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How Burnt-Out Are You?


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All in the title. [Disclaimer; this post is far, far longer than I intended] I once loved Warframe to pieces; it was something that I really enjoyed, despite the limited variety of content. But now, in all honesty, I'm beginning to regret buying my GM Founders pack.

I'm completely burnt-out over Warframe. I spent some money when U10 came out, but I haven't even played any missions because it's just more of the same. Sure, there's some variety, but that's just a drop of fruit juice in a bottle of seawater. Warframe, in the current direction that it's going, will not last long. When it loses it's novelty, it loses it very, very rapidly; a rather unfortunate facet of the Dungeon Crawler sub-genre.

And I know it's not just me. Two clans that I've been in for Warframe have just... Stopped. We're not talking casuals, either, we're talking top-50-eventers; Once-passionate players now just saying "Meh" to the new content because it's not actually new, just another variety of the same tripe.


Since I'm not one to complain without offering a solution, what could DE do with Warframe to remedy this problem? Nothing short of a complete gameplay overhaul, as arduous as that would inevitably be. Keep some of Warframe as-is, sure - you don't want to lose Warframe by removing its' roots. We need story missions, grandiose boss fights, better customization and way, way more lore.


I didn't really intend this to become a feedback thread, but I do feel the need to explain what I mean with that last statement;


Story Missions, Lore

Warframe has operated without much lore thus far, but it's beginning to weigh heavily. Lore creates player engagement; a space for them to be involved in. That's why WoW, as monotonous as it is, is still popular with its' core players, whether they realize it or not; it has a world full of stories and intrigue.



One of my personal peeves of Warframe; Colour. Many aspects of equipment have a part such that, if you colour it, it will not be noticeable because that part is either insignificant or has a base colour/texture component that does not properly represent your choice.


Syandanas seem to be a step in the right direction for customization, but I haven't had the opportunity to see how well they fit the feel of Warframe in a mission.


Grandiose Boss Fights

Bosses are simply another mob with some damage phasing. Basic strategy is "Shoot until phase or death, stay out of the fire". You're more likely to die on the mobs leading up to/surrounding the boss than the boss itself. Bosses should each have a unique feel, some skippable story-oriented cinematics and should take advantage of Warframe's mechanics (Parkour, room depressurization, etc).


In Conclusion

Warframe won't last until Christmas at this rate. There will still be people playing it, sure, but I suspect most of the player base would be semi-casual gamers. You won't feel burnt-out for quite a while, but it grows very rapidly once you've reached that onset.


So, what are your feelings on the burn-out? Are you feeling it? Do you wish Warframe had something that made you want to play again?

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As long as I don't have everything achieved that you can achieve (includes having all weapons/frames maxed) I'm still excited about the game and I'll keep playing until then. Any other game gets boring as soon as you achieved everything (ex. Skyrim). 

DE is making big steps in the right direction, the only downside are new bugs, but these are removed fairly quickly (most of them). I think it's unnecessary to always complain about "repetitive gameplay". Just let them do their job. The longer the game exists, the better it gets.

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Mastery 12 and still going at it at a fairly decent rate. As long as I haven't achieved everything available to me. I most definitely felt the burn out a week or two before U10. But the https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/22916-allregioncasual-the-cutie-mark-crusaders/'>Cutie Mark Crusaders Usually keeps me busy and wanting to come back. ^^ Helping, and chatting with fellow clannies. 

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well, prepare for an avalanche of fanboys attacking you.


as for me i agree, the endgame is grinding for more and more weapons, no new and better gameplay, no more development in the lore...


actually i was amused yesterday as rebbeca asked the team about more lore and "vor prize", and their answered "hey, look, a new whip, cool ha?"


thats i how things are now in this little warframe world, they are focusing in selling weapons , as develop new lore or tilesets is not profitable it seems.


is a model that kills himself in time, but time will tell...

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I'm slowly closing the gap between them releasing new gear and me leveling the ones I haven't yet. Once I caught up, the pressure is gone and I'll feel a lot less burn out than I currently do, but yeah, I've been leveling weapons for mastery non-stop for the last one to two months. It's natural and inevitable that playing like that gets tedious.

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Currently at Mastery 8. I'd say I'm not much burnt out, as I'll still play some missions just to play something while continuing to level weapons in my backlog. Probably get more weapons to level once I clear and sold the ones I have. I've got Nekros in the oven, and I'm looking forward to playing him in about 2.5 days. Just bought some plat for slots and reactors for him.


I'd attribute it to the fact that I almost always run missions with my brother, and how Warframe is pretty much the only game I can run on my 4-years-old laptop for more than an hour before its GPU overheats. So yeah, not much burnt-out at all.

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welll in last live stream master Sheldon missed a point of our concerns like totally.


What he said: " that yeah high level players will consider new update as grind, but for new players who just start playing it's will be ok because at the time when they reach derelicts of U10 they will have enough keys to play it".


And this where he is wrong and fail to understand one simple thing. New players are grinding just like we are, difference is that their grind is just not that obvious as it to us.


From U7 to U10 that i am playing this game it didn't changed. No new engaging missions types, no new challenge, nothing. It is grind, grind and grind again. I made ~ 100 void runs for last 6 days it is more than i ever did for all Prime arsenal ever. Let say rng will smile on me and i will have 2 missing parts i need what next?


Nothing. Game offers nothing. More to say the more i play this game the more its punishing me.


I will reach mark 1000h missions time soon. 1000h of grind. But only 8 hours i would call fun, when back to U7 i was tanking xini as trinity.


I want new mission types, for a team, with multiple objectives, with challenge. Missions where i need to divide team in two so each could achieve personal objective and reunite further ahead. Bring battle to the enemy and extract. Missions that requiring teamplay, organisation and skill.

Edited by Althix
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What galls me is the constant badgering to buy/use platinum to do everything. You can spend lots of money and buy the Miter or you can farm five components on a boss, with one of the parts being an abysmally low drop chance. You can customize yourself and your sentinels...for a fee. You can make your new warframe...and wait for three days prior despite there being no economy or trade to warrant such a cap...or you can pay to rush it. Sure you CAN get most of the content in-game, but its usually so inconvenient that its almost not worth it. It just makes me feel like im being played.

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The thing about this game is, you should not buy weapons or warframes, because in the end, it is what keeps you going.


I was burnt out after U7 and now I came back and I enjoy playing again. This time I forced myself not to buy any weapons or warframes and it is way more fun this way.

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The thing about this game is, you should not buy weapons or warframes, because in the end, it is what keeps you going.


I was burnt out after U7 and now I came back and I enjoy playing again. This time I forced myself not to buy any weapons or warframes and it is way more fun this way.


That is the key. That is why Founders actually are poor plat spenders.

Many of them have tons of plat, but don't spend on stuff and eventually don't know what to spend their plat on like me.


I only use my 3k+ plat for Sentinels (its a damn bargain at 75 plat, tater weapon and tater sentry), slots and paint jobs.

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The thing about this game is, you should not buy weapons or warframes, because in the end, it is what keeps you going.


I was burnt out after U7 and now I came back and I enjoy playing again. This time I forced myself not to buy any weapons or warframes and it is way more fun this way.



actually this is one of the greatest issues right now, the game has become so grindy that if you buy everything right away there is no real content to continue playing, so i the end buying things goes against the game durability.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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actually this is one of the greatest issues right now, the game has become so grindy that if you buy everything right away there is no real content to continue playing, so i the end buying things goes against the game durability.

I only buy colours and other cosmetic to let everyone know how much of a [bUNDLE OF STICKS] I am.

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Well im in the same situation as the OP, i played U5 till U9, in this time the game got some major changes. Every time i follow the forums and livestreams thinking "oh cool another awesome weapon!!" "oh cool another fantastic boss!"  ( i really love the artists behind warframe, they are AWESOME! ) but still when it comes to play to get those things, weapons, warframes or what you want, i say to my self "really? again? days and days of farming AGAIN?" thats wrong im my opinion and thats bad for the game itself. Right now i cant even play 2 or 3 mission without taking a long break from warframe.


There is nothing wrong with wreking tons of 4sses with your frame and weps, the thing that is a bummer for me is that it gets always more grindy than the last update! 

I played many months grinding, dont get me wrong im actualy used to it even in other games, but now its different, maybe is just me, maybe i reached my limit.

Edited by fatalis92
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I'm about halfway to Mastery 5 and I'm already starting to get bored.  I've only been playing for two or three weeks.  Uhm, lets see. I've bought 1 frame and 2 weapons with plat, and farmed another 2 frames and probably around 10 weapons so far.  This is about all there is to do in the game.  I remember getting my first farmed frame, Nova, to level 30 with decent mods and weapons.  No, I didn't max out every mod I equipped.  I didn't see the point when I was already handling all the content I encountered.  After that everything just got waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too repetitive.  Missions are stale.  Theres not much to differentiate each one and make it unique:


-- Stand around an object and kill everything that comes at you.

-- Move from object to object killing everything that comes at you.

-- Find specific thing that you need to kill or use while killing everything that comes at you.


The different bosses were fun... for a while.  Until you have to kill them 10-100 times to farm a new frame.  Then you never want to come back and visit them ever again.


The only new and interesting thing to come out for U10 was Golem or whatever his new name is.  But after farming up Nekros I doubt I'll be back.


I understand what the game is.  It's a grindfest.  I knew that when I first read about it.  I suppose I started playing to see how long it would be fun to play.  For me it's about a month.  I seriously doubt I'll still be playing by Halloween.  Warframe is a pretty game with some good ideas and great looking artwork and graphics, but there isn't very much depth to it.  So, uh, thanks for giving me something to do for a while, but it just isn't exciting or interesting anymore.


EDIT:  After scrolling back and rereading some of the comments here, one thing that really came to mind that irks me is the BUILD TIMES.  I know it's one of the many ways DE gets people to spend money on plat, but I never used the rush feature at all.  Maybe I will now as a last gasp for trying to stick around a little longer.  But who the hell wants to farm something for days, finally be able to make it, and then have to wait 24-72 hours just to be able to use it?  IMO I think that the build times should never have went into this game in the first place.  There are plenty of other things like cosmetics, and frames, and weapons, and key packs for people to spend money on.  But making people wait on build times or reach into their pocket just feels like twisting the grind knife after already stabbing us with it.

Edited by Dreamer87
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I've significantly reduced my playtime for awhile now. Thought that Update 10 would make me play more with the new content, turns out it made me play even LESS out of disgust of the derelict key grind-wall. If i wasn't a friggin' Warlord of a Moon-Tier Clan (Lone Rangers) I wouldn't even still be here right now.

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