consumes more and more memory in the process.

At first i thought it was something like that as well but as i showed in my original post, the problem carries over into normal endless missions as well. The only difference is that its worse in Arbitration versions of the endless missions, possibly because of the death check thing you were talking about. I wouldn't know anything code related to the issue but i think it just comes down to a memory leak when staying in one mission for long. After my couple tests from the original post, i can't really pin it down to anything death related, but there could possibly be an issue with Arb drones spawning in walls/out of the map and piling up that way, thus increasing memory used over time. I don't have any evidence but in the first screenshot i used in the original post, that run stopped spawning Arb drones completely after 20-30ish mins. Whether they actually stopped spawning or not, the reason i can't really go with that reason 100%, is because most of the other runs/tests ive done had drones spawning normally and the FPS lowering over time.

Apart from that, ive tested public/solo as well as host/non host with no differences and overall, the only thing that is constant between ALL runs is the RAM usage increasing the longer you stay in a mission. The reason i think that's irregular is because the longest ive gone in an Arb mission was 3hrs 8mins way before the revive update, which would be impossible with the FPS issue we have today. Either way i hope the devs can get this all straightened out soon because at the moment i can't really go past rot C/30mins for any Arb, where as before i had fun testing my limits or at minimum staying an hour (or the equivalent of an hour).

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After doing some test on Simulacrum, repeatedly spawn Boiler enemies and clear all enemies, I found a problem of too many tiny infested spawn pod not landing and are slowly drifting out of map. Too many tiny infested spawn pod not landing and going off the map will eventually drop FPS in a very long game play. This may happen in most infested missions.


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1 hour ago, sam686 said:

After doing some test on Simulacrum, repeatedly spawn Boiler enemies and clear all enemies, I found a problem of too many tiny infested spawn pod not landing and are slowly drifting out of map. Too many tiny infested spawn pod not landing and going off the map will eventually drop FPS in a very long game play. This may happen in most infested missions.


That's a super weird bug but i feel that's mainly a simulacrum problem. It seems that when you spam spawn/kill the boilers in the same area, their pods are fighting for space to sit, and as a result other pods are shoved out of the way and apparently have no stopping mechanism to cancel out the drift. Also most infested tilesets have a roof in some way so if that were to occur we'd be able to shoot them. The only reason i feel most people haven't seen that bug is because they're rarely enough boilers in one small area that die without their pods dying shortly after to fight for space. This is probably worth a standalone bug forum post though.

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