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My List Of Things I Think De Needs To Fix


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With that out of the way, on to the content. Okay, so I've been playing Warframe for a while. Put in over 400 hours. And I've enjoyed almost every single minute of it. I've been through a lot of the game's ups and downs, and of course seen it with my own eyes and played the S#&$ out of it. So, after looking over the game, here's what me, as just one Tenno amongst thousands, have to say about what needs fixed:


1) Balancing knockdowns. Now I know this was posted in a Community Hot Topics some time back, but it still hasn't been addressed. It really bugs me when 75% of a faction has knockdown, knockback, etc. capabilities and just knock you all over the level. (or in the case of the Infested, 100%). I just think it needs to be balanced, so that enemies aren't playing Tennoball with you, and you can fight them back.


2) Making enemies fun to fight at high levels. Now, THIS, is a big topic. Everyone knows that as you climb into the mob levels of 60+, they become solid blocks of iron that can hit you like...well a solid block of iron. That may sound about right, however it makes no sense. They're still the same enemies, it's not like you see big-&#! Grineer Scorpions with armor 17 layers thick, no, you don't, so why does it seem like it when they're level 80-some? All I think is that instead of becoming harder to kill in terms of hp, they should become SMARTER, using actual tactics instead of just banzai charges and huddling behind crappy cover. Something along the lines of moving in larger groups and using formations (i.e. phalanx and such).


3) Removing auto-roll. It's an annoyance, not help. I mean sure, there are rare cases where auto-roll has saved me, but like I said, it's rare. I personally think it should be gone, or at least an optional thing.


4) Fixing bugs that have been around since u7. This is self-explanatory, but for example, bugs like the "sinking through the cryopod trolley in mobile defense missions" still exist, and shouldn't.


5) Balance blueprint drop rate. Okay okay okay, I know what you're saying: "It's a game based on grinding, don't whine and *@##$ and moan about having to EARN something". I just think bp drop rates should be given a slight look-at, so that at least we're not 50 before we get Saryn parts (I'm looking at you Kela >.>).


6) Better stealth attacks. Or better yet, more stealth in general. But I digress. Stealth attacks in particular are kinda off to me. So let me get this straight: you perform this attack that could EASILY kill this mob (stabbing clean through him, slitting his throat, etc,), but yet, if they're high enough, they walk away from it barely hurt? ......nope! Also, the heavy weapon stealth kill anim looks completely $&*&*#(%& (not meant to be offensive to those who are actually impaired), but that's my opinion.


7) Resetting mutagen samples to Eris and Jupiter. Now don't get me wrong, I kinda like that they thought to give mutagen samples some real drive to get, but seriously, the fact of the matter is that you get like...5 mutagen samples max from one OD key (THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO THIS, DON'T BLAST THE REPLIES WITH "I TOTALLY GET MORE THAN THAT IN ONE KEY" BS). I also think Jupiter and Eris, being completely over-run by the Infested, are the BEST places for mutagen samples to crop up to, that's why they were there in the FIRST PLACE!!


Okay, I'm done, that's all my ranting and such. Again, this is my opinion, please be respectful of that. However, if you DO have suggestions as to how this list could be expanded, do contribute your ideas :D



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Some great points you have here!


I've been looking into how people feel about Mutagen, and so far everything is very similar to what you have said.


Did you enjoy fighting the Lephantis?

DID I? Oh my god don't get me started on that boss, I have never enjoyed a boss fight so much in my entire time of playing Warframe. Was scared sh*tless and awed at the same time, while still enjoying myself! (at least, until that inevitable poison damage set in, you KNOW you're gonna get hit with at least one glob of it every time you fight the Infested, not just the Lephantis either haha)


..wow that was fangirlish...and I'm a guy xD

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DID I? Oh my god don't get me started on that boss, I have never enjoyed a boss fight so much in my entire time of playing Warframe. Was scared sh*tless and awed at the same time, while still enjoying myself! (at least, until that inevitable poison damage set in, you KNOW you're gonna get hit with at least one glob of it every time you fight the Infested, not just the Lephantis either haha)


..wow that was fangirlish...and I'm a guy xD

Shhh no it's okay half of my clan is male and we did the same over teamspeak <3

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1) I have not had any problems with knockdowns other than it being my own fault for bad positioning. 


2)I'm waiting to see what they do with the new damage model


3)There are ways around it but yea. Bad mechanic. 






6)Stealth in this game is pretty terrible unless you are in early levels and/or playing solo. 


7) There are many issues with this. There is no reason for there not to be mutagen on the normal map when fieldron and deonite(Idk spelling) are so abundant. They need to make another reason for players to go to the OD besides gol navs and also they need to give the golem more than just nekro rewards. I got all 3 parts in 3 runs and haven't gone back because there's nothing there that's useful. Really needs to be addressed 



Some great points you have here!


I've been looking into how people feel about Mutagen, and so far everything is very similar to what you have said.


Did you enjoy fighting the Lephantis?

Amazing boss fight. Needs more rewards than just nekro gear. Why not put full Mutagen Masses in the drop tables?

Edited by Kolos1001
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Amazing boss fight. Needs more rewards than just nekro gear. Why not put full Mutagen Masses in the drop tables?


I think full Mutagen Masses is a tad bit of a stretch, seeing as how it's supposed to be built and such, but hey, it's worth a shot, right?

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I think full Mutagen Masses is a tad bit of a stretch, seeing as how it's supposed to be built and such, but hey, it's worth a shot, right?

It would give people a reason to go back and would ease some of the anger from taking mutagen away and forcing players to pay and craft in order to farm stuff to pay and craft other stuff. Layers of farming on top of grinding. Ugh. 

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I think this list is pretty damn solid.

Especially the god damn stealth attacks.

Enemies past lvl 30 even, for gods sake, take about the equivalent of an ORDINARY strike of my blade when performing a stealth attack.

It's completely illogical, and removes the entire purpose of sneaking behind an enemy to take him out.

Just make it a damn instakill against light enemies, such as crewmen or Grineer soldiers.

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1) IMO, we need a reliable way to counter staggers and knockdowns rather than pricy mods that only offer a percent chance that you won't get knocked over. It would be really smart of DE to improve blocking and maybe make parrying attacks an actual melee mechanic instead of, again, just an RNG gamble. I'm sure something could be done with dodge rolling to make it an efficient way of avoiding certain attacks.


2) Currently, the only way of raising the stakes seems to be just throwing more enemies at you instead of more efficient units. The whole armor issue doesn't help, but at least they're fixing that. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing some AI and mechanic overhauls on most of the Grineer units, after all, a squad of 3-5 Mid-tier units could be a nice change of pace from the endless waves of the same SMG and shotgun troops that plague you every 5 feet.


3) Agreed


4) Also agreed


5) Hopefully DE will find the perfect balance for this (maybe). I've heard some people suggest that the BPs should be rewarded at the end of the mission, it wouldn't guarantee that you'll get the one blueprint you need, but at least you'd get something (plus it would deter people aborting the mission immediately after the boss fight).


6) I think that on all standard units, a stealth kill should be an instant kill regardless of enemy level. After all, if you're taking the time to sneak up on every enemy to systematically take them out instead of going Leroy Jenkins on them, it should at least WORK. Plus once enemies start hitting level 100+ and eat ammo clips as a light lunch, stealth kills would actually become a useful and ammo conserving tactic, assuming you're willing to dedicate the time and patience to do it. Heavy units shouldn't be insta-killed, but maybe crippled or suffer a bleed-out effect.


7) I haven't crafted any infested research weapons, so I can't really vouch for this, but I'm going to agree with the majority that at the very least, they should come in bundles of 3-5 to compensate for their increased rarity.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I'm going to add something I completely forgot to this:


8) FIX. MOD. DROP. TABLES. Oh my god, where do I begin. 9.5 seriously screwed things up. Now, instead of getting a good selection of mods, maybe not all of them are good, but it's still a good variety, you're getting mods in repeat over, and over, and over, and over again, and...ugh, I hate it. Can we PLEASE go back to by-faction mods instead of this by-mob type of drop table we have now? Also, the whole thing with Sentinel and Warframe ability mods popping up I'm not too fond of either, but I can stand it =\

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I'm going to add something I completely forgot to this:


8) FIX. MOD. DROP. TABLES. Oh my god, where do I begin. 9.5 seriously screwed things up. Now, instead of getting a good selection of mods, maybe not all of them are good, but it's still a good variety, you're getting mods in repeat over, and over, and over, and over again, and...ugh, I hate it. Can we PLEASE go back to by-faction mods instead of this by-mob type of drop table we have now? Also, the whole thing with Sentinel and Warframe ability mods popping up I'm not too fond of either, but I can stand it =\

I think I have like 6 pages of regen. I'm waiting for mod stacking to see how many I actually have.

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Some great points you have here!


I've been looking into how people feel about Mutagen, and so far everything is very similar to what you have said.


Did you enjoy fighting the Lephantis?

Lephantis is currently the best boss i have fought in the while WF...

reminds me of MHP3 / Crysis 3


6) Better stealth attacks. Or better yet, more stealth in general. But I digress. Stealth attacks in particular are kinda off to me. So let me get this straight: you perform this attack that could EASILY kill this mob (stabbing clean through him, slitting his throat, etc,), but yet, if they're high enough, they walk away from it barely hurt? ......nope! Also, the heavy weapon stealth kill anim looks completely &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; (not meant to be offensive to those who are actually impaired), but that's my opinion.


there shld be a function where players whom wants to play stealth be able to reset the alarm onces or twices after being spotted.

like after xxx second of alarm being triggered, players can like use the control panel and tell the command center that, the sector is clear or false alarm.

with this, DE can like implement an game mode around this.

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DID I? Oh my god don't get me started on that boss, I have never enjoyed a boss fight so much in my entire time of playing Warframe. Was scared sh*tless and awed at the same time, while still enjoying myself! (at least, until that inevitable poison damage set in, you KNOW you're gonna get hit with at least one glob of it every time you fight the Infested, not just the Lephantis either haha)


..wow that was fangirlish...and I'm a guy xD

Don't worry, I'm a guy and I totally squeed in delightful horror the first times I fought Lephantis too. IMO it's a grand boss fight which I hope sets the bar for future bosses.


Edit: Also, on topic, I believe that DE mostly made the right decision in changing the mutagen drops to the derelict. Mostly, because they still should keep the really high level infested areas dropping Mutagen too. (which would reward players going for high levels)


Then again, I think that ALL special resources like these need to be moved to high tier faction areas. Then again, on the other hand, I also think the clan weapons need an overhaul in terms of resources too.

Edited by Hap-muhr
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2) Making enemies fun to fight at high levels. Now, THIS, is a big topic. Everyone knows that as you climb into the mob levels of 60+, they become solid blocks of iron that can hit you like...well a solid block of iron. That may sound about right, however it makes no sense. They're still the same enemies, it's not like you see big-&amp;#&#33; Grineer Scorpions with armor 17 layers thick, no, you don't, so why does it seem like it when they're level 80-some? All I think is that instead of becoming harder to kill in terms of hp, they should become SMARTER, using actual tactics instead of just banzai charges and huddling behind crappy cover. Something along the lines of moving in larger groups and using formations (i.e. phalanx and such).



This is the most important point of the lot. Nothing worse than higher level enemies just being bullet sponges. Unloading 4 clips of head shots is not really that fun. One of the simplest ways to make mobs harder without trying to program A.I that will one day turn into Skynet  is to add more abilities to higher level opponents. Maybe there is a random chance of a unit having elemental damage ammo, or higher level mobs have a higher rate of throwing grenades. Those grenades at higher levels might then have special effects like being flash bang concussion grenade. New melee attacks on higher level mobs. Actual ranged or ranged/disable attacks on higher level infested. Its a simple way of expanding the enemies arsenal without forcing the art and animation department to work overtime.


Edit: actually just thought  i would expand on that a bit. Other simple changes include slight buffs to the enemies movement speed or adjustments to already existing skills. Take for example the infested crawlers annoying grab attack. At lower levels it might have a longer windup animation (does it even have a windup animation? lol because it should.) while at higher levels the attack happens faster making it more difficult to avoid. Imagine if the windup was a small leap towards the player, at higher levels the range of this leap could be slightly extended. The duration of the grab itself could start out short but then become slightly extended. Even something as simple as giving a charger a .3% (random number pulled from my &amp;#&#33; obviously would need to have some deep thought put into it) per level movement increase would scale the difficulty up without just making them bullet sponges too.

Edited by MofineBovine
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1) Balancing knockdowns. Now I know this was posted in a Community Hot Topics some time back, but it still hasn't been addressed. It really bugs me when 75% of a faction has knockdown, knockback, etc. capabilities and just knock you all over the level. (or in the case of the Infested, 100%). I just think it needs to be balanced, so that enemies aren't playing Tennoball with you, and you can fight them back.


Personally, I think this is one of the bigger issues raised. This game already has a lot of problems with artifical difficulty, and the insane volume of knockdown/stun/stagger present is a key factor. Knockdown needs to be mitigatable with a handspring maneuver that is not provided by a mod but instead as part of the core mechanics. Stagger and stun need to become far less common - they could easily be replaced with alternative negative effects (for example, a Runner exploding near to the player could slow them down, or draw aggro to them). And crucially, stun/staggerlock needs to be completely eliminated by means of temporary immunity to knockdown/stagger/stun immediately after the player has already been affected.

Taking control from the player and forcing them to watch as they are knocked around like a sack of potatoes, and potentially killed by enemy attacks, poison clouds, etc that they can do nothing to prevent not only isn't fun, it's hardly very characterful for a 'space ninja'.

This problem extends into the Golem boss, too - given that the Infested have knockdown or stagger available to every single blasted enemy, the potential to be rendered immobile inside a poison cloud during the second phase is very high, making the boss an excercise in frustration rather than challenge - outside of the tendency to get locked in chain-stuns, Golem is not really very difficult at all, merely long-winded to kill thanks to high HP.

Essentially, DE need to examine the difference between challenge and punishment: between true difficulty and artificial difficulty.

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Essentially, DE need to examine the difference between challenge and punishment: between true difficulty and artificial difficulty.


But what is true difficulty? I don't really have that much of a problem with there being stun and knockdown (especially at higher levels)  depending on how cheap it is and if its something that can be avoided if you are sharp enough to see coming and have realistic time to avoid. That of course would mean dodge would have to immediately break any animation you are currently in.


Im also down with the idea of a player controlled handspring maneuver. Something akin to the Alien swarm reload feature. F it up and you take longer to get back up.

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But what is true difficulty? I don't really have that much of a problem with there being stun and knockdown (especially at higher levels)  depending on how cheap it is and if its something that can be avoided if you are sharp enough to see coming and have realistic time to avoid. That of course would mean dodge would have to immediately break any animation you are currently in.


Im also down with the idea of a player controlled handspring maneuver. Something akin to the Alien swarm reload feature. F it up and you take longer to get back up.



In my eyes, true difficulty is a challenge that the player can reasonably overcome by application of skill. Most of the knockdown and stagger in Warframe is largely unavoidable short of luck, given the nature of enemy aiming (Ancients always hitting you if in range regarldess of facing, Scorpion wires aiming for where you're going, Runner explsion radius being too large etc) and the inherent lack of stunlock prevention.

And yes, the handsrping should be a button/key press that requires correct timing.

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Some great points you have here!


I've been looking into how people feel about Mutagen, and so far everything is very similar to what you have said.


Did you enjoy fighting the Lephantis?

If this is true, This has made me so very happy! I'm glad that the endless rants on this issue may finally see an end and life can go back to good! Unlock the Mutagen!!!

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