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10 Hours Of Farming For 2 Days Still No Hammershot.


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As far as superstition goes, this one is scary true.


I gave up on Braton Prime Barrel and ran a T1 (old tables) for shiggles, 5 minutes before work. Dropped the barrel.

I gave up on Banshee Helmet, and was just running a Derelict Defense. We decide to leave 10 waves early, at 30. Banshee Helmet.

I didn't know Blaze was super-rare and got three the day Nightmare came out. Hammershot at the end of that day, too.

RNG is a program that eventually learned sentience and became a true AI, and has learned our human patterns of thought and action. Skynet. SKYNET I TELL YOU!

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To be quite frank:


I don't believe you guys stating that you farmed this mod for more than 200 hours straight and did not find it.

a) no human being can bear running the same mission over and over

b) frustration would have killed you long ago

c) even the saddest person in the world would have found it in this timeframe

d) you could have used the rare mods you got in 200 runs and just try to transform the mod.. this would pull the RNG in your favor


and last but not least:

e) you can really manage without hammershot, hell, I can manage without blaze. Don't expect anything to be spoonfed (this goes to one group) or learn that you cannot have everything in your life (this goes to the other group).


Just play the damn game, at one point or another, you will have your mod. I don't have blaze, I have done countless runs for it and you know what? The game is still easy as f.uck for me.


A) Obviously, but 200 hours over several weeks is possible.

B) The question is whether or not you rage quit from burnout first.

C) Psuedo-RNG, especially when it's "intentionally" fixed, is incredibly problematic.

D) You can't get Nightmare mods as transmutation results.

E) You can, but then you're gimping yourself.


At one point or another, it's not guaranteed that you will get a certain mod. Currently, the game's easy late/end-game and incredibly hard at the beginning, which drives many people away.

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A) Obviously, but 200 hours over several weeks is possible.

B) The question is whether or not you rage quit from burnout first.

C) Psuedo-RNG, especially when it's "intentionally" fixed, is incredibly problematic.

D) You can't get Nightmare mods as transmutation results.

E) You can, but then you're gimping yourself.


At one point or another, it's not guaranteed that you will get a certain mod. Currently, the game's easy late/end-game and incredibly hard at the beginning, which drives many people away.

Someone checked the account already dude... he only played for 195hrs there is no way he could have spent 200 hours straight that would mean for 5 hours he walked around in real life trying to find a hammershot... lol

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At least in warframe you can run around blow stuff up all day... Fishing you stand in one spot... tell me... where is the difference in the two very random task that no matter what you do you can't guarantee you will catch your prize? People love fishing, and people love Warframe...


In fishing, I can increase bites by observing the correct weather conditions, season, using the right bait, move my fishing rod in patterns mimicking the movements of the prey my bait resembles and I can extrapolate from data. What fish bites here, how's the population, how's the water temperature. I can also improve my chances with reinforced line, depth-appropriate lead weights, and using the proper float. Fishing is very intricate.


In Warframe, I can only go, kill the mob, roll the dice. I cannot improve my chances, nor even see the data, if it wouldn't be for dataminers.

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In fishing, I can increase bites by observing the correct weather conditions, season, using the right bait, move my fishing rod in patterns mimicking the movements of the prey my bait resembles and I can extrapolate from data. What fish bites here, how's the population, how's the water temperature. I can also improve my chances with reinforced line, depth-appropriate lead weights, and using the proper float. Fishing is very intricate.


In Warframe, I can only go, kill the mob, roll the dice. I cannot improve my chances, nor even see the data, if it wouldn't be for dataminers.

Even with all that fish are still living creatures that can make a choice... its like a cowboy shootout... sometimes they aint always on top of the chapel...

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Yeah... The problem isn't that items are rare, it';s just.... The loot tables are so polluted that you have no choice, but to make the rarest of rare %1... or less. Until they actually figure out tiered loot tables, this is what you will all be stuck with. 10 hour grinds for nothing.

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Even with all that fish are still living creatures that can make a choice... its like a cowboy shootout... sometimes they aint always on top of the chapel...


Fishes make hardly any choices but follow instincts. Just like humans (who are sentient) can be manipulated, fishes can, too. Just way, way easier.


Yeah... The problem isn't that items are rare, it';s just.... The loot tables are so polluted that you have no choice, but to make the rarest of rare %1... or less. Until they actually figure out tiered loot tables, this is what you will all be stuck with. 10 hour grinds for nothing.


If you add one item at 40% and one at 1%, pool dilution is only part of the problem. Blaze and Hammershot have been deliberately made this scarce.

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Don't waste your time farming unless its a capture mission. Put rush on your warframe and finish those in about 4-5 minutes. If you're a volt it's even better. Farmed about 30 runs. Waiting until another capture nightmare mission comes up. I got blaze though, but I will probably never use it...

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I agree with having very rare, hard to get things. There's nothing morally wrong with 1% drop rates.

Having such important mods be 1% drops is on the cruel side though. Why can't Fortitude and Stunning Speed be the 1% drop mods? Give completionists (like me) something to hunt for, but something no one finds essential.

For the record, I have 2 each of Blaze and Hammer Shot. So changing the drop rate doesn't directly impact me.

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Although I can somewhat emphathize with the frustration with RNG, I don't it is necessarily a bad thing. The reason: it keeps things from becoming too predictable (e.g. with token system).  Rare mods are only "valuable", if not everybody has them. With say the token system (or predictable alerts that gives everybody what they want), I think there will be a fixed generic time-line that will map a player's progress and somebody is going to come up with some "optimal" one that everybody who is lazy will adopt. The result: we have a clone gamer community where everybody's game progress/experience is so similar that there will be no more interesting talk like "There was once I got 3 Split Chamber in 1 run!", or even "200 Hours and still no Rage" (even past negative experience can be memorable, esp when we finally get the item of interest). These experiences, good or bad, makes up the unique game experience of each player. 


So don't try to kill RNG outright. I think it does have its place.


@OP. it is "only 10 hours" :)



Below are some additional advise for those who are looking for fun. Skip if not interested.


I have seldom actively looked for mods. And even when so, I didn't give myself a deadline or actively look for and get disappointed after every mission when I did not get it. I simply change my gaming habits (mission selection) to favor the situations that there is a higher chance that it will drop: e.g. play more Pluto Defense). 


But even so, I don't grind the same missions endlessly for extended period of time. I like to mix them to keep things fresh.. e.g. A few rounds of Venus to try to find T1 keys, then hop over to Recruiting to try to find/host some void/derelict missions. Then go on a solo mission on some planet which drops some resources which are running low, or test a new mod build on enemies of specific levels. And when I feel tired, I just log out, instead of forcing myself to continue "until I get the mod/key/part".



Before I noticed it, one fine day, the mod I was looking for just hopped into my arms. (there are many other mods which I discovered are in my inventory even before I got to know of them and wanted to use them: e.g.  Hammer Shot/Flow/Rage.... I actually only look for Hammer Shot after I got Soma)

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Mod was so easy to get 20-25 runs all of them dropped other than cont. in about 25 runs. I don't feel like farming for it and coming to the boards and whining like you though.


Your personal anecdote of luck is good for you, but does not address statistical outliers and those less fortunate than you. I suggest, before you dismiss feedback of others, you check your privilege. People like you are an issue in itself. "It's fine because it worked for me." Sometimes, a horizon is so low, it's really just a circle, and some people then call that their point of view. Try a little compassion and situational awareness, gentletenno.

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Your personal anecdote of luck is good for you, but does not address statistical outliers and those less fortunate than you. I suggest, before you dismiss feedback of others, you check your privilege. People like you are an issue in itself. "It's fine because it worked for me." Sometimes, a horizon is so low, it's really just a circle, and some people then call that their point of view. Try a little compassion and situational awareness, gentletenno.

I didn't really have a problem getting any Nightmare mods, I didn't particularly like Nightmare mode at all. The ones I didn't get normally, I got from the weekend event.


You don't see me parading around how I have all of them while other people still don't have them after 1000 runs

oh wait, now I'm doing that.




lesson is: don't burn yourself out. If you don't feel like you're having fun anymore, stop. You can play anytime, this is F2P. Take a break.

You know, you'll feel silly when you grind 24/7 for this mod and then DE decides to do a weekend Nightmare event next week! Get your rare Nightmare mode mods via alert again!!

Edited by shr0ud
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