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tennogen is predictable



every tennogen round for more than half of them has the same creators getting their stuff in-game, looks really more like an exclusive club rather than a community. give other creators a chance, actually put the most popular items in the game instead of taking the boring and literally all the same looking skins 

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People have recurring entries because they're really damn good. Here's official quotes on the matter, and the source:

"We accept all pieces that meet criteria"

"If you see a lot of the same authors getting accepted, it is because they have learned the technical and stylistic requirements -- we do our best to communicate those requirements in our guides, but it's definitely a bit of a learning curve for new creators, especially if they are just mastering their craft."

Every creator gets feedback on their entry and is told how to improve it. Not sure what else DE is able to do in your mind, considering everything that meets the criteria is accepted, and everything that doesn't is given feedback.

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There's at least one case of a syandana not being accepted for over a year and nobody can figure out exactly why.

This round featured 7 different items that involved one particular creator. It's almost as bad as when they loaded one release with mostly Graxx stuff. Really puts a sour taste in my mouth.

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Some of the creators have forum topics here.  In those topics they fully explain the process for each of their creations and the feedback they received from DE.  Faven and HitsuSan are the two that I follow for updates and insight into the process.  

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