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Vauban, A Huge Disapointment?


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The build and explanation. Based around huge manapool, just to be able to run around, juggling those "balls of steel" abilities, like a lunatic clown (the shoes! The shooooes!).


Potato your vauban. Esprit helmet if you have it. (A bit more energy is always good.)

All power-related mod cards maxed, aura card maxed. Redirection (shield mod) that is upped so it requires 10 energy.


Energy siphon aura (yes, for a caster frame).


Flow (energy pool increase),

Streamline (30% cast price reduction),

Stretch (+45% power range)

Focus (+30% ability power)

Continuity (30% increased ability uptime)

Constitution (28% increased ability uptime and reduced knockdown time, if i remember correctly) (this one goes into one of the ability slots, that is repolarised to fit with the mod polarity.).


 After this, you will have 3 ability power slots and 1 mod slot left. For an infested defence use maxed bastille and vortex. Put a shield or health upgrade that takes 10 energy into remaining mod slot. Use the ability slot for something like a partially upped equilibrium, to heal up poison damage from toxic ancients that might occur, via energy pickups.(But really, if you're getting hit as a vauban on a defence mission, you're doing something wrong).

For corpus it's the same, but equilibrium can be switched out for tesla. Just remember, that if you're going for a high level defense, better leave tesla at home. It stops being useful pretty fast.

Just remember, as a defence build, it's stationary, so no need for stamina mods or something other than ability-related.


 Ability breakdown and how do mods augment them. I intentionally ignore bounce pad, because it's just a waste of energy for what it does. Spend it on usefull skills instead.

Streamline and Flow are pretty self-explanatory. More "mana", more cheap casts.

Stretch improves the reach of your teslas and, what's more important, your bastille size. When the targets are further away, you can safely use your Torrid or Ogris. And yes, literally more space for mistakes.

Continuity and Constitution are mandatory, they are the "CC" of Vauban's CC. More skill uptime is very, very important, because it's the best energy preservation mechanism. Less casts for the same effect. And bastille/vortex are expensive, energy-wise.


 Tesla: Costs ~17 with the "discount" from Streamline (25 base cost). Focus increases tesla's damage (from 150 to 195 per charge), and continuity mods add more charges to each tesla grenade (from 10 to 15). The uptime is fixed at 40 seconds. Good on low-lvl anything, bad on high level anything. Still viable to some degree on corpus.


 Bastille: Costs 50 energy with Streamline (75 base cost). Focus increases the amount of targets held in the net, from 12 to 15. Continuity mods increase bastille uptime from 15 seconds max to ~24 seconds. (I'd say it's 23, cause of the tendency of the game to round down numbers). Maxed stretch tremendously increases the net size. Good for infested defence, good for any other def, when paired with frost's snowglobe. Don't forget, that ospreys can still fly inside and high lvl railgun moa can 1-shot you if you're not hiding good enough.


 Vortex: Costs around 67 with Streamline (100 base cost). Focus affects the damage, but it's kinda low-ish on it's own and does not scale with armour on higher lvl mobs. Think of Vortex as another form of CC, not a DPS-AoE. Continuity mods buff duration to ~19 seconds, up from 12. I may be wrong in saying that stretch affects vortex range. Haven't experimented/

Vortex can be a "bastille" substitute on certain choke points and/or if placed good. (To collect mobs coming from multiple directions, for example).

Sometimes can glitch and work as a pre-nerf vortex, sucking you in, if placed inside a bastille. (Happened to me on Kela de Thaym arena a few times). Don't forget that you can sprint-crouch out of vortex pull or past it, it's easier than just running.


 What the nerf did to this class is turned it from "press 3 on time and wait for energy to regen" to "hecticly spam 3 when you see a wave of mobs running at you", cause it's still all about bastille spam. Vortex(es) can be used to collect mobs, even whole mob waves and support your DD's (esp. the nova's molecular prime or saryn's poison spores) by bunching mobs together.


 Remember, that your shields and health are low-ish, so on anything aside infested, try to take cover, don't get shot by railgun moas or some other stuff that can either 1-shot you or just hang outside your bastille and pew-pew you from a safe distance. And yes, to survive/sustain for long on endless defence, Vauban should rely on strong DD setups, like nova(molecular prime, that becomes an awesome debuff/damage multiplier on stronger mobs) + banshee (sonar damage buff, works really well with molecular prime, increasing the explosion damage) + trinity (energy source) or rhino (damage buff). Because he is a support/CC frame. Yes, you can do a lot with him if you're skilled, but this is a co-op game. So bring some trigger-happy friends.



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vortex is amazing with aoe weapons or with melee

bastille is broken against infested and really good against other things too

tesla can still stun in higher level waves

bounce can... bounce!


all in all, he has 2 really, really good CC, 1 moderate CC (but it's a 1 power and they usually underperform on high level content either way)

and a fun skill


he doesn't need more damage, just get an ignis or an ogris or something and with vortex you can melt face. He is a support frame that supports through CC, so asking for damage is like asking for trinity to get some uber damage skill out of nowhere

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Vauban is fine, from my frames its the most fun to play with. 


And the combination Vauban + Ignis vs Infested is addictive. Just spam Vortex and burn everything. 


Underpowered is Volt, which, like Vauban, uses electricity, but, unlike Vauban, have a very weak 1st power.

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Vauban is fine, from my frames its the most fun to play with. 


And the combination Vauban + Ignis vs Infested is addictive. Just spam Vortex and burn everything. 


Underpowered is Volt, which, like Vauban, uses electricity, but, unlike Vauban, have a very weak 1st power.


Im worried the Ignis/Embolist thing is a bug, anyway i think vortex need a little range buff.

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You can also use Vortex with the Flux. Initially I was using the combo Vauban + Flux, until I made the Ignis, which was meant to be used by Rhino.


I still use Ignis with Rhino at Phobos, but Vauban and Volt can make good use of Ignis too, combining it with Vortex and Electric Shield.


Of course this is all tactics, which involves using the brain. Its not a bug, those weapons are meant to be combined with frame's powers to maximize their potential. Also you need to known when to throw Vortex, it should have lots of enemies near it to maximize damage and kill more fast.

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although I hate to admit that bastille got a little nerfed but well pretty big personally since I'm quite thrifty in energy usage but yea, 2 to 3 bastilles will do

but I do agree that he needs a slightly more damage buff, telsa in mid to high levels is like an elephant getting hit by static lol

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Vauban is sooo ugly, the moment I had finished crafting him, I was able to get a hard look at him, his stances make him look like he has a hunch back, nothing worked to make him look good, so I sold him. The some 3 months it took me to get his bp's was all for nothing, a frame needs to look good before I decide to use them.

Edited by __Kanade__
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I personally find Vaubby one of THE most powerful, flexible, and most importantly for me, end game viable WFs in the game

His shield and health are fine, although i DO think he could do with more armour!  he certainly dosnt look like hes only packing 10 with that suit on!

The only reason i am not still using him is : NEKRO

P.S  Bastille did not get nerfed, it got FIXED,  its still an amazing ability its just not a 'cheap' one

Edited by ZetaReticulan
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I am surprised to find someone called one of the most useful frames for def and mobile def under power.

Tesla, while weak, has a good stun rate. which is actually one of the most useful first skill among frames (note that most frames first skill is pretty useless as well)

Bounce, while having limited use, is cheap and you can place them in areas with less traffic to redirect the enemy without wasting too much energy with another bastille.

Bastille, yes, it is nerfed, but paired with continuity and fortitude, just two of them is enough to last most of the waves or till you pick up enough energy.

If you can't kill 24 enemies before others goes through the bastille. Something is wrong with your team/weapon set up.

Vortex, arguably his best def skill at the moment. While it doesn't last as long as bastille, it has no finite number of enemies to catch, it also rag doll the enemy/concentrate them at the same spot, which makes elemental weapon/aoe weapons/punctured weapons deals massive damage.


No, Vauban does not need a damage buff, if you think he needs it, you are probably playing him with the mind set of the wrong row. You probably created the thread without even invested much time to learn how to utilized his skills, and no, it is no one's responsibility to teach you how to play when all you did in your very original post before all the edits is complaining how weak he is in damage.



so basically, after all those typing, it summarized down to.


L2P before you QQ

Edited by Innosin
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Bastille got nerfed, but Vortex dont affect players anymore. So spam Vortex and use Bastille only when in danger.


Vauban looks like a hunchback. Dont matter what animation I put, his head seems sunk in his torso.


Thats why i use the Dr.octopus hat.

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Skip Tesla and Bounce. Get an Ignis/Ogris/Torid, spam Bastille and Vortext, Profit. If you think hes squishy, get a Shade and use Equilibrium or Quick Thinking + Rage combo.


Im always agaisnt removing/forma warframe skills.. its just soo wrong removing diversity for raw numbers =/ and tesla still effective as stun mechanic (waiting armor 2.0 blablabla)


bounce needs to scale with power badly.

Edited by Dasmir
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"well balanced frames: nova"




also requesting a change like mag got when the change that mag got completely altered how she plays and turned an interesting positioning skill into a mindless nuke


Nova is well balanced, her ult functions typically for her character type, Massive massive destruction, i like it as is, its completely fine.


vaubans tesla could use a buff. tho.

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Of course this is all tactics, which involves using the brain. Its not a bug


Flux and Ignis near-instakilling every ragdolled enemy is most certainly a bug, and has nothing to do with combining weapons with WF abilities tactically.

Especially when you can ragdoll the enemies with regular kicks.

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i just got him to 30, he's pretty good for high level survival and defense missions. tesla's damage is fine i think, dont forget each tesla has multiple charges and you can put as many as you want, plus they stun enemies. the damage really falls in higher levels but the same goes for any skill that doesnt have armor ignore and we all know this is going to be looked at. the rest of his skill are very useful, bounce not thaaat much but can open some shortcuts in maps, getting rid of toxics near the pod, trolling teammates....

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"I know Vauban has great CC, but he needs damage"

"The only thing OP about Nova is her 4"

You obviously know nothing about balance and think Vauban is UP because he can't one shot anything in a square mile. Sorry to say, but you need to learn to play.

Edited by Aishi
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"I know Vauban has great CC, but he needs damage"

"The only thing OP about Nova is her 4"

You obviously know nothing about balance and think Vauban is UP because he can't one shot anything in a square mile. Sorry to say, but you need to learn to play.

and there are too many players which only read the first post *facepalm*


all Frames should be raised to novas niveau tbh.

and right now, ALL warframes have balance issues!

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