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Conservation is continuing to deteriorate...........


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Dont let this mode become a giant turd.  Its really fun when it is working.   

-make tracks more visible or get rid of them and just show us where the call spots are.

But the big deal is animal AI.  Critters are getting more and more busted by the patch....  

-Some animals can spawn right on top of you (stovers/kubrows).  Some stovers also spawn already alerted and pissed off and come running to the call spot.  

-Sawgaws are completely broken.   They only sit for a second before trying to take off again and when they do try to take off they slide around on the surface they are on before going straight up.  Hits are not registering.

-The latest victim to patch updates are Horrasques.   I dont know if they are bugged or if they were bugged already and this is how they are suppose to act.   If they were "fixed" this would be infuriating because what fixed them??  Did you guys waste time making these guys harder to catch while leaving stovers/saws broken??   Anyways to the point.   NOW (and not previously) any near miss and some actual hits cause Horrasque to turn and burn.  You have to tranq these guys twice...and before they would NEVER run unless they saw you or something which never happened to me.   Now they bug out all the time.  I also got a second shot in on one the other night as he ran but he still escaped..   

-You have poop piles that do not activate.  You walk up,  interact with them,  no tracks or search area.   

-You have poop locations where there is no poop.  Well these are usually caves/stovers.   The entrance will be marked and then when you go into the cave there is no marker and sometimes no poop.   Sometimes the poop was suppose to be at the entrance and is not.   (the poop is not on top of the cave system either)

-It feels like animal eyesight range has been increased also... 30 meters used to be plenty of room to not spook animals but last night I was 40 meters away from a Bola and the damn thing spotted me.

-I have a silenced tranq gun, the pobbers never see me.... I shoot the pobber furthest in back first = perfect,  I shoot the middle pobber = perfect,  no matter what though the 3rd pobber is always alerted and is never perfect, just good??  How??? I pick off the first two little mofo's before they even get to the call spot.  The third one gets there alone.  But what the hell is spooking him??  Being lonely? lol.   He shouldnt be hearing anything,  he doesnt see anthing because its all happening behind him... so wtf...

I like to hunt to farm standing for Fortuna and I also like to take others on hunts to get them tags/standing but im running out of stuff that actually works right...  


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah it's honestly been so bad the last few times I went out to do some conservation.  I don't know what's going on but I've had atleast over half these problems in recent months.

The Pobblers one in particular gets on my nerves because we are penalized for a bug!  I've also had the already alerted enemies (even in total invis)  I forget what the name of the bird things are, but they're impossible to catch it seems, I dump tranqs into them and they just fly to the next spot then when I try to shoot them there they just take off.  They completely ignore the fact I hit them with like 4 tranqs beforehand. 

They need to fix the bugs making it currently bad, and also conservation needs a few QoL features:

1. They need to fix the fact that we've never had proper Archwing maneuverability with the damn Tranq gun equipped, sick of flying slow speeds everywhere because you're forced to have the gun out to know where the hunting locations are.  

2. I should be able to cast powers while the Tranq gun is equipped.  I usually hunt as Loki and I hate that I have to put the gun away every 40 seconds to cast invis, only to take it out again, it's cumbersome.  

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z said:

They need to fix the bugs making it currently bad, and also conservation needs a few QoL features:

1. They need to fix the fact that we've never had proper Archwing maneuverability with the damn Tranq gun equipped, sick of flying slow speeds everywhere because you're forced to have the gun out to know where the hunting locations are.  

2. I should be able to cast powers while the Tranq gun is equipped.  I usually hunt as Loki and I hate that I have to put the gun away every 40 seconds to cast invis, only to take it out again, it's cumbersome.  

1. Pull your tranq gun out on the ground, mark the nearest animal poop,  THEN get in your AW and fly to your waypoint.   ( I thought you were talking about using AW to hunt sawgaws lol.  I use AW to get above the mushrooms and its hard/slow with tranq out)

2. Having the tranq gun out brings its own ability button layout.  One button equips echolure, another pheremones.   How will that stuff work if you can access your warframe abilities??   But more importantly......Dont go invis until right before you do an animal call.  (also it sounds like you need to make a floof hunting version of Loki.   Lots of enemy radar mods,  max duration/effeciency so your invis last waaaay longer than 40 seconds??)

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17 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

1. Pull your tranq gun out on the ground, mark the nearest animal poop,  THEN get in your AW and fly to your waypoint.   ( I thought you were talking about using AW to hunt sawgaws lol.  I use AW to get above the mushrooms and its hard/slow with tranq out)

2. Having the tranq gun out brings its own ability button layout.  One button equips echolure, another pheremones.   How will that stuff work if you can access your warframe abilities??   But more importantly......Dont go invis until right before you do an animal call.  (also it sounds like you need to make a floof hunting version of Loki.   Lots of enemy radar mods,  max duration/effeciency so your invis last waaaay longer than 40 seconds??)

1. How can I mark them though when they're far?  sometimes the nearest one is 100s upons 100s of m away.

2. I guess for me its different because I use the legacy controls.  I use touchpad for my powers which was the default this game shipped with all those years ago.  My powers don't use the R1 + Shape system most people use now.  For me it doesn't clash with the tranq guns system, but I do understand how it would for other people.   

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Hold your map button down so it opens the advanced map.   Move the cursor to a poop marker.   Then use Left D-pad to mark a waypoint...(default control).   

Sometimes this breaks and you are unable to waypoint certain places on the map but this is rare.   Also if you drop a waypoint far off if you jump on and off a K-drive or Archwing alot it can make the waypoint disappear.  

But I track an animal, blows its brains out, check my map for the next spot and mark it,  hop on my AW and rocket over there,  and repeat......  

You can also do the same thing with K-drive races.....hop on a custom K-drive,  open the ADVANCED map(hold the map button down),  find purple race spots,  mark them,  close map, hop off k-drive, jump into AW, fly to race npc.   

I also use the advanced map to reach mission tents in PoE.  I have most of them marked with "Loc-Pins" ( a dojo bp/item).  After I finish a bounty I open the advanced map, see which tent is the closest,  mark it,  then fly there.  

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I had noticed this with the Sawgaws but had thought that I must have been hitting the fungus. Ditto with being detected while invisible (Ivara's Prowl active, Pobbers bolted when close).

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I'm sure that previously only poop/call spots for animals that you owned a lure for would appear. I've started seeing poop/call spots for all animals now, even the ones I don't own the lure for.

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On 2019-09-23 at 8:07 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

lol.  Yeah that deinately not suppose to happen....(seeing call spots for stuff u dont have lures for).   Were you with anyone else who maybe did have the extra lures?  

No, I was playing solo at the time.

On 2019-09-24 at 1:45 AM, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

They can smell you if you are up wind of them.

Normally I'm careful about which way the wind is blowing, but there's every chance that I got it wrong that time.

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