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Almost 90% Doesn't Use New Consumables


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I know this could be larger sample but I think it gives atleast some direction. At the time of posting this results are:


Do you use new consumables in Warframe?

1. No 328 votes (89%)
2. Yes 39 votes (11%)
So why not?
Biggest issues seemed to be referring to comments in original thread their price is still too high especially dojo ones and inconvenient way to craft (one by one).
What do you guys think?
Edit: Just to add my personal thoughts. My gripes with them are pretty much same as everyone elses, inconvenient to craft and sort of expensive in relation to their power. But, if properly balanced I think those generally would be quite awesome part of the game.
Edited by Patzer
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last time i was using ammo boxes when i soloed T3D, Acrid and stuff.


new items more "team oriented", but again amount of ammo for example is not enough if we are talking about Acrid or Embolist.

Edited by Althix
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I dunno, I rarely used consumables anyhow.


Ammo is great for missions where my weapons are having a tough time getting through all the enemies, especially being underarmed on Phobos with all those pesky Desert Skates eating my ammo. However, I haven't used an ammo box in at least a month.


Team health restore... this would probably be good for Infestation defenses, I should probably get a few. 


Shield Restore is tough, because it is tougher to look at the health bar menu and determine that the team needs shields.


And there's an energy restore now, right? That could be useful for underarmed missions like with the ammo, when the items need to be used constantly just to keep critical abilities up. 


Generally, I can get by with what is in the level, dropping off enemies or out of containers. I sometimes use ammo conversion mods to keep ammo supplies up, and the frame and mission will determine how much energy I need.


Cipher takes the fun out of the hacking minigame, AND there was a bug that would automatically use the Cipher even if I didn't want to, so it was just a frustrating waste of minimal credits and unpredictable functionality. Not using them made the hacking mastery upgrade challenge much easier to complete. 

Edited by LegendaryNeurotoxin
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Health restore is what... sixty health? And over a one minute period or something like that. I'm sure I'm wrong, but regardless of what it actually does it feels useless.


That is more than enough reason for me to not continue wasting resources on them. They need to last for thirty minutes or something, restore more per tick or tick more often. And they need to be more obvious of WHEN they tick so I can tell they are doing something.


Old consumables were awesome because we didn't need to waste resources on them, and they worked immediately. didn't need to set the stupid things down and wait for them to restore 5% of our whatever.

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Personally I don't because it's 400 salvage + ferrite for one semi useless consumable. The problem there is EVERYTHING uses either ferrite or salvage I think, and nothing uses the more useless nano spores (and alloy plates, they drop in huge numbers, but you don't NEED that many.) plus you can only craft one at a time, and you only get one put of it.

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The only viable consumables would be Health, Energy and Ammo. I don't see any use in the Shield Recharge consumable (for obvious reasons).


If Health was worthwhile and percentage based, I'd use it; however, 50-100 Health (unless that changed) when you can easily have 500+ (or even close to a thousand) is barely worthwhile and might be better to invest in Equilibrium to heal yourself with 2 blue balls.


Ammo is useful and Energy... well I actually never used Energy Consumables since I try to manage my energy usage on an "as needed" basis and not a "MASH 4 2 WIN" 'tactic', even with said frames where the tactic is viable.


Things get hairy? Here's a Stomp or Molecular Prime for ya; else, nothing beats a bit of elbow grease... and bullets to the face.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Don't use them for the simple fact that it requires quite a bit of time and resources to craft enough for it to be useful, not only that even the medium team ones don't seem as effective at filling ammo as the older boxes did. So i simply don't waste my time on it and since i always go for critical shots when i'm not stomping all over the place i tend to be very ammo efficient, even with the soma.

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i hear that DE is tossing around the idea of a bulk gear item... or something akin to that.

dont know what, if anything, will come of that, but at least that is something to think about.


slightly more on topic:

i have a few things of each of the new gear... things... but dont really use them much.

dont really like foundry sitting, so dont really like making them.

cost is irrelevant to me.

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Although the clan restores are a bit unorthodox, I do like them. Hell, the clan ammo restore gets me two full clips on my Soma which is alright during a boss fight. Health is a bit underpowered but the energy one is worth it.

Let's not talk about the shield restore...

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I dont like the new consumables. They have to be made in the forge (and again one at a time), and recharge too little compared to the old ones. For example, the ammo restore only gives some 90 bullets, not the entire initial ammo pool.


I think they should be buyable, or at least have the option to be made (at the forge) in packs of 10 and 100, for pratical use. Then restore the pool at full, at least for ammo.

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