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The Old Blood - The update that this community deserve


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1- People that invested a lot of time on getting their rivens, complain on forum when they are get nerfed. Community "haha" emote the guy. How about "removing riven" or change how they stack with mods to fix damage been to high, but you know what's more OP than Rivens, Melee with a mod that's multiplicative with itself and bloodrush. So funny how nobody even pointed melee weapons damage and its mods, it is just Rivens to be blamed about our high damage in game.

2- People complaining during the disruption expansion mode, saying that there was no content, and it was just another pure brain-dead grind with recycled content, White Knights all over the place again. "Warframe is Ok", "Leave the game", "Warframe has plenty of content". Here, take this Kuva lich system, the most pure example of what Warframe is, a Pure ... Brain-dead ... Grind. And take this RNG ON RNG ON RNG as a bonus and be happy with it.

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This update is a dissapointment even for me. 

I was expecting actual progress instead of just rng.

For example having missions with modifiers based on the frame you killed the lich with. And once you free a planet you get a requiem mod. So you would get less armor in these missions if you kill the lich with valkyr or any tanky frame.

Instead It's just farm these relics to farm these mods to the kill lich, but of course the order of the mods are also random. Just why? Why base everything on rng?

Edited by JackHargreav
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Honestly I hard;y play the game anymore. I love the game, but I hate the grind. Once upon a time there was one painful grind, Prime Parts. Now theres Rivens (which really don't belong in this type of game, but at least it adds some level of excitement), Prime Parts, Two open worlds with standing grind and the OTHER grinds on those, Operator stuff (still not even close to finishing), Now the Lich grind. I want to have some #*!%ing fun when I play Warframe, not do my daily chores. I and thoroughly pissed of with this last update. I work 60 hours week, I don't have time for more bs to grind.

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Update really sucks for solo players, harder to get the mods, the murmurs, everything. < I'm stuck in solo due to bad internet, can't change it - very upsetting considering Warframe is also advertised as a singleplayer game, but caters harder to a pre-made group experience.   Definitely one of the worst launches of new content I've seen in quite awhile, very close to quitting if this is the new 'grind level' warframe is going to incorporate.

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11 minutes ago, Tinklzs said:

Update really sucks for solo players, harder to get the mods, the murmurs, everything. < I'm stuck in solo due to bad internet, can't change it - very upsetting considering Warframe is also advertised as a singleplayer game, but caters harder to a pre-made group experience.   Definitely one of the worst launches of new content I've seen in quite awhile, very close to quitting if this is the new 'grind level' warframe is going to incorporate.

Good thing i can use my energy on other game.

They need to find a balances with the grind. But every thing about lich is rng. For me that is not my cup of tea.

At the moment, the new lich system as it stand make me feel to play something else.

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