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Raid Still Has A Place


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Its simple.


Story of Survival gamemode: You are part of a team of Tenno tasked to distract enemies while Tenno(s) raid the ship behind the scenes.


Story of Raid gamemode: You are the Tenno(s) that is/are raiding the ship while a separate team is taking the heat off your back.


See? It fits in.


But, no, don't just bring back Raid. Change it a little so that it fits the lore better.

Like... since the distraction team is helping you distract enemies, you should face little to no enemy resistance.

In return, you have to face traps, security systems and whatnot designed to keep you from successfully raiding the ship.

So gone are the days where you are able to just waltz right into the artifact room and whisk the artifact away.


Also, the distraction team are getting choked out. On. The. Same. Ship.

Think that doesn't affect you? Think again.

You don't have all day. Or all the oxygen in the world.

Adds a little action paced element to an already familiar gamemode

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Also, the distraction team are getting choked out. On. The. Same. Ship.

Think that doesn't affect you? Think again.

You don't have all day. Or all the oxygen in the world.

Adds a little action paced element to an already familiar gamemode


Any good spaceship can vent the oxygen from select rooms, rather than the entire vessel.


Thanks FTL.

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Any good spaceship can vent the oxygen from select rooms, rather than the entire vessel.


Thanks FTL.

Also true for real life.

Actually I really like the idea of this, Obstacle courses with loot crates scattered across the course, plenty of traps to make it interesting, and a survival timer.

The only thing I might see being a problem is Volt, since he would be able to speed through it, but then again, so was the thing in raids.

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Recently noticed that too when Lotus described the Survival mission.


They simply replaced players rushing through a ship to steal the stuff from it, with an unseen NPC rushing through a ship while players have to cover his &#! by distracting everyone on board.


Of course this raises one major problem, why are the enemies not cutting off life support EVERY TIME we attack one of their ships? Meaning in Defence, Rescue, Spy and Sabotage missions. Likewise how can infested cut off the life support?


The harsh truth is of course that Steve lied. Raid wasn't the least favorit game mode for players, it was the easiest and most straight forward and they don't want players to finish their levels in less than 10 minutes. However because it still makes too much sense for the fluff, they keep it in the backround via survival.


About your idea LiquidBreakfast. It sounds like a really nice alternative. Perhaps with the objects to steal requiring jump puzzles or team work to be accesible.

Edited by Othergrunty
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It would seem to be fun and interesting.

But we can hardly shoot anything, because no enemies are there to shoot.

Loses main point of game.


This could be an opportunity for DE to finally introduce those elusive "stealth" missions some players have been waiting to see. Sure, there are are less enemies, but should you be discovered, the enemy will realize that the Survival Team was just a distraction, and all hell can break loose from there I'm sure.


Maybe there could be an indefinite amount of loot rooms, each one having a chance to be a key or rare mod just like the Survival rewards, but you can only raid them so long as you remain undetected. Get caught, and the loot rooms could be locked down, or life support could be cut off in your sector, meaning you have to abort the mission before you are captured/killed.

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About your idea LiquidBreakfast. It sounds like a really nice alternative. Perhaps with the objects to steal requiring jump puzzles or team work to be accesible.

Maybe they could implement the grappling hook here too. The team has to reach areas only accessible with them and hack consoles to open loot rooms. Another thing is that it can latch to certain objects that you have to move to reveal secret rooms with caches of loot.

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I like the idea of endless raid stealth mode with traps. Get found, game over. Could be done in a spiral shape, so that extraction is always at the center of the spiral. If caught, the artifact rooms are shut off completely, and the mission becomes a race to the nearest exit, with a timer before doors are perma-locked(thus, trapping you, ending the mission).


As for why they don't *always* do the oxygen thing, it's basically the logistics--in survival, we purposely set off the alarm in an empty sector of the ship. Every single soldier sent after us knows they're going into the air-depleted area, and what to expect. Regularly, there's patrols wandering around who would be unprepared to deal with the sudden depletion(consider what happens when you break the glass). As ruthless as they all are, murdering the poor suckers out on regular patrol is wasteful.


Defense missions, as best I can tell, are technically "our turf", with enemies invading our (captured)ships/outposts, not vice versa. Ergo, turning off the oxygen would require extra effort.


As for infested survival, I'm under the impression it's some other faction turning off the oxygen, and then unleashing whatever infested they've quarantined on board to kill us.

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I was about to propose the same idea !


Stealth gameplay, as an option, for a (solo ?) mission in parallel to the 4 guys doing the diversion. It would be wonderful.

The two missions would be linked only by the fact that they start at the same time (no need for a single host I guess) and would depend on each other only for the duration and the reward. Once the oxygen reached 0% in the diversion, the raider meets more enemies and must reach extraction, but doesn't suffer from lack of oxygen. Should he have a timer ?

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Believe it or not, raid's still in the game. However, the only way to actually get a raid mission is to have Lotus give you a secondary objective after completing the first (easy to do on corpus ships.) which happens at random. I had it happen to me once after update 10, it was interesting.

Edited by Glisp
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I like the idea of endless raid stealth mode with traps. Get found, game over. Could be done in a spiral shape, so that extraction is always at the center of the spiral. If caught, the artifact rooms are shut off completely, and the mission becomes a race to the nearest exit, with a timer before doors are perma-locked(thus, trapping you, ending the mission).



You're idea OP coupled with this one sound really awesome. +1

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