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Sorry Isn't Enough! You Still Haven't Told The Truth De!


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This whole drop table stuff has been a nightmare for a lot of us. How many keys were wasted after you assured us everything was ok to play and all drops had been fixed. I can't be sure but I'll bet it was in the tens of thousands.


The original tables being screwed up seems like a strech to begin with. Each table is complete different from the next. How did multiple entries get so far off of intended drop rate? When you removed stuff you had to redistribute % for items all over again. So you looked at forma being at 1% and others being at 0.6% and didn't think adding some of the available % back in to that? If this really was an accident that's fine and you had the opportunity to fix it. Everything would have been ok right here.


Instead you got on a live-stream and told everyone everything was fixed. This is where it couldn't have been "human error" anymore. You looked at the tables again and there is no way you looked at and left them like that by accident. You specifically mention upping forma % drop rates. What were they before 0.1% - 0.5%. Even after that people still complained nothing could be found and no one on your end was responding or doing anything about it.


Then the data miner drops the real tables and immediately you all were all over it and it was just a "mistake" again. You were "fixing it as fast as you could". What happened in all those other days of asking for them to be fixed and looked at.


You can't give us 50 plat and tell us sorry and then still not own up to what really happened. I don't have faith in you like some of these people anymore cause your still lying. I want you to own up to it or I won't trust you anymore. No more lying please. I can't trust your word on tables until its data mined. After any update I'll be waiting days before I waste rare consumable resources. 

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This whole drop table stuff has been a nightmare for a lot of us. How many keys were wasted after you assured us everything was ok to play and all drops had been fixed. I can't be sure but I'll bet it was in the tens of thousands.


The original tables being screwed up seems like a strech to begin with. Each table is complete different from the next. How did multiple entries get so far off of intended drop rate? When you removed stuff you had to redistribute % for items all over again. So you looked at forma being at 1% and others being at 0.6% and didn't think adding some of the available % back in to that? If this really was an accident that's fine and you had the opportunity to fix it. Everything would have been ok right here.


Instead you got on a live-stream and told everyone everything was fixed. This is where it couldn't have been "human error" anymore. You looked at the tables again and there is no way you looked at and left them like that by accident. You specifically mention upping forma % drop rates. What were they before 0.1% - 0.5%. Even after that people still complained nothing could be found and no one on your end was responding or doing anything about it.


Then the data miner drops the real tables and immediately you all were all over it and it was just a "mistake" again. You were "fixing it as fast as you could". What happened in all those other days of asking for them to be fixed and looked at.


You can't give us 50 plat and tell us sorry and then still not own up to what really happened. I don't have faith in you like some of these people anymore cause your still lying. I want you to own up to it or I won't trust you anymore. No more lying please. I can't trust your word on tables until its data mined. After any update I'll be waiting days before I waste rare consumable resources. 


I was going to formulate a logical response defending DE as I usually do, but the further I got in your post the more I realized it wasn't criticism but paranoia.


You are wrong. 


You try building a game with a large team of people, each group having an assigned section, then add in new people, and then put in a deadline and take away 3 days of sleep to get it done. That's what happened to DE, and they owned up to it. Most companies just say sorry for the mixup, heres some free crap.


DE took the time to explain what happened and PS: its the truth. 

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You can't give us 50 plat and tell us sorry and then still not own up to what really happened.


....Isn't apologizing for the errors and fixing them "owning up" to what happened? God damn I'm sick of people like this. DE gives and gives and gives and still gets bricks of hate thrown at them. Ugh.

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I love this game. I love the devs. You people are all so needy. They tried to apologize for their mistakes. They gave us 50 free plat for heavens sake. Just get used to the fact that you don't get everything you want. Sometimes there are bugs. This IS an OPEN BETA is it not? Mistakes will be made as long as it continues to be an OPEN BETA. So shut up and take what you get.

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yes, they lie all the time. there was more then enough facts and proves.

they can write fairytale stories but that doesn't change anything. (only for fools maybe)


same scam again:

-most important items don't drop after patch (bug? HAHAHA... sure. strange bug that happens since months...)

-hidded nerfs that make weapons/warframes nearly useless. (loki stealth in voids, teleport, torid etc. etc.)




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I believe he's mad that on Wednesday, on camera, they said "we looked at it and increased the forma drop". When clearly they hadn't. According to the apology someone pulled the consumables from the table but didn't fix the intervals.

They said it was increased but it wasn't. How can we trust their streams and posts when they say things were done to pacify us even when they clearly aren't?

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Have yet to even get my 50 Plat.


This company is so screwed up it's amazing the game is still running.


And? We didn't deserve the 50 plat either way, but since we were promised it we'll eventually get it. I love how people seem to only focus on their own selfish profiting. Yet another thing to be absolutely sick of.




I believe he's mad that on Wednesday, on camera, they said "we looked at it and increased the forma drop". When clearly they hadn't. According to the apology someone pulled the consumables from the table but didn't fix the intervals.

They said it was increased but it wasn't. How can we trust their streams and posts when they say things were done to pacify us even when they clearly aren't?


Because it's called human error? They checked the values again after we testers reported forma was still rare, and rectified it AS WELL AS gave an apology. That's more than what many other game companies would do.


The amount of self-entitled pricks in this forum is too damn high.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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And? We didn't deserve the 50 plat either way, but since we were promised it we'll eventually get it. I love how people seem to only focus on their own selfish profiting. Yet another thing to be absolutely sick of.


I'm sick of constant screw up's and cover up's and if not for me paying via Steam I'd have charged back every nickle and gave DE the finger.

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I think everyone who rages like this forgets that this is a BETA. They even said that the game i not finished, there will be mistakes and changes. They don't have to tell us anything or give us anything either like most companies. We are beta testers, we are expected to find whats wrong with the game. If you rage about finding things wrong with the game then you probably shouldn't be a beta tester.

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I'm sick of constant screw up's and cover up's and if not for me paying via Steam I'd have charged back every nickle and gave DE the finger.


Then leave if you're so sick of it.


Leave if you're tired of DE being so transparent, we learn of all their mistakes and how they're trying to rectify them.


Leave and go back to your Nexon or your PWE or your Blizzard and enjoy how they totally ignore your complaints and do whatever they want while rarely asking for player feedback.


Leave and bask in the glory that is their automated, mechanical messages to you and their playerbase without even a shred of humanity behind their statements.


Leave, and don't look back, if you're so "sick" of this.

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getting tired of reading all these anti-DE threads, but I'm stupid so I keep doing it

unless DE does something else wrong its all the same stuff


at least some of the other threads used pictures


edit: nvm I found one

Edited by FoxyKabam
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+1 for the OP.


I think they went overboard, but I'm tired of seeing the same thing happen every time resources are adjusted.






yes, they lie all the time. there was more then enough facts and proves.

they can write fairytale stories but that doesn't change anything. (only for fools maybe)


same scam again:

-most important items don't drop after patch (bug? HAHAHA... sure. strange bug that happens since months...)

This. I said the same thing on my clan forum earlier today.


They put out new uses for some resource and somehow every time the availability of that resource drops off a cliff at the same moment. Inexplicable droughts, nerfs, adjustments...  but there it is in the cash shop! They make bank and then they get to look like saints for listening to feedback or admitting mistakes. The last two times I noticed it I didn't think much of it, but at this point I'm really getting suspicious. 


It's not just the mistakes. Even if you assume it's all really by accident, there's still a decision that must happen beforehand about changing demand without changing supply. Someone is saying 'OK' to increased use without asking about increased availability or accepting that it's being put off.

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I believe he's mad that on Wednesday, on camera, they said "we looked at it and increased the forma drop". When clearly they hadn't. According to the apology someone pulled the consumables from the table but didn't fix the intervals.

They said it was increased but it wasn't. How can we trust their streams and posts when they say things were done to pacify us even when they clearly aren't?




....Isn't apologizing for the errors and fixing them "owning up" to what happened? God damn I'm sick of people like this. DE gives and gives and gives and still gets bricks of hate thrown at them. Ugh.


 No saying you made a "mistake" when clearly you just choose to leave them messed up like that is not owning up to it. Saying yes we told you they hadn't been stealth nerfed and that they had been raised when they clearly weren't isn't owning up to anything its more lies. Saying yes we left them and told you the opposite is the truth.


I love this game. I love the devs. You people are all so needy. They tried to apologize for their mistakes. They gave us 50 free plat for heavens sake. Just get used to the fact that you don't get everything you want. Sometimes there are bugs. This IS an OPEN BETA is it not? Mistakes will be made as long as it continues to be an OPEN BETA. So shut up and take what you get.


I didn't want the 50 plat. I don't want any money or compensation. I want them to stop lying until they're caught and then lying more to cover it up.


I think everyone who rages like this forgets that this is a BETA. They even said that the game i not finished, there will be mistakes and changes. They don't have to tell us anything or give us anything either like most companies. We are beta testers, we are expected to find whats wrong with the game. If you rage about finding things wrong with the game then you probably shouldn't be a beta tester.


I didn't rage I stated facts and what I'd like to see and that in my opinion they've been very underhanded.


Saying it's a beta is the best catch phrase ever. Just cause its a beta doesn't mean you should be spending your time grinding for items that aren't there to get. Then when asked say yea we noticed and fixed that. Please grind away some more. Then 3 days later get caught and say oops we messed them up again? If this hadn't been data mined they would not have fixed this today, tomorrow,or probably even next week.


Plus when you beta test and they don't owe you anything as you've said those companies are going to reset your account and start the game over when it's ready to be launched. This is beta as in its evolving not we can take your money and throw it away, but the money thing wasn't even my point to start off just the lies.

Edited by Zoibs
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You do know that all sorts of information can be mis-interpreted between developers, right? This happens everywhere, all the time, not necessarily with developers.





I don't think they're elephants that can remember everything they don't write down, they're ordinary people, doing an extraordinary (and extraneous) job

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Saying it's a beta is the best catch phrase ever. Just cause its a beta doesn't mean you should be spending your time grinding for items that aren't there to get. Then when asked say yea we noticed and fixed that. Please grind away some more. Then 3 days later get caught and say oops we messed them up again? If this hadn't been data mined they would not have fixed this today, tomorrow,or probably even next week.

This is my concern. DE told us they had increased the drop, in truth they had NOT. If it wasn't for this data mine how long would we have looked for items with a <1% drop chance before DE actually fix the tables??

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You do know that all sorts of information can be mis-interpreted between developers, right? This happens everywhere, all the time, not necessarily with developers.





I don't think they're elephants that can remember everything they don't write down, they're ordinary people, doing an extraordinary (and extraneous) job






Ok sounds like a good reason for the first time. When asked to look at it and then get on a live stream about it how was there more miscommunication. At this point you have had multiple people review it or you shoudn't be saying it's fixed. There's no way it got past this step without some one noticing.

Edited by Zoibs
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You do know that all sorts of information can be mis-interpreted between developers, right? This happens everywhere, all the time, not necessarily with developers.





I don't think they're elephants that can remember everything they don't write down, they're ordinary people, doing an extraordinary (and extraneous) job

Exactly. The video game industry isn't a easy job at all, let alone programming one! If more people knew what it took to make and program a video game, they would probably appreciate DE a lot more! I'm in college for video game design right now and it ain't as easy as you would think! Crunching code after a long day is very strenuous and you are bound to make a mistake. 

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You do know that all sorts of information can be mis-interpreted between developers, right? This happens everywhere, all the time, not necessarily with developers.





I don't think they're elephants that can remember everything they don't write down, they're ordinary people, doing an extraordinary (and extraneous) job

I am totally sympathetic to that. Until you go on camera saying things that you haven't verified and aren't true. Until you lie about the work done. There is a reason politicans give non-answers. Say "that should have been fixed but I'll check again" is different than "oh we already looked, we totally I creased the chance, dilution or whatever".

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