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D.E. Need to stop pushing out half broken updates.


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On 2019-11-10 at 6:57 AM, 40PE said:

I'm in IT industry I know what I'm talking about. Project management, project goals, timeline, etc. And that is the basic part of it. Look up six sigma or ITIL and you will understand what I'm talking about.

In game industry there are just no similar project managements going on, you know why? Because rule number one is the goal that the customer want is the project's root. Do you think ANY of the game companies really listen to the customer (gamer) complaints? If something need a lot of work to fix or change, I never ever saw in my life developers go after that particular mass-requested feature or bug fix... because for free, they wont go back to the beginning and start spending even months on fixing some serious flar, or desing bottleneck.
This is not just D.E., its all the game dev. industry.

But doable, for sure. Look at every serious industry, with insane production, like car industry, airplane industry, etc. Everything is doable, everything. Just the question do you really want to spend that much time and resources for a particular goal?

Aaand you played yourself, thank you.

Like suddenly my machine broke. just after U26. Ohh and the other dozens of games are running just fine, except WF. Ohh man why do I bother...

That's the thing though. Developers do prioritize their backlogs on break/fixes or process improvements, it's all dependent on the developer's budget and approach to prioritizing defects while5 timing how often they push a release.

You almost got it right, till you tried to push one off that all gaming development doesn't care about their product owner in some sweeping generalization of 'all game dev/game industry'. It depends on the developer.....Thank God you don't work w my dev team. Your pessimism sucks and your 'why do I bother' condescending attitude sucks too. 

If developers don't address defects what's the purpose of a backlog in the first place? Money spent for nothing?

I get what you're saying, your mistake is assuming all gaming developers don't care about their product owner or commit money to existing process improvement. I would give DE about a 5/10 on the scale though, maybe a 7/10. 

Edited by ikkabotz
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2 hours ago, ikkabotz said:

That's the thing though. Developers do prioritize their backlogs on break/fixes or process improvements, it's all dependent on the developer's budget and approach to prioritizing defects while5 timing how often they push a release.

You almost got it right, till you tried to push one off that all gaming development doesn't care about their product owner in some sweeping generalization of 'all game dev/game industry'. It depends on the developer.....Thank God you don't work w my dev team. Your pessimism sucks and your 'why do I bother' condescending attitude sucks too. 

If developers don't address defects what's the purpose of a backlog in the first place? Money spent for nothing?

I get what you're saying, your mistake is assuming all gaming developers don't care about their product owner or commit money to existing process improvement. I would give DE about a 5/10 on the scale though, maybe a 7/10. 

They care about their product. But they aware that sometimes, there are big technical difficulties, OR unforeseen design flaws. To fix such an issue, sometimes the engine need to be addressed, or even redo/change a lot of game mechanics. I've participated in my 20+ years in many beta tests, officially and both open. And I did see way too many cases where the issue was way too big to fix and it was there even during beta or open beta phase. And does times the Devs -due to management push or for reason that they thought they just cant fix it- left it unanswered, covered it up or just didn't care about.

Every business got its dirty side. Game dev. business is the one where they actually sell a product for you without you even able to taste/feel the product first. D.E. on this matter is definitely different, the f2p and the non-pay2win in Warframe is one of a kind, unique, shining example how can you actually do it.

But getting better, needs to be the goal in every business, not just the growing part and profit. The market value just won't hold up after a while, if the product isn't getting better.

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On 2019-11-11 at 1:31 PM, AshenHaze said:

Problem is, I'm a "Farmer" by salesman profile. When I was still in a sales industry with commission, I would focus more on relationships with my clients and make sure I was tending to my current clients. My growth rate is steady and my loss rate is lower than average.

Companies definitely prefer "Hunter" profiles. The types of people who will do anything to get a sale. Their growth is insanely high but they also lose a lot, the variance is like a steep roller coaster of ups and downs.

I'm not sure why, economically, the second is preferred. But I guess that's why in my industry I went from office to office before finally getting frustrated and quitting. This is the world we live in, people prefer sudden numbers with huge drawbacks over consistency. Gives me conniptions.

Exactly how I feel about DE. People will say it’s because the player base is impatient but it’s really about money and greed

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