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Galatine Op Y/n?


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Ask yourself, when's the ;last time you used melee on level 70+ mobs and actually accomplished some damage?


Every time I equip Gram or Plasma Sword.


Or about five minutes ago:



A significant fraction of my damage and kills, even in rank 100-130 content, is melee. This isn't to say I go out of my way to melee, or that melee is the majority, but in most of the game's content, melee has it's place and can often be the best option.


I did 7.5k red cirt dmg earlier today, screen shotted it but it turn black in the JPEG. OP yes...fun...YES!!!!!! its not even maxed yet.Just max organ shatter, killing blow and recoil charge.


I've seen 56.5k yellow crits and 80k+ red ones, solo. Critical hit while invisible against the head of light infested...but still.


Also, the charged swing goes quite high and you can't hit low mobs with it (starting with infested chargers).


If you slide (yes you can do this while charging now and it won't interrupt the charge) just before you release, you can hit low targets.


A normal standing charge will still hit infested chargers, so I'm not sure what you are doing wrong.


Soma is not OP on anything that has level 100+ NPC. Overpowered implies that it can trivialize something like a tier 3 defense and this is simply not true.


I don't think OP implies anything without considering how other weapons compare, but still, my Soma was doing damn well the last few waves of the T3 defense I just did, and I did finish with the most kills in a group where people were generally using the best gear they had; Acrid, Despair, Synapse, Strun Wraith, etc).


Yeah, I was blowing whole mags in one burst when that revolving door opened, but Shred ensured that I was hitting 2-4 enemies a bullet and whole columns of Rank 120+ Corrupted vanished in a cloud of yellow numbers every wave.




It slows you to a crawl when you are charging.




You can actually sprint while charging Galatine.


Even with full charge speed and charge damage mods, the DPS isn't that impressive. In fact, given the only way to make noticeable damage with the Galatine is a charged strike, I'd say it's pretty unwieldy. Sure you can cap up to 5 enemies in a single swing... but by the time your swing begins, your shields and half your health will be gone.


Seriously, the only frame viable for the Galatine is Rhino, only because Iron Skin will buffer your attempt to smack someone in the face with the sword.


You're doing it wrong.


After playing this game for so long, why is it still so hard for people to grasp the concept that since every melee weapon can equip these, it provides no advantage over others. EVERY melee weapon can have reflex coil, this doesn't offset the disadvantage for Gala, it's exactly the same percentage wise compared to a reflex coiled <insert any other melee weapon>. And since every melee weapon uses coil...it's one of the dumbest comments you could make.


Charge is only part of the total attack time, the swing takes time as well. Galatine has an unusually fast swing speed and an unusually slow charge speed. You shave more off total attack time on Galatine with these mods, even relative to other weapons that use the same mods, because a correspondingly larger portion of their attack is swing, not charge.


There is also the issue that once you get below a certain charge speed that there are diminishing returns in combat effectiveness. Galatine goes from too slow to fast enough, improving it more brings less and less return as you are one-shotting most stuff, or using the blow as a finisher.


Also, not every melee weapon does best with charge attacks, not even one's I'd consider viable for combat at fairly high ranks.

Edited by Saenol
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The thing with that is, while its BASE speed is relatively low, that can be EASILY modded with reflex coil and focus energy, especially since the sword comes with a - polarity slot. Plus, the low base damage actually just makes it YET another "Spam Charge" melee, which is honestly boring.

They should have made the Galatine more like a proper 2h broadsword. Extremely powerful, but extremely slow. Just read my post above yours and underverse's.

yeah, and those are mods that arent really common, boring? fine dont use it and dont complain about it, and we can spam charge the glaive and other weapons, so dont bring that crap up, and its already slow as hell, so dont complain please and dont ruin the experience for those that like the way it is

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For those of you who are still stating that Galatine's charge attack speed is too slow, or stating that you cannot move while charging, I'm going to post this video again:




If the above doesn't work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCRscen8IZ8 - use 1440p for best results.


it is too slow compared to orthos.


fully modded, it's not unusable, but that doesn't change the fact that you can put the very same mods to orthos and charge will take less than half the time it takes for galatine.


so lets compare, two weapons with their blueprints both bought from the market: orthos and galatine:


pros for orthos:

much faster charge speed, double+ of galatine

much less overkill damage (let's be honest here, orthos modded can deal 1550 ap damage, enough to wipe normal -notheavy mobs even on high level missions)

much less interrupted (due to faster charge+swing)

useful normal swing


pros for galatine:

higher damage (double base damage)

much better criticals (5% vs 25%)

aoe knockdown



it seems pretty balanced to me.


dps wise, the only reason that galatine MAY come ahead of the plain orthos is the criticals. Utility wise galatine is better due to knowckdown. But orthos is much safer to use due to double charge speed, and the less overkill damage means that usually, in non-heavy mobs, orthos can kill twice as fast as galatine. Even in mixed situations (p.e. ancient surrounded by light infested) orthos dps will be far ahead compared to galatine due to damage falloff only applying to the first hit (since chances are you will wipe the light infested with one hit from orthos or from galatine, but with orthos you will make in the same time, a second swing at the ancient without any falloff whatsoever)

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Honestly, the Galatine is so good why even bother with other Melee weapons? It's a simple market BP purchase and craft to obtain, and modded properly the charge attacks are more than quick enough for anything I need, and the RAW DAMAGE.


Im at a loss really, I want mroe mastery rank but I really cant see the validity of getting another melee weapon when this one does everything I want it to, and does it better than any other melee weapon Ive owned. 

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it is too slow compared to orthos.


fully modded, it's not unusable, but that doesn't change the fact that you can put the very same mods to orthos and charge will take less than half the time it takes for galatine.


so lets compare, two weapons with their blueprints both bought from the market: orthos and galatine:


pros for orthos:

much faster charge speed, double+ of galatine

much less overkill damage (let's be honest here, orthos modded can deal 1550 ap damage, enough to wipe normal -notheavy mobs even on high level missions)

much less interrupted (due to faster charge+swing)

useful normal swing


pros for galatine:

higher damage (double base damage)

much better criticals (5% vs 25%)

aoe knockdown



it seems pretty balanced to me.


dps wise, the only reason that galatine MAY come ahead of the plain orthos is the criticals. Utility wise galatine is better due to knowckdown. But orthos is much safer to use due to double charge speed, and the less overkill damage means that usually, in non-heavy mobs, orthos can kill twice as fast as galatine. Even in mixed situations (p.e. ancient surrounded by light infested) orthos dps will be far ahead compared to galatine due to damage falloff only applying to the first hit (since chances are you will wipe the light infested with one hit from orthos or from galatine, but with orthos you will make in the same time, a second swing at the ancient without any falloff whatsoever)


Yes, Galantine needs crits to be significantly better at dealing damage than Orthos/Orthos prime. So what? With a charge-attack critical-build, nothing really even comes close when it comes to dropping heavy units. Damage fall off can be an issue, but only if you aren't striking the heavy first.


You can only kill non-heavy foes twice as fast with Orthos if they are coming in so thick that you don't have to move after you kill five of them with your first attack.


Also, with regards to your pros and cons, there are at least two omissions:


- Galatine does have a useful normal swing. It's damage is pathetic, but it's faster than any other heavy weapon, and it's nearly 100% stagger, just like most other heavies. A quick normal attack can often stagger/interrupt a foe long enough to get a charge off, even if you don't have room to maneuver.


- More importantly, charge damage multiplier is higher. Every heavy weapon except Galantine does 150% damage on a charge crit. Galantine is 200%. With a fully modded Galantine criting every second or third swing, this is significant.


Yes, Orthos definitely has some notable advantages, but whether this puts it on par with Galatine is highly debatable. I prefer Gram to Orthos, and I definitely think Galantine is superior to Gram. I make frequent use of the knockdown to good effect as cheap AoE that makes setting up a charge attack (often to the head) easy.

Edited by Saenol
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Yes, Galantine needs crits to be significantly better at dealing damage than Orthos/Orthos prime. So what? With a charge-attack critical-build, nothing really even comes close when it comes to dropping heavy units. Damage fall off can be an issue, but only if you aren't striking the heavy first.


You can only kill non-heavy foes twice as fast with Orthos if they are coming in so thick that you don't have to move after you kill five of them with your first attack.


Also, with regards to your pros and cons, there are at least two omissions:


- Galatine does have a useful normal swing. It's damage is pathetic, but it's faster than any other heavy weapon, and it's nearly 100% stagger, just like most other heavies. A quick normal attack can often stagger/interrupt a foe long enough to get a charge off, even if you don't have room to maneuver.


- More importantly, charge damage multiplier is higher. Every heavy weapon except Galantine does 150% damage on a charge crit. Galantine is 200%. With a fully modded Galantine criting every second or third swing, this is significant.


Yes, Orthos definitely has some notable advantages, but whether this puts it on par with Galatine is highly debatable. I prefer Gram to Orthos, and I definitely think Galantine is superior to Gram. I make frequent use of the knockdown to good effect as cheap AoE that makes setting up a charge attack (often to the head) easy.

going with crit build for galatine i'm not too sure about it:


the melee crit mods are bad, and you are wasting two slots that can be used for direct damage upgrades:


5 of the mods are already taken by killing blow/charge speed, the 2 dual mods, and sundering.


that leaves only 3 slots: 

if you go for crit build you are using 2 mod slots for that and you are left with 1 element

on orthos though you will have reach+element+faction specific mod. given that (from what i can tell having both weapons but not directly tested) orthos has already bigger reach than galatine, using a reach mod will make this differance quite noticable. to add to that, the faction specific mod will be a direct 30%boost to all the damage the weapon does, and with a crit build you wont have space for that in galatine.


as far as damage falloff, well whom you hit first in a pile of infested is random. but the bigger thing is damage overkill which is what (imo) makes galatine (even though due to crits it has bigger damage output) much more circumstansial weapon than the orthos:


it's like going into close range fighting with a sniper. Sure, each hit kills, but the hits come slower and most of the time doing excess damage of what is needed. With a more balanced weapon (gram/hate/orthos/etc) your hits are still strong enough to take out most enemies (except heavies) and come faster, alloying better manouverability/better damage control/better everything really for melee range.



in the end, i still prefer taking orthos to xini, hate if i'm on trinity and glaive everywhere else.


atm there are many redudant melee weapons, but most of the heavies aren't invalidated by galatine, it is more or less equal to them... longswords now...

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going with crit build for galatine i'm not too sure about it:


the melee crit mods are bad, and you are wasting two slots that can be used for direct damage upgrades:


5 of the mods are already taken by killing blow/charge speed, the 2 dual mods, and sundering.


that leaves only 3 slots: 

if you go for crit build you are using 2 mod slots for that and you are left with 1 element


You get more damage from the two crit mods than any combination of elements that could conceivably replace them, and more than Smite.


Going from 25% to 40% critical rate is significant, and going from 200% to 380% damage on a critical is enormous (Organ Shatter is multiplicative).


The critical mods play to Galatine's strengths which is very important, while the charge speed mods do a good job of mitigating it's biggest weakness.


There are things that Galatine can do that just can't happen with any other melee, or hell, any other weapon not boosted by Sonar.


most of the heavies aren't invalidated by galatine, it is more or less equal to them


After using most of them, I just cannot agree with this.


Galatine utterly invalidates Gram and Scindo, and mostly relegates the others to lower rank usage.

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OP yes, need to nerf?  not really, when you have other weapons attacks far range do such insane dmg like "hate" or reaper prime.  Of course we got that rocket launcher weapon of course.  We have so many weapons can be very OP depending on how you use the mods into it.  twin vipers could have insane fire rate and dmg a lot in pvp.  If anyone calmed anything need to be nerf, we should get random generated weapons for us make weird looking weapon and does insane dmg that make no sense which I am talking starforge game (no offense I do find weird weapons in the game make no sense so ever that why there isn't ammo or anything in there able hold that much gun's rails in many guns stacks). I seen my 500-1k pvp and I don't say galatine have high advantage in battle all the time.  For one it is easy predict the timing count which anyone can do *random rabbit pop up*

Rabbit: Do barrel roll!

...yea, or you could just jump and smash on the ground push them off.  if person focus on quick charge then its easy to know he is going for 1 hit k.o which it just take 2 second and jump.  Every weapons aren't made to be suited for everyone easy, adapt and learn is one thing, but everyone got the feel of every weapons.


I say, no nerfing on this weapon.

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going with crit build for galatine i'm not too sure about it:


the melee crit mods are bad, and you are wasting two slots that can be used for direct damage upgrades:



atm there are many redudant melee weapons, but most of the heavies aren't invalidated by galatine, it is more or less equal to them... 

the numbers would like a word with you...




Orthos Prime can attack about 50% faster.  Galatine does 87% more DPS without accounting for it double-hitting and you can run around while charging it...  There's not really a downside to the thing...

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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If your timing is very good (possibly with the help of reach mod) then you can do pretty well agains infested, though you will get a lot of crawlers on some levels (that you can't hit with charge attack) and a lot of toxics on higher levels.. so even there the it isn't that great.


And on higher levels against other faction you'll be most likely dead before you finish the charging animation. Especially if you want to take advantage of the multi-hit. Charging 5+ lvl 100+ Grineer or Corpus is usually not a good idea. So yeah... it's not OP.


So on low levels you're better off using other faster melee since the huge charge dmg doesn't make a difference there (while the speed does). On mid to high levels.. sure.. go nuts. One mission will still take you 3 times the time it would take you if you used guns (or faster melee) instead, but go ahead. And on high level you can pretty much forget it. At this point the huge charge dmg makes it somewhat viable against the super beefy enemies, but you won't be able to survive the charge time. Though that is problem with melee in general.

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Crawlers aren't an issue.


Galatine's charge swing, even while standing, connects with the floor in the lower rear right quadrant. If you put a crawler behind your right foot, or in that general area, you will kill it.


There is also an area slightly off center to the front where you can double hit a single foe.


Also, The AoE ground slam inflicts elemental effects on foes. If you have any rank North Wind equipped, you can knock down and freeze everything around you long enough to get two full charges off before it can attack again.


Even the downward strikes that normal attacks make have a small AoE and seem to have longer reach.


Galatine has enormous power and utility, which makes it very hard to beat once you learn the weapon and mod it correctly.


If your timing is very good (possibly with the help of reach mod) then you can do pretty well agains infested, though you will get a lot of crawlers on some levels (that you can't hit with charge attack) and a lot of toxics on higher levels.. so even there the it isn't that great.


And on higher levels against other faction you'll be most likely dead before you finish the charging animation. Especially if you want to take advantage of the multi-hit. Charging 5+ lvl 100+ Grineer or Corpus is usually not a good idea. So yeah... it's not OP.


So on low levels you're better off using other faster melee since the huge charge dmg doesn't make a difference there (while the speed does). On mid to high levels.. sure.. go nuts. One mission will still take you 3 times the time it would take you if you used guns (or faster melee) instead, but go ahead. And on high level you can pretty much forget it. At this point the huge charge dmg makes it somewhat viable against the super beefy enemies, but you won't be able to survive the charge time. Though that is problem with melee in general.


A lot of this is just wrong.


There is nothing from the floor to the top of your head that you cannot hit with it's charge attack if you position your swing correctly.


The charge time is not that long properly modded, and you are almost fully mobile during it. You can sprint during the charge, you can even begin a slide during the charge, and you will not interrupt the charge. If you don't survive the charge time, you are doing something very wrong.

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