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Edge grabbing


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Remove it, I'm done.

It's useless, outdated, random, clunky, bugs everything, has priority over everything until you get rid of it and whenever I do try to use it it just doesn't do anything or I slide up to said edge.

The worst bug I faced with it is while using Revenant: I do Danse Macabre, I use Reave then I can't do anything until the energy gets depleted or some nullifier blesses me with his presence. When Danse Macabre is forced to stop I see what the problem was: grabbing nothing in mid air or simply while walking.

It was somewhat useful during Parkour 2.0, now that we can basically fly it's just buggy

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19 hours ago, Asdryu said:

It's useless, outdated, random, clunky, bugs everything, has priority over everything until you get rid of it and whenever I do try to use it it just doesn't do anything or I slide up to said edge.

I disagree. Ledge grabbing is a neat mechanic which makes our actions feel a tad more dynamic and does help me stick jumps I didn't time very well. The issue, rather, is that DE seem to have designed a large number of their tilesets with no regard for terrain interaction - no straight edges - meaning all of the Parkour manoeuvres are unreliable and clunky. I suspect this may be a result of developing Parkour 2.0 (or whatever that's called) after designing those tilesets, I don't know. However, the new Jupiter Remastered tileset shows us how well the game's existing mobility mechanics can work if level designers actually account for them. You'll note that most walls in that tileset allow you to wall-run along them even if they have ribs or lips or ledges, and that the ledge grab mechanic you dislike actually does work pretty well there.

In short, the issue is tileset design.

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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

I suspect this may be a result of developing Parkour 2.0 (or whatever that's called) after designing those tilesets

You're basically right.

Ideally they could go over every tileset and adjust places where ledge grabbing doesn't work correctly, there are quite a few where it shouldn't be possible.

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43 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Ideally they could go over every tileset and adjust places where ledge grabbing doesn't work correctly, there are quite a few where it shouldn't be possible.

Agreed. Seems like what they did with Jupiter Remastered was to slap on very simplified invisible surfaces over every object, such that players collide with smooth flat planes rather than the complex and intricate geometry. Even if we don't see full remasters, I'd like to see something similar done to all or at least most other tilesets. Earth in particular could use a lot of invisible walls draped over the various jagged rocks such that we could wall-run and wall-climb... Pretty much any of the surfaces on that tileset.

And yes, I do agree that plenty of edges shouldn't be grabbable. Particularly small ledges at the tops of doors have no business being grabbed. We brush past those quite often as we jump through often doorways, and those constitute some of the most irritating aspects terrain traversal, at least for me. Various ribs and bumps in walls - particularly in the Grineer Galleon tileset - ought to also have no collision so they don't interrupt wall runs, like they currently do in a lot of places.

Basically, I agree with the OP's issue, but feel this is an example of a broader problem which requires a broader solution.

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Ask a fix for the bug?
That might need a megathread and who knows how many other troubles.

It would probably be much easier to just make a new one. Revenant isn't the only thing that gets bugged.
It simply takes too much of a priority over anything else. Idk how many times I have been randomly catapulted in operator mode

What, the operator is not supposed to be that agile and use parkour abilities? Well, he is apparently, that's how invasive edge grabbing is.

Edited by Asdryu
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