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Loki Refresh Ideas [Shapeshift power?]


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1: i do not hate loki, or his kit, but find that his invisibility of all things, is outshined by ivara and octavia. not so much ash. [utility and length]

i was thinking that they could easily give him a new power for his invisibility, and throw it into his bullet jumps instead. as a passive.

Kinda how limbo goes into the rift with his movement, or hildryn gets her shields, loki could bullet jump and go invisible for 24 seconds, and refresh it. or turn it off.

as well. to apply more use and utility to his kit, he could summon up to 4 decoys, that now attract enemy a.i better, and could be exploded or switch teleported with.

simply aim at a decoy with a reticule, and use the ability to explode it. this stuns nearby enemies with a disarming flash, dropping their weapons

or aim at an empty space to place 1 of 4. switch teleport cost nothing if you use it on a decoy. but if you use it on an ally, it turns them invisible for 8 seconds.

-Decoys do not 100% alert enemy a.i, instead it brings them to a curious state, as they will investigate, if unalerted

-an alert enemy will attack and try to kill the decoys, on death they flash/stun nearby enemies. but if the enemy is not alerted, or hostile, it does the above.

his ultimate would typically remain the same, disarming all opponents in the map, +augment causes confusion/radiation.

but if his invisibility is put into his movement, then it leaves open a spot for a new power [shapeshift? maybe]

Loki is notorious for shapeshifting, in lore, so what if his new power let him turn into enemies, or allies, temporarily. 

he can use it as a disguise to walk past enemies, undetected. and maybe issue commands with a new set of 3 powers, the 4th changes him back.

if he picks an ally, he can turn into that warframe, he gets access to their 1 2 3, but not ultimates, instead, the 4 power changes him back to loki.


This is just a Few ideas for Loki and his kit, a slight refresh, or new breath of life into his being. 

1: move his invisibility into his movement, bullet jumps, like how Limbo and Hildryn sort of function. 

He still has access to his full invisibility functions, but can jump in and out of it at will. (this leaves open 1 new slot for his new power)

2: Loki may now place up to 4 decoys, that also function slightly different than before.

^If an enemy is unalerted, they will cautiously approach decoys, and try to smack them. they will not alert 100%, more like 50%, they will not go for alarms.

^They are more curious than aggressive.

But, if you are in battle, and they are alerted, they will just attack and try to kill them as normal, or as if you were them. 

-On death, decoys explode in a small 6m radial flash/disarm explosion, they stun enemies for 2 seconds, and cause them to drop their weapons.

Aimed at a free cell places a decoy, aimed at a decoy, you can manually destruct them now, to activate their stun/disarm.

3: Switch teleport is now free on your decoys. and if you use it, you will turn invisible for 4 seconds after teleporting with them or allies

If you switch teleport with an ally, both you and them are invisible for 4 seconds.

Switch-Teleporting with a decoy Refills its health as well. +it bolsters it by 50%

4: Loki's new power is =Shapeshift=. you can target Enemies or Ally Warframes with this power.

In enemy form, you can give up to 3 commands, that replace your power bar, and the ultimate changes you back to loki.

In warframe form, you can use that warframes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, powers, but the ultimate changes you back to loki.

The commands as an enemy are

1: that way, which tells other enemies to check out a spot or direction, making nearby enemies flee in a direction [Flee]

2: under control, which calms nearby enemies of the alert status, and may convince them to turn off alarms [Calm]

3: attack, which may cause the enemies to attack another enemy under suspicion of actually being you. [Confusion]


Radial Disarm remains the same as before. it disarms enemies in the area, and +augment causes radiation procs. 

^only change is that, now loki's Decoys cast radial disarm as well with loki. but to a smaller range, about half. so each of them, no matter where cast his ultimate when he does.


-When Loki Turns into any frame, he does not gain their stats, just their look and 1/2/3 powers. 

Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
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i wanna turn into a Grineer Grunt, and just yell Tenno SKOOOOOM constantly.

What if with the 3 commands as an enemy, they spoke per command. 

Obviously the [Flee] command, as a grineer would make you point and shot Tenno Skoom.  over and over.

These commands cost 0 energy. so, have at THEE

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Why do you want to rework Loki?

He is and has always been one of the best Frames in the game, he doesn't even have a bad Augment..

The changes to his invilibility whould be massivly OP,

while the changes to his ability to disarm enemies whould be a massive nerf for group play.

The changes to his Switch Teleoprt whould make his Switchguard Augment obsolete.

And the new 4 is quite frankly, simply boring.

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1 hour ago, Walkampf said:

Why do you want to rework Loki?

He is and has always been one of the best Frames in the game, he doesn't even have a bad Augment..

The changes to his invilibility whould be massivly OP,

while the changes to his ability to disarm enemies whould be a massive nerf for group play. [???]

The changes to his Switch Teleoprt whould make his Switchguard Augment obsolete.

And the new 4 is quite frankly, simply boring. [its the same 4]


not really a rework, but a refresh, still the same loki, but with small tweaks, like what happened with Zephyr. 

his 4 did not change, minus the +his decoys casting Radial disarm when he does. its basically the same.

1 hour ago, Fraank said:

leave loki alone. He is perfect as he is. 

Maybe his invis should be recastable (Octavias invis is sort of recastable) but this is it. He is neither weak nor overpowered. 


i just wanted more with him and his skills. to give his powers a bit more life.

His decoys can be self destructed to provide a disarm/flash stun. to enemies around them, and would draw in more enemies easier

Built in mechanics around his decoys, + the ability to shade our allies with switch teleport for 4 seconds can be helpful.


awhile back i had a few other ideas for a possible new 3. but not sure what those were

but i honestly believe as a mechanic, he should be able to drop in and out of invisibility easily. he has not changed in like 5 years

We got Ivara, and octavia now. who do invisibility way better. but i just think he should stay as the master of it. 

I mean, what if he could go invisible at will, in or out of it. there is so much stuff that can be done with tricks, and illusions. just gotta imagine. 

i wouldnt want a dps or tank thing. but shapeshifting sounds cool. turning into an enemy, and messing with their a.i 


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"Why do you want to rework Loki?"
I don't believe the guy had the ability to write this after all the explanations of the post.
Anyway ...
I liked the ideas of this Loki rework, for me they are very welcome. Loki is an old Warframe in the game, and currently his first ability is quite outdated compared to Wukong's first ability which is basically the same thing only a thousand times better. Loki teleporting is also useless in most cases.

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Unlike Ash, Loki has the base duration for Invisibility to make it a great, worth while ability. Making it passive though? And like Limbo's rift dodge? OP AF. Invisibility may be a hobo's invulnerability, but that's still incredibly strong. Limbo's rift dodge is already ridiculously strong, but at least Limbo can't shoot enemies across the rift. Loki on the other hand has full use of weapons while invisible. This feature absolutely needs a duration and energy consumption, or else it's ridiculously strong. So, I'm gonna have to say a hard no on that passive.

Honestly, Loki's 2 and 4 are fine as they are. If you really want to rework anything, you could rework the 1 and 3, which do indeed have niche utility.

Given the low health and shield of the decoy, it effectively makes the augment useless when it dies so quickly AND draws enemy fire. If I were to rework the ability, it would require a new augment as well. And Switch Teleport has little for combat utility apart from getting Loki or an Ally into and out of Combat, and a very brief disorientation.


1. Decoy: 25 energy: Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire. Target an enemy to make them into a decoy.

Changes: When cast while not targeting an enemy, the decoy placed now copies Loki's health, armor, and shields (I know loki is not the tankiest frame, but it's honestly better than it was). When targeting an enemy, the target is bound in place, and is unable to take any actions. The decoy is projected onto the targeted enemy, and uses their health, armor, and shields instead. The enemy becomes invulnerable to to Loki and Ally gunfire and melee damage, storing the damage until the ability ends. The enemy bound by Decoy becomes vulnerable to enemy gun and melee attacks and drawing their enmity. The ability ends early if the target dies.

Synergy: Switch Teleport: Loki can switch teleport with his Decoy, including moving the bound enemy to his previous location.

Augment: Suspicion: When Loki's Decoy dies, it explodes for 200 radiation damage in a 15m radius with a 100% status proc chance.

Reason: This change would give the decoy a bit more durability to make it actually survive for a bit while it's stationary drawing enemy fire. It would also give it more combat utility by also turning enemies on each other, which is further improved by the augment. Its long duration would be useful by placing the decoy on a durable, dangerous target, neutralizing it while drawing enemy fire to kill it.

Video reference for the idea (When Loki disguises Thor):


3. Switch Teleport: 50 energy: Loki instantaneously swaps positions with a target, confusing the enemy.

Changes: When Loki switches with an enemy, it is inflicted with a radiation proc and Loki gains +50% radiation damage to his weapons for 30 seconds, using his weapons' status chance. If Loki switches with an ally, their weapons also gain +50% Radiation Damage for 30 seconds and use their weapons' status chance.

Augment: No change.

Reason: The base ability isn't bad. It has some niche utility when paired with Decoy already, but realistically, it lacks significant combat utility apart from getting Loki or an Ally either into the middle of the fight or out of one. This would at least cause some CC/damage via radiation's proc effect causing enemies to attack one another as well as give Loki and his allies increased damage, and CC ability via radiation procs.


For a frame which is suppose to be "The Trickster" it lacks in trickery apart from a lackluster Decoy ability. These changes would significantly improve that by making use of radiation procs and getting enemies to attack one another via his illusion while not acting on a mass scale like Nyx does. These wouldn't be huge changes, because the frame doesn't need a huge overhaul, just some tweaks to bring it up to speed with current frames.

Edited by xZeromusx
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2019-07-25 at 2:35 PM, imagemturbo said:

"Why do you want to rework Loki?"
I don't believe the guy had the ability to write this after all the explanations of the post.
Anyway ...
I liked the ideas of this Loki rework, for me they are very welcome. Loki is an old Warframe in the game, and currently his first ability is quite outdated compared to Wukong's first ability which is basically the same thing only a thousand times better. Loki teleporting is also useless in most cases.

i never really use lokis switch teleport unless, you place decoy outside laser field, teleport to it, in most spy missions.

in spy his teleport + decoy works, but in the rest of the game, its kind of pointless. His main use was invisibility and radial disarm.

But overall, Ash, Ivara, and Octavia beat him in that regards, and in stats, he is easily 1 shotted by anything. 


On 2019-07-26 at 10:37 AM, xZeromusx said:

For a frame which is suppose to be "The Trickster" it lacks in trickery apart from a lackluster Decoy ability. These changes would significantly improve that by making use of radiation procs and getting enemies to attack one another via his illusion while not acting on a mass scale like Nyx does. These wouldn't be huge changes, because the frame doesn't need a huge overhaul, just some tweaks to bring it up to speed with current frames.

yeah, he doesnt have much trickery at all. and his decoy is barely able to draw to much of a distraction, good augment though. just not much use outside spy

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