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Public Order of Fixing List


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Sorry about the strange title. I couldnt really think of anything else to name this. Anythow right to the point.

DE should create a public list of the changes they are working on based on feedback from the forrums.

1. It should go in order from curtent thing being worked on to the farthest in the future.

2. It should be updated every time something has been fixed to ans show what has been done.

3. You could possibly make a dedicated webpage for this list so it is easier to find and to update.

4. Based on community feedback (obviously)

5. Shows a short description of the plan for completing the fix.

I think this would be really nice to show the players you are listening because they can see that you have taken their feedback and are working on it. It wold also give us an Idea of when stuff is coming so if it isnt fixed in the next hotfix people will not feel like they have not been heard. It would also give players a chance to see what you are working on so they can provide feedback before you even fix the problem.


Thanks DE for creating my favorite game ever. I hope you find this comment helpful. 🙂




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Not a bad idea. But I think they'd have to hire someone just for this because it seems like a pretty big task, initially at least. I can also see it being annoying or stressful to the Devs because it would be a constant, public reminder of how far behind they can get with all the stuff they're trying to do. But yeah, more transparency is always welcomed. 

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Internally they likely already use a tool such as Trello for this specific task, they could simply use a plugin to embed a watered down copy of that board (or if they want to go full transparency) the actual trello board into a page on the site.

The only catch might be - players see a bug fix in the pipeline being worked on.. then it gets dropped off without being released.. now DE have to explain why they decided to re-prioritize or ignore a specific bug for now and that takes focus away from the other bugs they could be working on.

As a developer, I know sometimes the initial work involved in fixing a bug seems low, but as you start to dig into it, there may be extra dependencies no-one knew about and the scope of that work explodes forcing it to be re-prioritised or more often.. a complete re-work of that given system needs to happen as a standalone task often bundled with some new features that make it redundant. This kind of thing isn't going to be viable for DE to make publicly available.

So I guess, while the idea sounds really good in theory, in practice it may be a little more complicated to implement the right way without generating a significant level of additional work.

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1 hour ago, Malaki_7 said:

DE should create a public list of the changes they are working on based on feedback from the forrums.

Nope. Never. One of the worst ideas.

For starters, the active users of the forum are a fraction of a fraction of the player base that are not representative of the actual players. The players have 0 idea of what is required to fix some bugs and it just creates a weapon for the users to use against the devs. DE has a priority list and it isn't public for a good reason.

X bug was fixed first but Y was one that affected me personally. Obviously DE is a terrible dev!!111 Z should be easy but it is so far down the list, here's my petition to nuke DE from orbit.

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