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Empyrean: The Way People Are Farming the Anomaly Is Getting Ridiculous (some spoilers if you haven't been to the Anomaly)


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Those people are to blame, yes.  They are a part of the problem.

But the MAIN problem is DE and how they decided to handle this.  There would be far less people abort farming if they hadn't decided that they should put a shiny new weapon locked behind totally egregious time-gates.  You have a half hour window to farm about every 2.5ish hours.  That's a bunch of BS.  They're creating a pressurized environment that encourages that sort of behavior and I would bet you all the plat I have that it's because they made the Shedu parts tradable and want plat circulating instead of being horded.  What better way to get the horders to spend it than to release something new with a totally new look and make it a pain to farm?  A full set was going for several hundred the first week.  It's either that, or DE has gone off the rails crazy with their "vision" for how things should be and just literally give no #*!%s about respecting player's time.

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1 hour ago, Monolake said:

Rarity affects value, it's economics 101.  The issue is that everyone would forget about this game mode too if not for rare rewards. The entire mission structure needs redesign, now its as bad as slot machine instead of action game.

So you haven't got umbra forma either and havent met anyone who found it after the nerf?

Yet here we are. And lets be real, the mode is already forgotten, most people have already farmed the shedu parts in the first few weeks and the ephemera is a niche cosmetic with an extreme grind that only draws a selective few due to either aspects. That said as a teaser of sorts I don't think it's critical just yet for the sentient tileset to have high replayability, Empyrean is the content we're supposed to be soaking in, and the bulk of the update we our anomaly with, the ship is perfectly fine as a precursor/temp build up object. Making it as grindy as it is now though just serves to make people exhausted of the tileset before we even get to the actual Sentient update. 

I have not, why do you ask?

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