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What needs to change in conclave:

nothing, conclave is a perfect mode that helps take the monogamy away from the PVE side of conclave. that being said a lot of things need to be done INSIDE of conclave in order to make it the best and fun mode it can be, and as a player who has almost 100k kills in the mode with an measurable amount of time in the mode its safe to say i have been through the ringer enough to give this level of feedback and it all starts with the following;


 After the chains of harrow update we lost the few devs we had working on balancing and adding content into the mode, we even had a list of changes of what was done in conclave in the feedback notes (something that stopped after chains of harrow) and not even that the conclave devs made sure weapon changes hat were PVE balanced STAYED PVE changes and wouldn't seep through and unbalance the mode (like what we are seeing with the staticor and soon bows)

please for the love of god return our drafted boys back to us

manual tweaks to weapons 

even if we don't get our dedicated team back the community is desperately crying out for weapon tweaks, additions and removals. like the base game conclave is ever evolving and requires maintenance in order to keep the mode ticking over smoothly. immediate changes consist of the following;


  • telos boltace
  • simulor 

from my experience these weapons require little to no effort to use since they rely mainly on pve mechanics of lazy effortless game play which does not fit into conclave at all and as they currently stand are very easily exploited and if added to certain loadouts break and unbalance the game 


  • gunblades

add a bit f spice and different play and strategy to the mode, (obvious play testing would be required to see balancing) 


  • Loki decoy
  • staticor
  • daikyu
  • cernos prime
  • snipetron
  • rubico

these are just a select few things that require balancing in conclave in order to return vast weapon type use and gameplay strategy back into the mode, high damage fast firing weapon like these require delicate nerfs in order to keep the satisfaction players get from using them while making it so those players don't overpower the entire lobby 

staticor for example needs to have its charge rate decreased along with its aoe range and falloff dramatically decreased wile also having the damage from running into players removed also. but on the back of that increase the dame on the tap throwing of the weapon and keep the knockdown to players if they run into you while charging the staticor up.

Personal and final thoughts

I have been playing since 1.0 on pluto, so i know a thing about a mode being unbalanced. but if conclave continues to be like this then it will be even more unbalanced than its original incarnation (because at least everything 1 shot and it wasn't the same loadouts over and over) please DE return our dedicated devs or supply us with new ones. we don't ask for constant new maps or rewards, just teaks and meta changes to keep skill balancing forever changing and fun, thank you. 


Edited by (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX
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Yep. Even I put the snipetron down for a while. It was all I would use for a good while. Gun blades do sound interesting tho. And while they’re at it, they could add the stance for that and the one for the two handed Nikana.

Now I think certain frames should get balanced too. Nezha and Atlas are the ones I see spammed the most. 


Divine Spears will one shot most frames unless they have good enough health and shields. Also has a near instant cast time. Nezha definitely shouldn’t start matches with full energy because people resort to this as soon as the match starts most of the time. Oberon’s 4 can catch you pretty fast if you’re in range, but at least he’s vulnerable during the whole thing. Nezha just does the move and is completely free to move right after

Atlas on the other hand, just causes a petrify effect when casting rumblers. The only issue is that the duration of the petrify is extremely long. Long enough for them to gloat before actually killing you.

i can’t think of any other powers that are too broken, but a few are quite underwhelming. They could always update teshin with more augment mods. Maybe even some skins for the newer weapons 🤷🏽‍♂️




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3 minutes ago, (PS4)BEN_drowned__ said:

Yep. Even I put the snipetron down for a while. It was all I would use for a good while. Gun blades do sound interesting tho. And while they’re at it, they could add the stance for that and the one for the two handed Nikana.

Now I think certain frames should get balanced too. Nezha and Atlas are the ones I see spammed the most. 


Divine Spears will one shot most frames unless they have good enough health and shields. Also has a near instant cast time. Nezha definitely shouldn’t start matches with full energy because people resort to this as soon as the match starts most of the time. Oberon’s 4 can catch you pretty fast if you’re in range, but at least he’s vulnerable during the whole thing. Nezha just does the move and is completely free to move right after

Atlas on the other hand, just causes a petrify effect when casting rumblers. The only issue is that the duration of the petrify is extremely long. Long enough for them to gloat before actually killing you.

i can’t think of any other powers that are too broken, but a few are quite underwhelming. They could always update teshin with more augment mods. Maybe even some skins for the newer weapons 🤷🏽‍♂️




Underwhelming ults are like Octavia and nidus (to some extent)

I dont see them creating new stances but i defiantly wouldn't mind it if they didnt have the innate damage multiplier on certain combos like the pve ones do

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I think to make conclave good you need to ignore mods, for conclave the mods in general should not be allowed, every warframe 3 & 4th ability negated, passives negated, if a warframe ability blinds, suspends or disable the victims movement that should be reworked for example trynity 1 & 2 to drain you but not to suspend you midair, blind abilities like excal 2 to be more of a short stunt for 1.5 second than an actual blind.

Give love to the game mode once properly balanced that way it might get more popular.

Edited by prodi1600
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3 hours ago, ALazyMushroom said:

does anyone know whether DE still review conclave feedback broad?

oh come on why DE need to waste time on a gamemode which only 0.001% player keeping playing

Because that one mode is more active than half of the entire star chart thats why. And because like I pointed out pvp is a less mind numbing experience in regards of using weapons.

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3 hours ago, prodi1600 said:

I think to make conclave good you need to ignore mods, for conclave the mods in general should not be allowed, every warframe 3 & 4th ability negated, passives negated, if a warframe ability blinds, suspends or disable the victims movement that should be reworked for example trynity 1 & 2 to drain you but not to suspend you midair, blind abilities like excal 2 to be more of a short stunt for 1.5 second than an actual blind.

Give love to the game mode once properly balanced that way it might get more popular.

Though i roughly agree with what you are trying to put forward, movement slowing abilities are very few and far between on use imo, though i do think increasing the cost of them to 50 energy rather than a 25 spam ability would be a nice middle ground to go on.

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I can live with telos boltace but staticor needs to go, as nice as it is in PVE it’s just completely broken in conclave. And it’s allowing particular toxic players to spam *cough* Kantus. It’s True conclave isn’t that popular but why even have the game mode if DE are going to completely ignore it? Battacor, nagantaka etc have been around for a while but not in PVP. How hard is that to balance? DE need to either balance the mode or just remove, better dead than alive at this rate. But as ribbium said, it’s a fun mode; DE just need to pull the finger out, it’s not hard. Nuke staticor and Simulor; nezha needs a fat YEET too. Synergises way too well with telos boltace and the fourth ability reminds me of fist of panic days in destiny. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)scrublord909 said:

I can live with telos boltace but staticor needs to go, as nice as it is in PVE it’s just completely broken in conclave. And it’s allowing particular toxic players to spam *cough* Kantus. It’s True conclave isn’t that popular but why even have the game mode if DE are going to completely ignore it? Battacor, nagantaka etc have been around for a while but not in PVP. How hard is that to balance? DE need to either balance the mode or just remove, better dead than alive at this rate. But as ribbium said, it’s a fun mode; DE just need to pull the finger out, it’s not hard. Nuke staticor and Simulor; nezha needs a fat YEET too. Synergises way too well with telos boltace and the fourth ability reminds me of fist of panic days in destiny. 

Yeah. I was pissed when I saw Cobra and Crane wasn't in it. I may be wrong but wasn't Wolf Sledge the most recent weapon to be added ?


At this point tho, I can expect any new frame to not be Included because of their abilities. That's kind of a good thing but also a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. But one thing I can't agree with you on is Telos. That S#&$'s gotta go. No questions asked 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BEN_drowned__ said:

Yeah. I was pissed when I saw Cobra and Crane wasn't in it. I may be wrong but wasn't Wolf Sledge the most recent weapon to be added ?


At this point tho, I can expect any new frame to not be Included because of their abilities. That's kind of a good thing but also a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. But one thing I can't agree with you on is Telos. That S#&$'s gotta go. No questions asked 

I wouldn't even say the wolf sledge was "added" it was just left to be allowed in which is why it 1 shot on the throw when it first appeared because de didnt balance it 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)BEN_drowned__ said:

Yeah. I was pissed when I saw Cobra and Crane wasn't in it. I may be wrong but wasn't Wolf Sledge the most recent weapon to be added ?


At this point tho, I can expect any new frame to not be Included because of their abilities. That's kind of a good thing but also a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. But one thing I can't agree with you on is Telos. That S#&$'s gotta go. No questions asked 

Lol I’m not saying it should stay, it shouldn’t but I’ll be ok if it’s not nerfed/removed . 

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The Telos Boltace is almost single handedly keeping me out of conclave, since I play Zephyr it's pulling mechanic actually tugs her off her feet and triggers her passive that makes her float, so I end up awkwardly twirling on the spot and can't get out it and basically give people a free kill. Don't even get killed by the Boltace itself, just stuck spinning in place and then get executed by whatever guns they have.

It also happens through walls and doors, so that's always fun.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Verity_06 said:

The Telos Boltace is almost single handedly keeping me out of conclave, since I play Zephyr it's pulling mechanic actually tugs her off her feet and triggers her passive that makes her float, so I end up awkwardly twirling on the spot and can't get out it and basically give people a free kill. Don't even get killed by the Boltace itself, just stuck spinning in place and then get executed by whatever guns they have.

It also happens through walls and doors, so that's always fun.

Yeah that mechanic was kind of a bad decision... No other weapon does that... Don't know why the Telos Boltace is an exception.

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