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I Really Don't Get Why People Hate Conclave So Much?


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I like the idea of the conclave system. Not specifically for PVP, but just in general. Being able to compare myself to other players is enjoyable for me and it can really show the difference in a players strength for things like survival missions and void runs. If i spend 3 hours farming survival void keys to mag prime/mod hunt, then i don't want to have to go to recruiting and randomly invite people, ending up with 2-450 conclave Excaliburs. I want my hard earned keys to last for 15-30 min of mod hunting and a shot at prime. Being able to go LF> 2 for t3 survival min conclave 900, is just so nice.

Personally i'd like to be able to set conclave restrictions on norm mission so when i do normal survival i don't have some random just passing through planets in online to end it at 5 min because they're to weak to keep going. And i'm all for helping lower lv players, but it should be a gesture, not a punishment to put up with them.

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So if I bring a suit I have only formad the aura slot on - let's say my rhino - along with my quad forma acrid, 14pt hornet strike etc, and then a crap primary + melee... my conclave is under 700, possibly even under 500.

Get my drift?

And your (sloppy) logic is exactly why people groaned at the visible conclave scores, to answer the thread title.

e: basically,

It begins

Edited by FlanShark
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Personally i'd like to be able to set conclave restrictions on norm mission so when i do normal survival i don't have some random just passing through planets in online to end it at 5 min because they're to weak to keep going. And i'm all for helping lower lv players, but it should be a gesture, not a punishment to put up with them.

+1, Oh and I think pvp is fun when you mess around with friends haha

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Um.. are you stupid? I can get 450 Conclave on my Excal Prime with a 3x Forma'd Flux Rifle, the Conclave really adds up only depending on the mods you put on the Frame, idiots like you who actually think "Conclave = Skill of the Player/Power of the Player" is the main reason Conclave being visible needs to go, it literally put a block for the people who do have great set ups but aren't topping that 700-1k Conclave Range that want to join those games but the host or people in that group are ignorant as to how Conclave even works. Lemme just put this out there, my Nova is 500 of my 1.1k Conclave when I actually bother using a all out set up on her. Now think about those who don't mod there Frames to hell but instead there Guns, the guns only account for 100-200 Conclave at most. So honestly, it's a bad system that promotes bad selection that Warframe really doesn't need.

Edited by EinRyu
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Um.. are you stupid? I can get 450 Conclave on my Excal Prime with a 3x Forma'd Flux Rifle, the Conclave really adds up only depending on the mods you put on the Frame, idiots like you acting like it actually think Conclave = Skill of the Player/Power of the Player is the main reason Conclave needs to go, it literally put a block for the people who have low Conclaves that want to join those games but the host or people in that group are ignorant as to how Conclave even works. Lemme just put this out there, my Nova is 500 of my 1.1k Conclave when I actually bother using a all out set up on her. Now think about those who don't mod there Frames to hell but instead there Guns, the guns only account for 100-200 Conclave at most. So honestly, it's a bad system that promotes bad selection that Warframe really doesn't need.

You make a good point but conclave still gives us an idea of who's joining the match.

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Conclave = gear score = discrimination against people because they're under X gear score.



Um.. are you stupid? I can get 450 Conclave on my Excal Prime

Eh, yes and no, Skills are more vauable (generally offensive ones are worth the most) i.e. Nekro's soul punch = 120 conclave. That's a lot for a 3 point mod...

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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You make a good point but conclave still gives us an idea of who's joining the match.

This. Main reason i like the system. If i see some 200 Conclave newbie join my Survival, i would prefer to leave or try to find a better group while farming. The whole "Discrimination" theory is irreverent, people are going to discriminate regardless of whether it is a number or a frame they don't like. The real reason they are taking it out is because people won't stop complaining that they can't run T3 Survival with a high level group on there brand new unranked frames. I think Conclave is fine and should stay how it is.

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You make a good point but conclave still gives us an idea of who's joining the match.

No, it really doesn't. I can go on my Alt Account right now that's Mastery Rank 1 with a Potato'd Loki, and the Loki is 385 of that Conclave, the other 220~ is from a Cronus, AkLato and a Braton. No Potato's or anything, please tell me how this gives you an idea of the strength of the player joining the match, because I can guarntee the Loki on my Alt account could get into any Conclave "Locked" Match that's 600+ and bomb the whole team, as for my Loki on my normal account he easily doubles the conclave of that alt account but still stays around that 600-800 Range due to mod choices and weps and would be 40x as helpful. So all in all it shows nothing about who's joining the match just how many mods they bothered to stick on there frame and weps. Which hardly means they're automatically a asset.

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This. Main reason i like the system. If i see some 200 Conclave newbie join my Survival, i would prefer to leave or try to find a better group while farming. The whole "Discrimination" theory is irreverent, people are going to discriminate regardless of whether it is a number or a frame they don't like. The real reason they are taking it out is because people won't stop complaining that they can't run T3 Survival with a high level group on there brand new unranked frames. I think Conclave is fine and should stay how it is.

This is exactly the reason people hate it...

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Um.. are you stupid? I can get 450 Conclave on my Excal Prime with a 3x Forma'd Flux Rifle, the Conclave really adds up only depending on the mods you put on the Frame, idiots like you who actually think "Conclave = Skill of the Player/Power of the Player" is the main reason Conclave being visible needs to go, it literally put a block for the people who do have great set ups but aren't topping that 700-1k Conclave Range that want to join those games but the host or people in that group are ignorant as to how Conclave even works. Lemme just put this out there, my Nova is 500 of my 1.1k Conclave when I actually bother using a all out set up on her. Now think about those who don't mod there Frames to hell but instead there Guns, the guns only account for 100-200 Conclave at most. So honestly, it's a bad system that promotes bad selection that Warframe really doesn't need.

I never once said it equivalated to skill. It just stands to reason for me that if your conclave is low, then you have less mods on/ranked, which means your performance wouldn't match that of someone of x min conclave. And if i'm going to let someone in my key run, then i don't want someone they may under-preform.

Edited by Reku1
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This is exactly the reason people hate it...

It shouldn't be anyone's job to carry others if we choose not to. This just helps in deciding how much effort you want to put into a mission. If i don't want to carry 3 new Excaliburs through a survival then i shouldn't have to. I don't see how this is any different than leaving when you see someone using a MK-1 Braton and a Skana, which people do all the time. 

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I never once said it equivalated to skill. It just stands to reason for me that if your conclave is low, then you have less mods on/ranked, which means your performance wouldn't match that of someone of x min conclave. And if i'm going to let someone in my key run, then i don't want someone they may under-preform.

^ was going to type this haha xD

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where's yer bloody spines

carry those newbies and be damned proud you did so

I do run with lower lvs quite often, but i really should be able to choose when, i don't choose to bring lower lv people to my survivals because they end it at 5 min without me getting a say in it.

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It shouldn't be anyone's job to carry others if we choose not to. This just helps in deciding how much effort you want to put into a mission. If i don't want to carry 3 new Excaliburs through a survival then i shouldn't have to. I don't see how this is any different than leaving when you see someone using a MK-1 Braton and a Skana, which people do all the time. 

Again, this is why people hate it. Although, if one newbie joins, you can say "Hey, I don't think this mission is for you." And, really, there aren't too many missions where 3 other competent people can't carry them (T3 defense is the only one off hand I can think of)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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For some reason people are using the conclaves number systems are a legitimate reason to pick who gets to go on missions and who doesnt regardless of their actual skill level or not. Its been that way before the conclaves depending on your frame.


The conclaves itself, if used between friends and clans mates, is fun and a good break from the grind so not it doesnt need to be thrown away.

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