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Re-Buff Hek


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At one time the Hek was the king of all the shotguns, it had amazing range and high damage to boot. Then the range was nerfed, though it lost some of its utility it remained the best mid range shotgun, effectively dispatching foes beyond the range of Strun and Boar.

Then came the Sobek, at first it was utter crap but when a buff came that all changed. Suddenly the Sobek had more range, higher dps and arguably more usability than the Hek due to the forgiving mag size which was 5 times the Hek's.

Even then the Hek still remained the best close range thumper, something to deal high damage in cqc.

Soon it would loose that title to the Strun Wraith, with 190 damage and a 6 round magazine the Swraith simply blew the Hek out of the water in terms of single-shot damage potential, leaving the Hek with zero niche to compensate for its weaknesses. 


My request is simple: re-buff the Hek's range.

This would give the Hek a purpose, while it is arguably useless that the moment.


Believe me, I know what I am talking about, I have a 2 forma'd Sobek and a level 30 strun wraith in addition of a tater'd Hek. The Hek may be fun but it is pretty lack-luster when compared to most of the other "good shotguns". 

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It deserves 20 x 8 damage.

And that with only 4 shots a magazine, it still does only 640 total damage.



A normal Strum deals 13 x 10 damage.

And with 6 shots a magazine it still does 740 total damage.



Every other shotgun still beats it in sustained DPS so it does deserve such a buff.

Edited by fatpig84
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The Strun Wraith loses to the Hek in terms of range, though. Unless the range was buffed, in which case I didn't know it was.

also an event reward that is limited to who can have it; special case and should not be held up as an example next to weapons anyone can get a hold of. 


This thread boils down to...


Well the Hek still is the best high-damage shotgun for close to mid range, but some people totally have a better shotgun because they received an event reward. The Hek should be buffed to make it fair. 

Edited by HailCreation
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Well the Hek still is the best high-damage shotgun for close to mid range, but some people totally have a better shotgun because they received an event reward. The Hek should be buffed to make it fair. 

some people will never understand the power of Sobek.



De maximus Band-aid fix about weapon balance.

it's a horrible excuse to not deal with balance, either. "don't nerf anything but scale the numbers up to make them harder to balance" will collapse eventually, just like it has in pretty much every other PvE game, ever. once the range between the early and late numbers gets big enough, and the late numbers get big enough, the game will collapse. 

i will give someone my soul if i'm wrong. because i know i'm not. too many dozens upon dozens of games in the past have made the same exact mistake, for it to be untrue.



on topic:

maybe Hek needs a niche that isn't revolving around just damage output, but also some non-combative bonuses as well. it's got ridiculously huge firing tubes, so maybe it should have a reasonable chance to knock enemies down per shot, from pure pressure force. 

i also think Hek should degrade damage after the falloff range half or less as quickly as other shotguns do. so that Hek can hit out to really far ranges, but not at full force. but also not dealing only 1dmg, either.

i also can certainly agree that Hek should be 20x8 for damage. 

Edited by taiiat
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