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Ability to permamently opt out of Nightwave


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Straight to the point - I feel like Nightwave was DE's one of the worst additions to the game (yes, I liked alerts better than this) and I feel like it is intrusive to the Warframe's gameplay loop that I've been playing for close to 4 years to the point of being utterly deal-breaking.

However since it's so intervined with most of the Warframe content and it being most of the time insultingly reason, causing strong negative reception to the point of dropping the game entirely when set of Nightwave challenges crosses over way too many things I intended to do, I feel like there should be an ability to not just ignore Nightwave entirely, but also opt out of it entirely - that is, remove Nightwave challenges from event checklist in Orbiter, stop tracking progress and completion within said challenges and replace the radio back to the usual grineer chatter without Nora occasionally hijacking it.

No need to even provide something in return, have enough Nitain left to not depend on Nightwave for years

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27 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

All I want is an essentials nightwave pack in the market for up to 1k plat that contains, huh, the essentials from every season.

Then I could just rest and ignore the tediousness that is nightwave.

And everyone else who likes to play free can continue to do so. 

Great idea, but they'll never do it because of the Umbra Forma. Big sad, right there.

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9 hours ago, Onekone said:

Straight to the point - I feel like Nightwave was DE's one of the worst additions to the game (yes, I liked alerts better than this) and I feel like it is intrusive to the Warframe's gameplay loop that I've been playing for close to 4 years to the point of being utterly deal-breaking.

However since it's so intervined with most of the Warframe content and it being most of the time insultingly reason, causing strong negative reception to the point of dropping the game entirely when set of Nightwave challenges crosses over way too many things I intended to do, I feel like there should be an ability to not just ignore Nightwave entirely, but also opt out of it entirely - that is, remove Nightwave challenges from event checklist in Orbiter, stop tracking progress and completion within said challenges and replace the radio back to the usual grineer chatter without Nora occasionally hijacking it.

No need to even provide something in return, have enough Nitain left to not depend on Nightwave for years

For anyone thinking to say "why, it's free rewards", "just ignore it LUL", or even "free game no complaining" - yes, I know. If you cannot comprehend why I'm complaining about it, you probably won't even if I go into detail, so just leave me be

How is it any more intrusive than the Alerts system? Both forced you to do random missions you otherwise wouldn't. 

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I am not gonna lie. The first NW season was so frustrating. It was dangling umbra forma in front of me like a carrot in front of donkey. And this was only a cherry on top of tedious event, tedious boss and tedious Vallis rep farm pile.

Instead of "oh, I want that helm/nitain/resource" and quickly completing the alert mission to get back to your business, NW makes you do sometimes the most dumb stuff in the game, like looking for caches on sabotage or catching fish, or even better looking for medallions.

While the 2nd NW is not nearly that obnoxious as 1st was (can do it in your pace, not missing challenges forever if was away for a week or two), I still don't want to run errands for a hag with awful accent to get damn pile of cosmetics I don't even want, or couple of dumb mods for crappy guns I'll never use (thanks for the Penta Napalm tho, it rocks).

What I am actually trying to say, is ok, I get it, it's free and all is good, sun is shining... but I don't want those damn noggles! Nor I want shoulder badges, nor sigil, not even the damn glyph! Not the graffiti! Just give me more creds? Or pour me some Kuva? Or more formas? Maybe some crappy Arcanes? Anything of worth? Maybe giving a choice of rewards (as daily login system has) will be better and make it feel actually rewarding for challenges, rather than shower me with useless visual junk on the boring way to 30 rank?

I swear I got burned out a rank before I got Umbra Forma from NW1.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

How is it any more intrusive than the Alerts system? Both forced you to do random missions you otherwise wouldn't.

Alerts didn't required me to do all of them to eventually reach the point where I am eventually given currency and can choose an item that I want to buy with that currency, but instead reward listed item straight away and if I don't care for it, I can safely skip it because it's not required to get another item in another alert

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