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Dual Ichors & Hold The Charge - A Glorious Functionality On A Subpar Weapon. Please Revise Older Charge Weapons.


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First of all, I am delighted to the point of giggling that a function we have been asking for since early U6 is in the game: Hold the charge on melee. For all that's good and holy, thank you, DE. This took a while, but it finally got in and I am truly happy for any poor soul who has been hoping for this since we still had +% Melee damage on our frames and +% Firerrate on our melees.


But why put it on the Dual Ichors, exclusively? Please add this functionality to all "charge" weapons, such as Plasmasword, Gram, etc. Do the right thing, do the good thing - don't leave those pour sods in the rain who are still trying to make melee a viable game element. Melee gameplay is getting shafted enough.


The Ichors themselves aren't very appealing (taste) or performing (stats). Their attackrate is so-and-so, but they can helicopter a little bit. Without any special damage type or other features, the Ichors end up in an undefined corner of the melees. A little fast, a little this, a little that, awesome charge functionality without being a charge weapon.


The Ichors need a balancing review, but this was already acknowleged in the Livestream. But the HTC functionality needs to be spread like love. We have been asking since January. Now that it is in the game ... please put it where it belongs.


Thank you.

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This hold to charge feature is great. If it was made a toggle option in menus for other weapons that would be good as well. 


A balance pass on these weapons couldn't hurt. They seem like they should be a charge weapon, but lack the stats for it, and they also lack the stager for them to be normal swing weapons. They just seem to be an oddity and I agree with your

assessment about them.

Edited by LazyKnight
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This hold to charge feature is great. If it was made a toggle option in menus for other weapons that would be good as well. 


A balance pass on these weapons couldn't hurt. They seem like they should be a charge weapon, but lack the stats for it, and they also lack the stager for them to be normal swing weapons. They just seem to be an oddity and I agree with your sentiment about them, Ced32Ric.

They are a crit based melee weapon like the dual zoren, but with slower attack speed and higher base damage.  I agree with you that they could use a little inspection, something seems a little off with them especially considering the mastery restriction I expected something more.  I would even be ok with just improved attack speed.

Edited by RYN0C
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i think my first topic in the forums was asking for this. all the answers i got where saying that they liked how it worked now. that was when the game was about to get out of CB. so yeah, not everyone asked for this since early U6, in fact, a lot of people prefered it that way.

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I gotta agree with CY13ERPUNK I find the held charge inconvenient, a good compromise would be to make held charge an option you could turn on and off for melee weapons.


They don't need to make everything an option. If DE wants to design the weapon that way, so be it. I would like to see the feature on more weapons, perhaps any weapon with a charge (although I'm fine with how it is too).


I just don't like DE making things options due to people's preferences in beta (even if the game was fully released, really). Yeah, we got used to it the way it is, but if the charge was always HTC, no one would have asked to have it another way. The timing of when to let go would just be a skill you have (a real skill in timing, that is, not a game "skill").


If DE gave into every request to make things an option, the menu would have hundreds of little checkboxes, all catering to every person's whim (this would be horrible). It doesn't mean there should never be options to toggle, but I don't think this is one of those times. Just put your foot down, DE. Make a change, leave it the way it is, but don't make options for everyone.

Edited by gell
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i think my first topic in the forums was asking for this. all the answers i got where saying that they liked how it worked now. that was when the game was about to get out of CB. so yeah, not everyone asked for this since early U6, in fact, a lot of people prefered it that way.


I think my first post was the same way. People said it required "skill" to time the charge attack right and preferred it that way.


But now there's a weapon that holds the charge, they want it. Make up your mind people lol.

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Just make HTC an optional mod. (that doesn't suck and would make you want to spend a spot for it)


I agree with the HTC, either made for all weapons or added as a mod, BUT i really think that if you HTC, it would be even better if u could charge the damage further by the longer you hold it, the more stamina drains, and the more Damage it would do. This would make melee a fun way to execute a boss like in the cinematic, and it would not be too powerful because it can easily be stopped by one of the few stagger / stun hits from enemys. just as well i think if you run out of stamina while charging the damage like this you should not be able to hold it any longer making timing mean something instead of just charging and waiting forever.  it would make Melee really neat again, like when you first started playing warframe. As well it would make stamina mods more valuable with this mechanic. Wiether its a mod that can charge melee weapons further with stamina or its a new mechanic. i really like this idea.

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