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Sell more things from inventory?


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So I've slowly noticed a backlog of things I have no intention of using, but are permanently bloating my inventory. Most of it is leftover quest items (like the Pherilac Pods, Limbo Theorems, etc.), even though I've completed the quest. Perhaps I could be allowed to sell these off for some credits, if only to get rid of them?

The other offender is Kubrow Eggs. I have my space dog, space cat, and space... thing. Given that I can technically have unlimited space pets, but really only want one of each (aka, what I already have), could I potentially sell off extra Kubrow Eggs for credits or Trade them? Maybe limit the trade to "has completed Howl of the Kubrow", though I'd rather you not since there's already a Starter Kit you can buy in the Market that would achieve the same thing.

Having the option would be nice. I know they're tied to quests (like Howl of the Kubrow for Eggs, and Limbo Theorem), but once I've passed a certain point, I don't need 12+ Kubrow  Eggs or leftover quest items. Mostly just a thought.

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One thing I would like being able to sell are Syndicate sigils, they are easy to buy back, but why would I use any other than the one which gives the most standing?

Lesser rank syndicate sigils which I used to rank up my Syndicates early in the game still clutter the sigil selection UI in my Arsenal to this day.

Edited by D_Caedus
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On 2019-08-11 at 3:27 AM, D_Caedus said:

One thing I would like being able to sell are Syndicate sigils, they are easy to buy back, but why would I use any other than the one which gives the most standing?

Lesser rank syndicate sigils which I used to rank up my Syndicates early in the game still clutter the sigil selection UI in my Arsenal to this day.

I routinely run "lower grade" Sigils. I tihnk I only run one frame with the Steel Meridian Champion Sigil, cause it's massive even after shrunk. It's all about the fashionframe, though you could stick one on your back at 100% transparency I suppose. I just find it fun to incorporate sigils on the chest. Doesn't affect my ability to max my cap on a whim.

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В 09.08.2019 в 01:11, TheSixOfDiamonds сказал:

but really only want one of each

Technically you want 5 dogs, 2 cants and 1... thing. Cause mastery. Yeah, you can consing unused breeds later, but still that's more than one egg.

But in general I agree that we have too many things in the inventory that I'd like to throw away that it's not even funny

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