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Failing To Keep People Interested...


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I don't think there is lack of content lol there is plenty of levels and tilesets and plenty of weapons and frames. It's just so much of the game feels a lot the same... The golum boss was fun and awesome but it loses its effect after a few runs.

Right now my outlook on the game has changed from grinding to wanting to help other players out. I mean I have pretty much everything I want in the game. today I went to wave 30 on an od defense mission and it was boring. So instead of playing for myself I am thinking of starting a clan, making some friends or just helping new players out. It is still a great game and I can't wait to try out more stuff but still you have to change your outlook or you lose interest. 

"the game has changed from grinding to wanting to help other players out."  <--------THIS is exactly why I started a clan about 4 months ago.  Obtained 40 people, made an awesome dojo, built all the weapons, ranked em all, ranked and maxed out mods, several frames etc., helped many people/clannies....so, I guess I'm entering the 'next chapter'?  I have no idea what that will bring, might have to find a new game.  :)

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game have grind. not a content.


as it now i fancy myself with steamrolling MDs. because it is the only mode with mutiple objectives and some hints of teamplay (such as don't mess with spawn points).


game is empty, and unfortunately DE thinks that more stuff to grind is actually content for a game.


i have lost a player today. for DE it's not a big deal, for me - it is.

Agreed and good angle to see what's happening with this game...thanks for your feedback.

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It's got a good concept and art direction to pull you in and get you interested and damn fun gameplay but lacks any sort of driving force. For me the biggest contributor to burnout is that there's no real motivation to do anything because my actions don't really change anything in the world, there's nothing to achieve bar the aquisition of better guns.

Some story mode or even just randomly generated objectives for the player that go a little beyond "kill x of y" or "play x of y missions" could go a long way. Basically consequences , both positive and negative, would be an amazing contribution to the game. Perhaps multi-stage, narrative alerts would do the trick. Example; the Dread Pirate Vor has uncovered an Orokin tower containing the pods of dozens of sleeping Tenno, find his whereabouts and stop him before he has a chance to kill your sleeping brothers and sisters. Spy to discover the plot->Capture to collect his whereabouts->Unique Mobile Defense or Assassination in the cryo chamber, all of which have unique lines relating to the current narrative but are otherwise fairly similar to the usual missions.

Get a few of those things going and a lot of people would be a lot happier, it wouldn't even have to be too complicated, it could be hitting a Corpus shipment for supplies, recovering survivors and war materiel from Infested ships or what have you. As usual, I'm basically just dreaming, but it would be nice.

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WIth a lack of a distinct long-term focus the game turns into grinding for your optimal set of special snowflake gear, and mods for more power.


Players come back for content updates because potentially there are better things to grind and better places to do it, and typically after experiencing the new content they go dark again. As someone who has run all the tilesets, has a million sets of special snowflake gear, and is nearing max-ranked mods this is how I experience the game.


I feel like this has heavily influenced design; DEs solution is to mass produce things to grind to bring back people but due to the effort to do just that they fail to seriously address fundamental problems with gameplay and rewards in a signficant way.


Gameplay can stale because players are not rewarded meaningfully for pursuing alternate styles of play. 


So uh... if you are seeing less people then maybe it's this.

LOL...I love how you end your thought...yup, I totally agree.  I feel like I have already got much outta the game and I'm not to motivated to go back...if it weren't for the great people in my clan, I would have probably ditched the game months ago.

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A major reason for me quitting (for now) is the fact that you fight the same 3 factions from beginning planet to the final planet. Nothing interesting ever happens to them and it only takes a few encounters to figure out how to cope with each enemy. This game needs new enemy factions, but not even that would make it more interesting because you can still faceroll across your #4 key and clear room after room instantly. This game needs a lot of rework >.>

BIGTIME agree with this comment.  Thanks man...maybe DEV. will take notice of this thread.

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to a "what?" guy. I am rank 12, I have more than 1000 hours of gameplay. Do you really think you can judge my opinion about this game? game is not evolving. All you can do here is to grind mats for weapon, build a weapon, level a weapon, forma it and level again. Again, again and again. It is the same circle of grind over last 3 major updates, only content you can have is to run MD, ED and now Survival in order to get either xp or resources and this is about it. Nothing. Else. At. All.


How long you are playing? 100h? 150h? i am sure no more than 150h.


Game have zero challenge, zero coop or teamplay, S#&$loads of bugs which are dated back to U8. Same loads of useless garbage that only pollutes the game. Grind is not a content.


New game modes is a content. Even lore is a content. Not a grind. Grind must be a addition to content, not it's core.

Who is this question posed to?  If me (the author of this thread), then I would say that I have played over 500 hours, but so what...it just means it has taken me less hours to realize the redundancy of this game!  ;P

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It's all grind, repetition, and RNG on the same boring maps.  Sure there are different tilesets and they are randomized so that each level is in a way "different" but they're still the same stuff.  What DE needs to do is make actual UNIQUE environments based on the location of the level.  I mean we we have the entire solar system but from Mercury to Pluto and beyond nothing really changes.  


Each planet or moon or major location should have a unique level or two.  


Like say the defense mission Olympus on Mars.  Make it actually be on Olympus Mons on Mars.  You have a defensive location on some mountain top base and the enemies attack you.   I remember the Mars mission on Mass Effect 3 and it was awesome because you knew right away you were acually on Mars, not just some generic mountainy, snowy landscape.  


Or Earth.  It's supposed to be the seat of the Grineer Empire, so make a mission where you're actually in a Grineer city or the level Everest.  Make it on Mount Everest in the HImalayans.  



With the bigger planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune make the planets visible from the levels.  Say we're in a ship near Neptune.  Make it so that if we look out a window we can acutally see Neptune.  Right now each mission just might as well be on, Random planet 33 or whatever.  Add some uniqueness to this stuff.

Well said...thanks for the reply.

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It's got a good concept and art direction to pull you in and get you interested and damn fun gameplay but lacks any sort of driving force. For me the biggest contributor to burnout is that there's no real motivation to do anything because my actions don't really change anything in the world, there's nothing to achieve bar the aquisition of better guns.

Some story mode or even just randomly generated objectives for the player that go a little beyond "kill x of y" or "play x of y missions" could go a long way. Basically consequences , both positive and negative, would be an amazing contribution to the game. Perhaps multi-stage, narrative alerts would do the trick. Example; the Dread Pirate Vor has uncovered an Orokin tower containing the pods of dozens of sleeping Tenno, find his whereabouts and stop him before he has a chance to kill your sleeping brothers and sisters. Spy to discover the plot->Capture to collect his whereabouts->Unique Mobile Defense or Assassination in the cryo chamber, all of which have unique lines relating to the current narrative but are otherwise fairly similar to the usual missions.

Get a few of those things going and a lot of people would be a lot happier, it wouldn't even have to be too complicated, it could be hitting a Corpus shipment for supplies, recovering survivors and war materiel from Infested ships or what have you. As usual, I'm basically just dreaming, but it would be nice.

Well said, I agree.

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Borderlands isn't even a fair comparison. You know why? BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY HAS STORY TO INTEREST PEOPLE

This. Borderlands has its own niche as a planet where everything has gone crazy and you have to play savior.


You don't have to grind things unless you're serious about how much damage you're doing, otherwise, useful stuff will eventually fall into your lap.


I've watched a friend play Borderlands long enough to know that taking on missions above your own level is about as hard as Warframe T3 Voids. 


In Warframe, you need to grind to stay competitive with the game itself. It is not an option like it is in Borderlands.


Let me add a bit more here..


I feel a major problem of Warframe is that there is no balancing for skill. All, if not most, newer weapons and clantech are blatantly overpowered compared to anything that came before. With Borderlands, farming is farming, But as I said, the game allows you to take on enemies higher level than you if played smartly enough. 


With Warframe, the same rules do not apply. The weapons have different mechanics and we are encouraged to invest in our weapons because of those mechanics. Furthermore, farming mods is crucial to the Warframe experience.


It's a strange mashup between Halo CE and Borderlands. However, in Halo CE, there was no equivalent of an Acrid.

Edited by Destro6677
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Borderlands isn't even a fair comparison. You know why? BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY HAS STORY TO INTEREST PEOPLE

And you know what? That story is boring. Warframe is interesting because I can make up my own story. I can RP what I want to be, and not just be a copy or clone of someone who already has a personality. I can make my own identity, and not take on one that someone else wrote.

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How many Warframe fans also like Terraria?


Terraria released a HUGE update last night, so maybe some Warframers are taking a break on Warframe to enjoy Terraria 1.2?

Hmmm, never heard of it....looking into it now.  Thanks for your feedback.

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Wow...ugly game...you mnust have been kidding?  ;)


A huge part of the appeal behind Terraria, is that it overloads older players with a feeling of nostalgia.


It might have SNES-era graphics, but you can re-shape the entire world to your whim and fight stuff, get lots of weapons, fight bosses, build huge ridiculously/meticulously planned fortresses for houses.

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A huge part of the appeal behind Terraria, is that it overloads older players with a feeling of nostalgia.


It might have SNES-era graphics, but you can re-shape the entire world to your whim and fight stuff, get lots of weapons, fight bosses, build huge ridiculously/meticulously planned fortresses for houses.

Interesting...I think my brother was recently playing this, for the same reasons you mention here...thanks for the feedback.

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The thing is, Warframe hardly has 'grind.' It just turns into a grind when the only way to finish some items is by getting a 1% drop from a 5% drop. This redundant RNG with no player control or feasible finish line outside of luck is what WILL kill this game.


You are spot on.  I have been running Xini multiple times a day for 5 months looking for a Banshee helmet blueprint.  I've probably also run Vor a good 200 times, trying to get a Seer Receiver.  At this point, I am dangerously close to quitting the game altogether out of frustration.  I've done everything else the game has to offer: farmed almost all other warframes and weapons (I've got a couple primes left, that's it), soloed T3s and every boss, and I'm at mastery rank 9. 


It is unbelievably infuriating to know that your progress is dependent almost solely on luck, and that if you are currently unlucky you are literally wasting your time. 

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You are spot on.  I have been running Xini multiple times a day for 5 months looking for a Banshee helmet blueprint.  I've probably also run Vor a good 200 times, trying to get a Seer Receiver.  At this point, I am dangerously close to quitting the game altogether out of frustration.  I've done everything else the game has to offer: farmed almost all other warframes and weapons (I've got a couple primes left, that's it), soloed T3s and every boss, and I'm at mastery rank 9. 


It is unbelievably infuriating to know that your progress is dependent almost solely on luck, and that if you are currently unlucky you are literally wasting your time.

If this game really 'infuriates' you, there are tons of other free to play games out there.

I don't mean this in a snide 'can I have your stuff?' kinda way, but playing videogames should be fun. If you're not having fun, you should seriously question what you're doing.

Fun fact: people enjoy grinding. Diablo 2 and WoW proved that all the way to the bank. You may not be that kind of person, and should check out other games. Terraria got mentioned in this thread, and its a simply brilliant co-op game.

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Well, DE got itself in a nasty cycle with Warframe. You need something to grind for to keep players going, but grind in this game is so badly made with the RNG layers and whatnot that it causes burnout in people much faster than it does in other games.


So there has to be a new system put in place that would keep players going.. but developing that system would take a lot of time, so to keep players playing while they would develop this you need more content and since you constantly need to put out more content, then you have little time or opportunity to overhaul the core of the game.


So we have the progression treadmill and we have gameplay. But that's it, there's very little story, character or player (meaningful anyway) interaction. So it all boils down to how long the gameplay itself can hold you.. and that will vary from player to player. And in my honest oppinion the gameplay is way too shallow to hold you forever. Everything feels half done, the stealth system, the melee system, the movement system, the lore. And the game is littered by awful design choices on top of that.


Oh, and the GTA V came out. That could have something to do with it too..

Edited by LocoWithGun
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If this game really 'infuriates' you, there are tons of other free to play games out there.

I don't mean this in a snide 'can I have your stuff?' kinda way, but playing videogames should be fun. If you're not having fun, you should seriously question what you're doing.

Fun fact: people enjoy grinding. Diablo 2 and WoW proved that all the way to the bank. You may not be that kind of person, and should check out other games. Terraria got mentioned in this thread, and its a simply brilliant co-op game.

Pretty much my philosophy right here. Play for fun, don't try to force yourself. If you don't like a game, move on, find something else. If you like what you have, stay with what you have.

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TheDrift, on 01 Oct 2013 - 7:34 PM, said:

never even cared about the story, I played the game cause I liked it. If you want a story, go read a book, if you like the game play it. If not? don't.

Excuse me, every Black Isle, Obsidian, and Troika game, along with quite a few BioWare games would like to have a word with you.
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