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Skeletor , Master of Bones


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Skeletor , Master of Bones



Health- 200 to 400 ( 800 to 1600 on rank 30 )

Shields- 0

Armor- 200 to 400

Energy- 100 ( 150 on rank 30 )

Sprint speed- 0.9



Passive - Mended Bones 

Upon regenarating 100 health Skeletor receives 3 base armor and health until the end of the mission.

1- Shield of Bones / Shatter

Shield of Bones ( upon cast ) ( 25 energy )

Creates a shield of bones on Skeletor left hand. This shield will absorb all frontal damage. The shield will last for 30 seconds.

Shatter ( 0 energy )

Skeletor slams the shield on thr ground sending splinters dealing damage based on the absorbed damage. Enemies hit by the spikes receive the " Impaled debuff " and a impact proc.

2- Phalanx Gun (50 energy )

Fires each Phalanx on his hand as machine gun. Each projetile deal a high amount of impact damage ( scales with secondary mods ) and always proc impact and the "Impaled debuff ". Upon firing all twelve phalanx Skeletor receives a decreased weapons switch speed debuff for 5 seconds. Firing the Phalanx Gun is a one handed action. Skeletor cannot recast until 

3- Hemaphoteosis ( 75 energy + 25 % total health) 

Skeletor produces a huge amount of bllod on the surface area of his body them uses his high blood preasure to launch the blood. All the loss blood will create a mist. Enemies inside the mist have their weapons jammed ( the blood will coagulate inside ) and receive the "impaled debuff". Enemies outside have their accuracy heavily reduced if they target an enemy inside thr mist. Skeletor will absorb the blood if he will enemies inside the mist, healing himself.

4- Osteoporosis 

Skeletor drains the calcium on the body of all impaled( enemies affected by the " Impaled debuff" ) enemies making their bones brittle. Increasing the damage they receive and incresing the lethality of impact proc ( whenever the she.y receives a impact proc , they will receive a slash proc calculated using the impact damage ). Skeletor also Increases his own armor based on the ammount of enemies hit. 

Note: only avalible if there are implaed enemies. 

Note: Enemies are affected by the " impaled debuff " even after they are dead, meaning skeletor can get extra armor from dead enemies.


What do you think of this concept ? 



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10 hours ago, keikogi said:

Skeletor , Master of Bones



Health- 200 to 400 ( 800 to 1600 on rank 30 )

Shields- 0

Armor- 200 to 400

Energy- 100 ( 150 on rank 30 )

Sprint speed- 0.9



Passive - Mended Bones 

Upon regenarating 100 health Skeletor receives 3 base armor and health until the end of the mission.

1- Shield of Bones / Shatter

Shield of Bones ( upon cast ) ( 25 energy )

Creates a shield of bones on Skeletor left hand. This shield will absorb all frontal damage. The shield will last for 30 seconds.

Shatter ( 0 energy )

Skeletor slams the shield on thr ground sending splinters dealing damage based on the absorbed damage. Enemies hit by the spikes receive the " Impaled debuff " and a impact proc.

2- Phalanx Gun (50 energy )

Fires each Phalanx on his hand as machine gun. Each projetile deal a high amount of impact damage ( scales with secondary mods ) and always proc impact and the "Impaled debuff ". Upon firing all twelve phalanx Skeletor receives a decreased weapons switch speed debuff for 5 seconds. Firing the Phalanx Gun is a one handed action. Skeletor cannot recast until 

3- Hemaphoteosis ( 75 energy + 25 % total health) 

Skeletor produces a huge amount of bllod on the surface area of his body them uses his high blood preasure to launch the blood. All the loss blood will create a mist. Enemies inside the mist have their weapons jammed ( the blood will coagulate inside ) and receive the "impaled debuff". Enemies outside have their accuracy heavily reduced if they target an enemy inside thr mist. Skeletor will absorb the blood if he will enemies inside the mist, healing himself.

4- Osteoporosis 

Skeletor drains the calcium on the body of all impaled( enemies affected by the " Impaled debuff" ) enemies making their bones brittle. Increasing the damage they receive and incresing the lethality of impact proc ( whenever the she.y receives a impact proc , they will receive a slash proc calculated using the impact damage ). Skeletor also Increases his own armor based on the ammount of enemies hit. 

Note: only avalible if there are implaed enemies. 

Note: Enemies are affected by the " impaled debuff " even after they are dead, meaning skeletor can get extra armor from dead enemies.


What do you think of this concept ? 



Well I’ve made a skeleton concept before mainly because of Garuda. Never knew the gore could be allowed to go such extremes. So I made this concept which some people thought was actually a cool or “painful” idea.

Stats: health and shields are multiplied by 3x when maxed out, with the exception of frame like Inaros and Nidus who have no shields. Now for this frame I’m expecting more armor than anything cause I was picturing him having an armor of bones. Basically imagine Nekros but with a literal exoskeleton. Like his ribs are shown on the outside like he is wearing a thick skeleton as his armor. 

So I was picturing more 300 health max while close to 500 or so armor. I still think he should have shields but if DE wanted I could see him having zero shields but more armor and health. Like say:

Health: 200(800 maxed)

Shields: 0

Armor: 800-1,000

Energy: 150(225 max)

Speed: 1.0

For abilities I was picturing him have something like bonekinesis. Where he can control the bones in others. So like:

Passive: collects the bone fragments created by fallen enemies affect by his first and second abilities. Regardless if they die by the abilities themselves or by another source. 

First Ability - he can target an enemy and crush their skeleton to cause permanent damage that inflicts a certain percentage regardless of their level. So no matter how high level the enemy is, they would all die about the same time as a low level. But only one enemy at a time can be targeted. It would also slow their movement speed and melee attacks from them would cause them to lose more health. Bad for infested. 

Second Ability: he can target an enemy and cause their bones to crack and drain their health and be unable to move. Once their health reaches 0 their skeleton completely shatters and the bone fragments are sent flying out into nearby enemies inflicting puncture/impact damage. Basically turn an enemy into a ticking time bomb. 

Third Ability: he can channel the bone fragments he collected into a larger armor. And when the armor is destroyed he can pick up some of the fragments left behind. 

Forth Ability: he can use the fragments to create himself a skeleton army. Some have claws for slash damage, other have a long single claw for puncture(almost like baraka from MK). The more fragments he has the more minions he can summon. Their health and armor is based on his and their damage is based on power strength. When they die they drop some bone fragments. 

Now his passive I’m still trying to figure out cause what I mentioned is more of a bonus or side ability similar to Nidus mutation or atlas rubble. For his skeleton army I was picturing them being more permanent compared to other minions since they require certain materials to create. Which can be hard to collect if enemy keep dying before you can affect them. His first and second completely bypasses armor and shields and does direct damage to their health. 

His origin is still ehhh... but I’m picturing him becoming who he is after being littered with the bones of so many fallen enemies. Basically like he wandered a graveyard of fallen enemies and allies. Could see his parts requiring new materials found from excavation of nearby gravesites in the plains or something. 

This is roughly what I made in a concept from like December 2018. 

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On 2020-01-20 at 7:12 AM, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

First Ability - he can target an enemy and crush their skeleton to cause permanent damage that inflicts a certain percentage regardless of their level. So no matter how high level the enemy is, they would all die about the same time as a low level. But only one enemy at a time can be targeted. It would also slow their movement speed and melee attacks from them would cause them to lose more health. Bad for infested. 

Second Ability: he can target an enemy and cause their bones to crack and drain their health and be unable to move. Once their health reaches 0 their skeleton completely shatters and the bone fragments are sent flying out into nearby enemies inflicting puncture/impact damage. Basically turn an enemy into a ticking time bomb. 

Third Ability: he can channel the bone fragments he collected into a larger armor. And when the armor is destroyed he can pick up some of the fragments left behind. 

Forth Ability: he can use the fragments to create himself a skeleton army. Some have claws for slash damage, other have a long single claw for puncture(almost like baraka from MK). The more fragments he has the more minions he can summon. Their health and armor is based on his and their damage is based on power strength. When they die they drop some bone fragments. 

I did not went with bone manipulation because most uses seem wasteful. You can bind and kill the target by locking the rickcage or changing the shape of the crainium  , thats why I did not create any power based on directly manipulating the bones of others , I restricted his powers to his own bones. I also really wanted to shove in a power based on blood production because people don't really recall that our blood is produced on the bones.

The more necromantic aspects I don't want go touch at all because that's nekros stick , even if thr skills work diferently they still to similar. 

If I were to use the more mystical side of bones I would go for more unused material like. 

Maybe he can grown a copy of a unicorn horn and use it for a more magic skill 

Maybe he can grown dragon teeth and use it to summon warriors ( greek mitology )

And so on

Or use the concetions between bones and divination for a " roll thr bones skill " 

Where the skill will force a certain fate to happen based on the results of the bone thrown. Note: the player would be able to " rig " the thrown so it is not really divination it would be fate control. 

I just think the whole bones and graveward stick is overused.



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Let's rapidely recap all your Skeletor kit :

Passive - Mended Bones
+3 armor for each 100 damages healed. So you can actually take a self damage weapon, a healing one, hit yourself and heal, and repeat to get infinite armor. Does this sound balanced to you ?

1- Shield of Bones / Shatter
Volt shield with Iron Shrapnel.

2- Phalanx Gun (50 energy )
Ok, so our skeleton boy shoot his twelve phalan... wait what ? TWELVE ? You know a human hand has 14 of them right ? So ignoring he only shoot 12 instead of 14 (maybe he don't shoot the thumb), the guy literally don't have finger anymore and the only debuff is a 5s swap speed debuff ?

3- Hemaphoteosis ( 75 energy + 25 % total health)
It's a skeleton, so yeah it make sense for him to shoot highly pressurised blood on enne... oh wait no, it's not ! The idea of a weapon jamming cloud that also act a hiding place for ally is cool, but I'm not sure it fit the tank nature of the warframe and the skeleton theme.

4- Osteoporosis
Debuff all enemies hit by powers and get increased armor. The debuff is ok, but for the armor, if it's stack the same as the passive, it's just too much. The overall kit has some issue but is ok, however getting permanent armor increase as you spam your ult (and the passive) is just not ok. Devs tend to keep some balance (or at least), and infinite scaling armor over a mission without way of loosing it is just too much. For example, Saryn spores damages scale indefinitely but go back to zero if no enemies are infected, so it's hard to keep it maintened.
Here, you just have infinite armor that scale as you take damage and heal it.

The concept just looks like Inaros made even more tanky for endless runs.

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1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

Passive - Mended Bones
+3 armor for each 100 damages healed. So you can actually take a self damage weapon, a healing one, hit yourself and heal, and repeat to get infinite armor. Does this sound balanced to you ?

Look at the base stats I've placed ranges for minimum and maximum 200 at base and 400 fully stacked. Did not write it again in an effort to make the post more compact

is not

1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

Volt shield with Iron Shrapnel.

Fair enought , but it does not has any of the coveted aspects of these skills. It does not provide the damage amplication of volts shields and iron shrapnel is used for iron skin recasts not for damage or cc.

1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

Ok, so our skeleton boy shoot his twelve phalan... wait what ? TWELVE ? You know a human hand has 14 of them right ? So ignoring he only shoot 12 instead of 14 (maybe he don't shoot the thumb), the guy literally don't have finger anymore and the only debuff is a 5s swap speed debuff ?

Exactly he does not fore the thumb because if he did his hand would be completely useless. The debuff is there is there as Cooldown for the gun. It would mean the time it takes for the fingers to grown back. Maybe reducing the shots to 6 and allowing the player to choose to do a second salvo of 8. If the player uses the second salvo he would be unable to switch weapons , reload or perform 2 handed actions 

1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

3- Hemaphoteosis ( 75 energy + 25 % total health)
It's a skeleton, so yeah it make sense for him to shoot highly pressurised blood on enne... oh wait no, it's not ! The idea of a weapon jamming cloud that also act a hiding place for ally is cool, but I'm not sure it fit the tank nature of the warframe and the skeleton theme.

He is not controling a dead skeleton he is manipulating living bones. Bones are responsible for the process of hematosis. The mist would be easy to create using high presure blood launched from small orifices. The only farfetched part of this skill is finding the presure but both a inch of space magic or just infested biology give me enought to justify this.

1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

Debuff all enemies hit by powers and get increased armor. The debuff is ok, but for the armor, if it's stack the same as the passive, it's just too much. The overall kit has some issue but is ok, however getting permanent armor increase as you spam your ult (and the passive) is just not ok. Devs tend to keep some balance (or at least), and infinite scaling armor over a mission without way of loosing it is just too much. For example, Saryn spores damages scale indefinitely but go back to zero if no enemies are infected, so it's hard to keep it maintened.

I never meant for this buff to last forever , I just meant it to last as long as the debuff. I did not went it lengthy to explain how stuff works because I did this post on my cellphone and I wanted to measure peoples reaction to a shorter format , I usually go for a far more detailed and in depth explanation of skills and effects . I usually do stuff like this. 


1 hour ago, Fratellino_Palevino said:

The concept just looks like Inaros made even more tanky for endless runs.

Fair assessment , I was not trying to reinvent the wheel , I was just creating a new tank warframe with 1 or 2 new skills.

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On 2020-01-19 at 5:20 PM, keikogi said:

Health- 200 to 400 ( 800 to 1600 on rank 30 )

Just want to make a note that traditionally Warframes health scales to 3x from R0 to R30 with an exception to 4x with Inaros which seems like what you are going for, good move

On 2020-01-19 at 5:20 PM, keikogi said:

Passive - Mended Bones 

Upon regenarating 100 health Skeletor receives 3 base armor and health until the end of the mission.

I'm a little confused, are you saying dying does not reset this passive? That would get kind of ridiculous if you take a crap ton of health pads to an endless or weapons that have innate life steal (Hirudo, Hema, Nikana w/ Daikyu Amalgam mod, etc), there really should be a cap of some sort if you plan on keeping this as a passive. I would recommend you out right remove it.

On 2020-01-19 at 5:20 PM, keikogi said:

Fires each Phalanx on his hand as machine gun. Each projetile deal a high amount of impact damage ( scales with secondary mods ) and always proc impact and the "Impaled debuff ". Upon firing all twelve phalanx Skeletor receives a decreased weapons switch speed debuff for 5 seconds. Firing the Phalanx Gun is a one handed action. Skeletor cannot recast until 

Does each cast fire all 12 or does it cost 50 per Phalanx? I can imagine you mean it to work as a 50 cast then you use it as a weapon similarly to Balefire but then you say it's a one handed action which makes it sound like a Shuriken cast and throw. Make sure you are a bit more clear when wording things like this. It'd be nice if you finished your thought as well, what are the requirements to use it once all 12 are used? Will the phalanx... phalanxes... phalanxi... regenerate and at what rate? The debuff seems fine. As Fratellino pointed out you may want to change the number to 14 (assuming this is based off of the human body).

A few recommendations; maybe add the ability of each phalanx to seek out targets similarly to Shuriken. If you want the regeneration to be time based make sure to allow the user to bypass it in some way or create a reasonably low regeneration rate (<1 seconds per Phalanx, or 2-3 seconds per removing 1 second per kill). If you intend it to be a cast and shoot maybe move it to the first ability (25 cost per) and change it so 2 are fired at once. 

*** I could be way off as to what you intended the ability to do, please correct me if I am ***

On 2020-01-19 at 5:20 PM, keikogi said:

3- Hemaphoteosis ( 75 energy + 25 % total health) 

Skeletor produces a huge amount of blood on the surface area of his body them uses his high blood preasure to launch the blood. All the loss blood will create a mist. Enemies inside the mist have their weapons jammed ( the blood will coagulate inside ) and receive the "impaled debuff". Enemies outside have their accuracy heavily reduced if they target an enemy inside the mist. Skeletor will absorb the blood if he kills enemies inside the mist, healing himself.

Cool ability but the name bothers me because it seems to be derived from either hemapheresis and hemoptysis (there are more names with similar post and prefixes ). It just doesn't make much sense to me that you would use an existing condition to name his 4th but make up one for his 3rd (there's nothing wrong with this, more of a me problem).

On 2020-01-19 at 5:20 PM, keikogi said:

4- Osteoporosis 

Skeletor drains the calcium on the body of all impaled( enemies affected by the " Impaled debuff" ) enemies making their bones brittle. Increasing the damage they receive and incresing the lethality of impact proc ( whenever the she.y receives a impact proc , they will receive a slash proc calculated using the impact damage ). Skeletor also Increases his own armor based on the amount of enemies hit. 

I like this one too just I don't see the need to have an infinitely scaling armour buff as well as receiving additional armour from his fourth. Even if there is a cap on his passive you should change this up.

An idea; maybe have bones collect off of dead bodies around him when cast and some how utilize that, could be that way to by pass the timer on his phalanx regen or used as some type of additional projectile like a radial javelin of kinds procing this impaled debuff. I can see why thematically you would want this armour increase and because of that you could just scrap the passive all together leaving the armour increase in his fourth.

One last thing, you call it an "Impaled debuff" but you haven't actually said what it does. To be a debuff it would have to actually do something, right now it is treated as a primer for his fourth ability which is fine but you really shouldn't call it a debuff.

Note: Skeletor is a pretty uninspired name, considering how creative your ability names are I have confidence you can come up with something better.



Concept is great - New frame name - Passive too strong so cap or scrap - Swap first with second ability - Finish up phalanx ability - Third is great - If Fourth has armour buff then scrap passive otherwise great (might need a buff) - Rethink whether Impaled is a debuff (add something if you want it to be)

Great work overall and if you plan on making an updated concept in the future I'll be sure to check it out!

- Good Luck, Have Fun -

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1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

ittle confused, are you saying dying does not reset this passive? That would get kind of ridiculous if you take a crap ton of health pads to an endless or weapons that have innate life steal (Hirudo, Hema, Nikana w/ Daikyu Amalgam mod, etc), there really should be a cap of some sort if you plan on keeping this as a passive. I would

Gonna edit the post To say that the ranges 200 to 400 is what the passive does. Also gonna rework it so it now resests to 0 upon death like nidus mutation.

1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

each cast fire all 12 or does it cost 50 per Phalanx? I can imagine you mean it to work as a 50 cast then you use it as a weapon similarly to Balefire but then you say it's a one handed action which makes it sound like a Shuriken cast and throw. Make sure you are a bit more clear when wording things like this. It'd be nice if you finished your thought as well, what are the requirements to use it once all 12 are used? Will the phalanx... phalanxes... phalanxi... regenerate and at what rate? The debuff seems fine. As Fratellino pointed out you may want to change the number to 14 (assuming this is based off of the human body)

If fires all 12 , so he keeps the thumb , so he his hnd is not completely useless. Gonna rework ot to fire just 6 so he has 3 fingers enought for a decent grip. The debuff is there as an effective reload time. Probably gonna rework ot to fire a first salvo of 6 tragetting enemies in a cone them a salvo of 8. If you fire the second salvo you cannot perform 2 handed actions.

1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

ool ability but the name bothers me because it seems to be derived from either hemapheresis and hemoptysis (there are more names with similar post and prefixes ). It just doesn't make much sense to me that you would use an existing condition to name his 4th but make up one for his 3rd (there's nothing wrong with this, more of a me problem).

Hematosis happens on the long bones of the body. So blood generation is within the theme of bones. The reabsortion part is space magic no defence here the mist is pretty much magic too. 

1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

like this one too just I don't see the need to have an infinitely scaling armour buff as well as receiving additional armour from his fourth. Even if there is a cap on his passive you should change this up.

Gona clarify the passive has a cap.

1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

An idea; maybe have bones collect off of dead bodies around him when cast and some how utilize that, could be that way to by pass the timer on his phalanx regen or used as some type of additional projectile like a radial javelin of kinds procing this impaled debuff. I can see why thematically you would want this armour increase and because of that you could just scrap the passive all together leaving the armour increase in his fourth.

I am working with living bones not dead one's. That's why I did not include any sort of bone picking up mechanic. The fluff is more of the fragments of his bone are inside the enemies to steel their toughtness than return to their source. That's why it requires the set up of " impaled " debuff. 


1 hour ago, Be_Stupid said:

Rethink whether Impaled is a debuff (add something if you want it to be)

It is debuff that does nothing just so it works as a condition for the 4. It exist because technical side of the game. 

Also I'm going to change the 4 so it has a cost per enemy.

Edit: the name is pretty much a palxe holder just used a skeletor master of evil. I will find something more fitting later.


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I like the idea and abilities (especially the shield (cough cough, Garuda, cough cough)), every single one has its use. Passive is cool, i really like getting stronger over time. Does this bonus health and armor scale with mods?

Yes, change the name, too damn cringy!

Edited by Spyro_Haze
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36 minutes ago, Spyro_Haze said:

he idea and abilities (especially the shield (cough cough, Garuda, cough cough)), every single one has its use.


36 minutes ago, Spyro_Haze said:

Passive is cool, i really like getting stronger over time. Does this bonus health and armor scale with mods?

It is meant To replicate the natural process of bone reinforcement , whenever a bone suffer micro fissure due to stress that area is reinforced during the healing process ( the TL:DR of the process ) so the passive mimics that.

The passive does scale with mods because it adds base health. At the start of the mission he has 200 healht and 200 armor with the fully stacked passive he goes two 400 health and 400 armor. I am thinking on nerfing the base two 100 health and armor so he goes from bad base stats to amazing instead of good to amazing.

The name is a placeholder because I don't have my PC right now and making any research on a cellphone is paintfull.


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