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Empyrean: The Way People Are Farming the Anomaly Is Getting Ridiculous (some spoilers if you haven't been to the Anomaly)


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I joined a random groups for the anomaly (my fault I probably should have to wait until I have friends online) as most groups do they rushed straight to the anomaly (nothing wrong with that). 

Most of the group rushed through to kill 20 sentients and left because they didn't get a part to drop (or rare chest) leaving the rest of the sentients. I lost the drops and chests through host migration . I killed a few more sentients with using Atlas' Ore Gaze (my Nekros isn't strong enough yet to solo the anomaly I've tried) and got the chassis to drop but the objective was complete and no one else could join the mission because of it. I decided to give the rest of the mission a try (I just upgraded my railjack and it was worth a try).

After getting out of the anomaly I didn't have my railjack I had the railjack that belonged to the original host (didn't seem to have half the avionics/upgrades I have) I managed to only get 3 fighters down before back to back catastrophic failures and ultimately failed the mission (and lost the part). I'm being told that the people dropping out of the mission get to keep what they picked up while those that play the mission and end up failing loose everything. If this is true, you're penalizing the people that are trying to just play and enjoy the game.


DE know you can't do anything fix what other players do, but this is worse than the players that join a sortie and just sit at the beginning of the mission to be walked through (at least I can solo a sortie, railjack is very hard to solo in veil). Only thing I could think of (and I'm sure many people farming this way will be mad) is if the anomaly is locked until the other mission objectives are completed. This type of play would stop causing making it better for players that want to run through the mission regardless of the drops in the anomaly. With making it take longer to get to a limited time rare location to try to get rare chests/drops I really hope it's a higher chance to find than normal missions due to the rarity of the location. I don't know what the actual drop rate is (I have successfully gotten 2 parts with my clan and lost 2 from this farming style discussed in this post, so doesn't seem too bad). It is hard enough to try to get things that have a 0.5% drop chance in missions that can be done at any time of day (no, I haven't been able to get the War parts to drop yet lol).


Thanks for listening to my gripe and thanks again to the 2 groups of random people that did stay finish the veil missions with me after the anomaly (and those that run through the mission that I haven't met yet). Have a nice day.



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The people that leave do not get to keep anything.

They're leaving because speedrunning through the anomaly, aborting, and restarting allows for more attempts in the half hour than running the mission like normal.

The best (and as far as I know only) way DE can fix this is for them to hide the drops until mission completion, so if someone picked up a Shedu part they'd need to finish the mission before finding out what part it is.

The act of aborting when you don't get what you want is a Player mentality that is simply supported by a design oversight on DEs part.
Take out (fix) the design oversight and people should no longer leave the mission.

Edited by BaIthazar
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il y a 28 minutes, Gesteur a dit :

Most of the group rushed through to kill 20 sentients and left because they didn't get a part to drop (or rare chest) leaving the rest of the sentients

Lol that's stupid. Cleaning and leaving I can understand (even if I dislike it), but leaving after 20 sentients...

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I believe something similar happened with the Arlo Nightwave boss fight,

They made changes to it such that you don't see what you get until after the mission is over.

Then again that mission didnt last too long , while the veil missions last anything between 15 to 30 minutes depending on objectives and levels.

It is also in one of the hardest regions of the game , and going in unprepared will most likely get your wrecked.


I will blame both , The player mentality as well as the design decision to make this issue possible.

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8 minutes ago, Daziri said:

You can't really force people to play the game how you want. People wanna farm item X, they wanna farm it as efficiently as possible. Leading to a scenario as you described.

I don't want to force anyone to play any certain way, but farming like this is forcing me to not be able to play the mission at all because it cannot be done solo.

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2 minutes ago, Gesteur said:

I don't want to force anyone to play any certain way, but farming like this is forcing me to not be able to play the mission at all because it cannot be done solo.

It can be done solo. I've been grinding the ship solo for the ephemera. 

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34 minutes ago, Gesteur said:

 I'm being told that the people dropping out of the mission get to keep what they picked up while those that play the mission and end up failing loose everything. 

This is not true. They were probably referring to how once the mission is complete, you don't have to return to the dojo you can abort and keep everything. 

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10 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

This is how people combat oppressive drop rates. Can't blame them.

This, right here.

People speedrunning the sentient ship is not the problem, it's a symptom of the real problem.

The real problem is that you need 3 items, each of which has a 2% chance to drop in a mission which only appears every 3 hours from a fairly rare enemy (maybe 5 per mission?). Given that we're faced with crap like that, no wonder people want to make it less painful.

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1 minute ago, DoomFruit said:

This, right here.

People speedrunning the sentient ship is not the problem, it's a symptom of the real problem.

The real problem is that you need 3 items, each of which has a 2% chance to drop in a mission which only appears every 3 hours from a fairly rare enemy (maybe 5 per mission?). Given that we're faced with crap like that, no wonder people want to make it less painful.

Then as Skaleek said farm like this solo or with friends instead of in a pug, so people trying to play the whole mission aren't hurt by this play style

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Just now, Gesteur said:

Then as Skaleek said farm like this solo or with friends instead of in a pug, so people trying to play the whole mission aren't hurt by this play style

Unless you have a tricked out railjack, solo will take forever. Friends requires one to have friends which actually play this game (and also requires at least one of you to have said tricked out railjack).

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1 minute ago, Miser_able said:


Awesome. I'm happy for you but I don't think I'm to that point yet. But that's why I'm using pugs instead of going in solo.

My own ship may have had a shot but being stuck with the original host's ship I died fast with them having close to half the ship health. 

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3 minutes ago, Gesteur said:

Then as Skaleek said farm like this solo or with friends instead of in a pug, so people trying to play the whole mission aren't hurt by this play style

People who are trying to farm the weapon should always do recruited gameplay, it's much better than pub. 

In a recruited game you can plan out your team, that way to don't wind up with 2 nekros or no farm frames. You can also discuss whether or not you want to play though the whole mission or abort if you don't find anything. 

Public missions are a mixed bag, you never know what you'll get and because you chose to subject yourself to it, you should expect issues. 

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2 minutes ago, Gesteur said:

Awesome. I'm happy for you but I don't think I'm to that point yet. But that's why I'm using pugs instead of going in solo.

My own ship may have had a shot but being stuck with the original host's ship I died fast with them having close to half the ship health. 

In the veil, most people don't bother using the jack unless they have maxed out t3 stuff. They mainly just use the amesha and park the jack somewhere else. 

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4 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

Unless you have a tricked out railjack, solo will take forever. Friends requires one to have friends which actually play this game (and also requires at least one of you to have said tricked out railjack).

But if you're farming in the way I'm complaining about you only need to go around the grineer and go straight to the anomaly. No need for a tricked out railjack or friends online to only kill sentients and leave the mission.

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I abort both anomaly and captain farm. 

I only do solo though as its much faster - I can get 5 anomaly runs in, even 6 if two are relatively small maps.  I don't kill any sentients and just abort when I don't get ephemera. If I do with a squad (public or private) its max of 4 runs with loading times increased dramatically.  I used to stay if I got shedu parts but since they aren't worth anything anymore, I don't even bother with that.

The captain is the same - solo - kill everything for intrinsics, if I get a bp I finish the mission adding 15 minutes to the run.

no railjack upgrades needed if you have decent AW gear.


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10 minutes ago, The_Mustachio said:

I’m impressed you siloed veil with the stock ship. When the host migrates you get a bone stock Railjack. That must have taken forever.

You don't always get a ship with 1000 hp, but it does indeed happen. Regardless, all missions are unproblematic to solo with Amesha.

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1 hour ago, Gesteur said:



Your Kuva Karak Lich has the dopest name. Grineer Mafia confirmed!

As for the subject. I'm glad I got my shedu in about 8 or so legit runs, now I wont have to run with all these hyper-speedy-pop-in-out-no-attention-span-nao-nao folks. 

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1 hour ago, Daziri said:

You can't really force people to play the game how you want. People wanna farm item X, they wanna farm it as efficiently as possible. Leading to a scenario as you described.

But DE can improve the design of the mode so such behavior isn't so very standard and supported. It is a pretty poor design that anomalies have right now with people constantly joining and aborting missions for it in this horrendous loop of host tossing and it is entirely self facilitated by choices DE made in handling the grind for the mode.

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47 minutes ago, Gesteur said:

But if you're farming in the way I'm complaining about you only need to go around the grineer and go straight to the anomaly. No need for a tricked out railjack or friends online to only kill sentients and leave the mission.

That only applies for getting to the anomaly. If you do find a part, you need to complete the full mission or you get nothing.

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