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The Space Shanty Contest [Winners Announced]!


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We're not the only ones out there flying. Spare a thought for the Rail Jockeys, hauling their tractors across the system.

"The Tractor is Ready to Punch"



A Rail Jockey's life

is not one of leisure!

Half boredom, half strife

haulin' another man's treasure!



For the taxman will always be adding his sums

but the captain has got a good hunch!

Find a hold full of cargo to make engines hum

and the tractor is ready to punch!

And the Tractor is Ready to PUNCH!


Oh, living ain't cheap

when you're dying from debt.

But we're flyin' this heap

so come place your bet!




Set sail for old Mercury

and fill up the hold!

From debts we'll be free

with this Orokin gold!




“Halt!” ordered Control,

“Are you with Red Veil?

That cargo, you stole!”

As we dove for the Rail!




The captain's reply

was awfully darin'.

“A free crew we fly!

Or maybe Sequence of Perrin?”




Their shots all rang out

as we started our dive

And the cap'n did shout,

“We're all to survive!”




To Venus we flew

where the nights are oft cold.

A desperate crew

but a hold full of gold!




The ship, she did crash.

And we've started repairs.

Had to sell off the stash.

Life just isn't fair!




So sing a few bars

'Til we're sailin' once more.

Set course for Red Mars!

Cap'n found us a score!





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Returning Home

Sail, sail, to the Void

Our Mother awaits us! 

Sail, sail, to the Void

Let her children embrace her! 


No one, else wants us more, 

She will be our fall, 

Our will to be brought to the fore,

As through the Void we haul. 



Sail, sail, to the Void, 

Where Our Mother awaits us! 

Sail, sail, to the Void, 

Safe in her presence!


Let the Corpus fire their cannons, 

Let the Grinneer try, 

But we, the Tenno, 

Will turn a blind eye, 

As we fly,

Through the night sky.



Sail, sail, to the Void, 

Where Our Mother awaits us! 

Sail, sail, into the Void, 

Where her arms will embrace us! 


For fear not we are willing,

Leaving to the place we roamed. 

Back to where we were holding on,

We are returning home.



Sail, sail to the Void. 

Our Mother awaits us! 

Sail, sail into the Void. 

For she is our Lotus! 

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Let's rise stakes,

On the dark ocean,

Filled with light,

Made of stars in motion


The light will not fade,

For as long as we fight,

Against the shade,

The unfair might!


Set the evil ablaze,

Make it perish,

Bathe in our guns' gaze!


The right has won and always will,

Their best, 

Against our sneer.



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With Railjacks ready.
And more to explore.
What will we face.
Where we couldn't before?
We look for treasure.
Where ever we go.
The journey itself.
Got plenty to show...

The pesky grineer.
With all of their might.
They rush out their ships.
And bring us a fight!
A lasting battle.
That goes beyond time.
So steel your mind.
And stay in your prime!..

Succeed we must.
We do and we shall!
'Cause failing as tenno.
Would leave us all damned.
Together we conquere!
Together we shall!
Prevail each challenge.
The Railjacks unveil...

Edited by Themeric
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Title: Start Your Engines

Today is the day that we take flight
To fight against those and set things right
We will not stand in fear or fright
For their bark is worse than their bite

Within these walls, intruders fall
A wake up call for all we face!
To those in need, we jump lightspeed
Because indeed we run this place!

She is watching us from afar
They way things change, it’s so bizarre 
We try to grasp what is thus far
But this is what you are

Within these walls, intruders fall
A wake up call for all we face!
To those in need, we jump lightspeed
Because indeed we run this place!

When we meet, what will you say?
My love for you, it does not sway...

Within these walls, intruders fall
A wake up call for all we face!
To those in need, we jump lightspeed
Because indeed we run this place!

My love for you, it does not sway!

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Rise up! My brothers and sisters of Tenno, 
rise up and answer the call!

The war of new calls us, so hop on the tyrant, 
rise up and answer the call!

The sentients will blast us and curse us at will,
with Natah, and Erra, and Hunhow at will,

but we will not let them cause demise for us all,
so rise up and answer the call!

To the Void, we must go, and to war, we must fight,
even if we shall fall.

But we will prevail, so this I shall say!


Rise up, and Answer the call!




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O Lotus


O Lotus, sweet Lotus, oh, where are you?
why have you vanished from view?

The Corpus is shattered, The Grineer are broken,
and the Tenno are going to war.

O Lotus, dear Lotus, oh, where have you been?
why have you left us, and curse us, too?

For Natah is your name, and now you wage war,
against us! Your children, the Tenno.


O Natah,  dear Natah, oh, why are you gone?
why have you escaped our view?

you may be known as Natah, but we will still see you,
O Lotus, oh, where are you?



Edited by TitanTyrant
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This was my favorite fan contest to date. I've really enjoyed spending the last couple days composing this. I had initially wanted to avoid much of a focus on combat; however, that's kinda what railjacks do. It was hard to imagine a crew on a railjack singing about something other than combat, money, beer, loot. Basically, I tried to figure out how to put a positive spin on being pirates. After all, we are the good guys....right? At the very least, we're not Grineer. I'm looking forward to a 2nd version of this contest once Warframe introduces haulers!


The meter was inspired by David Coffin's "Roll the Old Chariot" -- although it's not a perfect match.


Empyrean Night

We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We will lead the charge, first into the fight,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

And we all attack, starboard and portside!
And we all attack, starboard and portside!
Our trusty railjack, her cannons we must guide,
 And we'll rule Empyrean night!

We'll destroy them all, death to the Grineer,
We'll destroy them all, death to the Grineer,
And we'll loot their haul, their credits and their beer,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We will lead the charge, first into the fight,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

We will all fly the might of Orokin,
We will all fly the might of Orokin,
And we will all pay in blood for their sin,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

We will all rise, together with our friends,
We will all rise, together with our friends,
Alas! We're all kings, our dominion: the heavens,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We'll command the skies along with Ceph'lon Cy,
We will lead the charge, first into the fight,
And we'll rule Empyrean night!

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Tenno Tenno Tenno 

Start Engine and come on

Up up up  lets fly

let's follow the air

The Stars waiting for us 

The Sky Ask Where you Going 

Tell her THE STARS

The Grineer On The Way 


Waiving Where Are you Going

Tell them THE STARS

The Light Take us to The Right Way

The Stars Shine and Say Where Are you 


The Engine down oh no no no

Corpus Saying yes yes yes

The Stars Craying Tenno down down down

The engineering Say Up up up 

im here no no no Worry

Corpus Obstructed Our Way 

Saying no to the Stars 

Stars Say oh no no no 

Tenno Saying another Day day day








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Lyrics notes:


For this I drew inspiration from a few places in particular: the Fortuna theme song (and in particular I think its strength stems from its reliance on universal themes rather than lore name drops) and the word Empyrean itself (from Merriam-Webster: "the highest heaven or heavenly sphere in ancient and medieval cosmology usually consisting of fire or light"), which speaks to both space battles and paradise in flames (and why not both?).

I'm currently rocking a debilitating case of bronchitis but if it clears up I will try to record something or other. Also I can't sing and I've never written a song before, so, you know.



While Heaven Burns

Weigh anchor, lads- and all aboard:
We orphans of the gilded horde;
We demons born of bone and sword;
For heaven burns; heave ho!

To stations, lads- let colors fly;
Prepare yourselves, for battle's nigh.
We'll write their ruin 'cross the sky;
For heaven burns; heave ho!

Cry havoc, lads- here's peace unmade;
Take hilt and holster, barrel, blade.
The void's aflame: no rest nor shade;
For heaven burns; heave ho!

Now rally, lads- we've not yet won;
I'll take the helm; you man the gun:
Reduce our foe to newborn sun;
For heaven burns; heave ho!

So rise up, lads, on alloyed wing:
Through trackless sky, ride triumph’s sling;
Through ink and black, to melee fling;
Through combat's clash, let vic’try ring;
You silver arc!
You steel-glint sting!
Now cut them down, lads! Win! And sing:
Heave ho!
Heave ho!
While heaven burns: heave ho!

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We heed her call, we heed her call

The sea of stars awaits

Treasures abound for us to take

Lie far beyond the space


We heave and haul, we heave and haul

The riches in her wake

Left within her perils and troubles

Bounties we gladly take


We heave and ho, we heave and ho

The fools who dare be foes

Their ships asunder by mighty blows

Bodies of merchants and clones 


We heed her call, we heed her call

Our 'jacks are set to cast

Towards the maiden of the void

To the dark and infinite vast



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The inspiration for this one was from a quote from Nora, which mentioned the existence of "rail pirates". So, I decided to make a shanty, not from the perspective of a Tenno, but of the perspective of a rail pirate.


Rail Pirates

We be the ones among the wrecks,

The ones who're left to rot

We be the ones of ash and dust

Heroic we are not


We hunt and kill and fight and scream

We pillage and we steal

We know no home, no family,

Not even a warm meal


We sure ain't no rich taxmen and

We ain't of royal blood

We be the dregs, the rats the snakes,

Crawling through the mud


Our knives and blades are sharpened,

And we're ready for a fight

Our guns and cannons, loaded,

Ready to pierce through the night


We carve through every Corpus fleet

We slaughter the Grineer

We hunt the filthy Void Demons

All shall live in fear


Our guns are fully loaded

And our bomb's fuses are lit

We be deserters, outlaws, killers

We be the rail pirates

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we survived in the void,
Tenno we were called
We became warriors,
Under the golden lords.

But this belongs to the past
A threat is lurking,
We lost our lotus
But this hasn't stopped us.

With railjack we are ready to go
Nobody can stop us,
We feel the void that calls us
Because the void is gathering us.

From the old war it resurfaced
We rebuilt it
We as new captains
Side by side with cephalon cy

We leave without fear
In search of her we have lost
To discover the hidden truth
Of our lost past.

With railjack we are ready to go
Nobody can stop us,
We feel the void that calls us
Because the void is gathering us.

The hour has come and is approaching
A new war is coming,
We are ready to face the truth
Even if this new reality is tough

With the guidance of the void we go,
Because we all know
That void is calling us
The void is gathering us.

Edited by (PS4)Sunangel97
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The Stars and Rocks are all around us
They burn, they glide, into the void
They lead our way to victory
The highest heaven awaits us!

We kill the flames, we kill the rusts
Even if we fall, we cannot get spoiled
Nothing can stop us, on this journey
The highest heaven awaits us!

The foes are everywhere, always be cautious
Catch the stalkers, and hold at gunpoint
Fire at them, kill the army
Because the highest heaven awaits us!

Even if we fall into the abyss
We will strive to the light
We will put an end to the dark
Vivat imperium!

The land we live
The homes we built
And the army we made
Will stand still in the cosmos!
Because the highest heaven awaits us!

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I would post me and my wife singing it, but I don't think that would help our chances... Maybe we will stream it during our next live stream... we could do with shedding a few followers :P


Children Of The Void - A Railjack Shanty


Tenno Sing:

Through the voids waves, 

We crash and we tumble, 

Our victorious Jack saves, 

And will power not crumble, 

Cause we're all 

Children of the void. 


Ostrons Sing

Through voids we roam, 

With Jack under feet, 

Cetus our home, 

We'll never know defeat, 

Cause we're all 

Children of the void. 


Solaris Sing

Our debts left behind, 

Across voids we fly, 

Through enemies we grind, 

With the things that we scry, 

Cause we're all 

Children of the void. 


All together

Through the voids waves, 

Our Jack forges onward, 

With the lives that we'll save, 

Our paths all wind onward,

No loss will we know,

No loved ones we’ll part,

Our strengths only grows,

Forever young at heart,

With the fires all tend,

These Voids we will bend,

And to hell enemies we’ll Send,

Till these worlds we'll mend,

Cause we're all 

Children of the void, 

Cause we're all  

Children of the void,

Cause We Are ALL

Children Of The Void.

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I aren't good but here is my lyric:


Let's go comrades deep in space

Let's all go back in past

Let's rise our paracesis

Let's go remember the sentients

Let's go show ourselves their only fear


Captain show the way

Gunner sink them in the stars

Our mecanic protect and fix

Our winged tenno show your power

We are brave and fearless


Go all the way into the space

Back to the tenno birthplace

The void await us

And hunhow await our blades


Fellow tennos rise your heads

The old war ended with our retreat

Now we are back

The victory in a new war awaits


We forget the past and sleep

But now is time

Let's go to the sentient heart

This war Will end in victory


My brothers and sisters

Time to reunite

Fight against our enemies

Fight against the sentient

Find our victory and remember our past

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As with most things in Warframe this was a joint effort with me and my friend Bigjoefixit, hope ya'll enjoy and good luck to everyone!


Hey kiddo
I'm sorry to say
I'm leaving today
My frame is at ready
My weapons are primed
Lisets flying steady
Against the rising tide

From fortuna to cetus
By the void
No one will flee us
We'll smear the grinner
Make corpses of the corpus
Won't you join me tenno
My frame is at ready
My weapons are primed
Listets flying steady
There's a new war on the rise

The lotus did float us
That's all left behind
Sentients are coming
Darkness has arrived
By sword and by gun
There is hope on our side

From fortuna to cetus
By the void
No one will flee us
We'll smear the grinner
Make corpses of the corpus
Won't you join me tenno
My frame is at ready
My weapons are primed
Listets flying steady
There's a new war on the rise

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Warframe shanty:


We are on a mission

a mission to the void 

the grinder we will avoid 

And On this mission 

the infestation we will vex

Using stolen corpus tech 


Sailing around on a rail-jack

Will be a ferocious test 

Of the warframes and the crew we will try our best 


With a Gun at hip and a sword at hand 

We will take back this blessed land  


And this mission will be done by a man whose name was excalibur 


Excalibur was a man 

Who’s powers knew no bounds 

he will fight vor 

in him he will pump 3 Rounds


He will take out all the others 

With his Tenno brothers 

You should know this sound


With a Gun at hip and a sword at hand 

We will take back this blessed land 


Storm the the deep space in which our powers rest 

And go to the land that which is blessed


Burn the enemies heal the troops 

Don’t let any enemies get loose 


Fight with your sword shoot with your gun 

When you hear the call you will know we won 


With a Gun at hip and a sword at hand 

We will take all of the blessed land 


That is our mission This is our task 

We hold our weapons and wear our mask 


Our mission is no easy feat 

Our mission will make peace 


Till the very end we will fight

Let everyone be free it is a right


It was fun making this shanty it has 242

words I think but I enjoyed it even if I don’t win 

Edited by (PS4)ST4R_D3STR0Y-3R
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Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'

Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them kubrows rollin', warframe 
Through rain and wind and weather
Hell bent for platinum 
Wishin' my gal was by my side
All the things I'm missin'
Good vittles, love and kissin'
Are waiting at the end of my ride

Shoot 'em up, slice 'em up
Slice 'em up, shoot 'em up
Shoot 'em , slice 'em up, warframe
Cut 'em out, shoot 'em dead
Shoot 'em dead, cut 'em out
Cut 'em out, shoot 'em dead, warframe 

Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them kubrows movin', warframe

Shoot 'em up, slice 'em up
Slice 'em up, shoot 'em up
Shoot 'em up, slice 'em up, warframe
Cut 'em out, shoot 'em dead
Shoot 'em dead, cut 'em out
Cut 'em out, shoot 'em dead, warframe 

Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'

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Traditionally I believe a sea shanty is a more repetitive song sung while laboring to synchronize activity, for the likes of heaving and hoeing. The activities in Empyrean aren't so immediately repetitive, but a synchronization of diverse activities is necessary. I guess this is more of a traditional song, but in the spirit of collectively pursuing a goal aided by a song, anyway here I go: 

Title: While on a Railjack push the "L" button to open the tactical menu, which among other features shows you a map of the ship; also if you don't have a ship your intrinsics are hidden in the "Profile" menu which can be found while on your Orbiter by pressing the “ESC” key, also the title doesn't count against my word limit right?


Le "Shanty":
All aboard, towards the skies
Tenno strength versus rising tides
Man the guns, steer the ship
With omni-tools at the hip

Faults or fires? Time that ring!
Hull ruptures? Aim for the cracks and seal that thing!
Boarding parties, says Mr. Cy?
Look out Grineer it's time to die!

Ship is patched, all airtight
Get to the back and craft revolite!
Everyone else eyes ahead
Look out Grineer, you'll soon be dead

Grineer Crewships on the way,
Launch an archwing without delay!
Board their ship, from the back
And give their reactor a heart attack!

A score of fighters, another wave
Their size is small but the risk is grave
Aim your guns just a bit ahead
That’s how you’ll hit them (if the target is red)

A Grineer base, among the mess
Send over two to begin the aggress
Hack the system, reveal the prize
Make their base a memory of the skies

The enemies withdrawn, archwings deploy
It’s time for loot oh joy!
If it glows just give it a shoot
Then fly through it to collect the loot

Once that’s done back to the Interceptor
Back to the dry dock you Railjack Specter 😉

luke perry flirting GIF by HULU


Edited by Juin_Roet
Edit to remove edit so the new edit it a better edit
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Young tenno from far and wide

Look upon the stary sky

Though peaceful and still it may seem

It's where all tenno go when they dream


So seal the airlocks and chart a new course

Fighting the grinner and corpus's force

Gather up resources and relics of old

Ready your warframe for adventures untold


The system is in jeopardy

Through the void it calls to me

This is our destiny, this is our destiny


The orokin's curse and sentients loom

A present danger that could consume

All beware of the devilish fright

The infestation's the ghastliest sight


Now mod out your gear and report to dry dock

The railjack is ready, munitions at full stock

Crews aboard, we're about to shove off

Proxima awaits, get this tub aloft


The system is in jeopardy 

Into the voids mystery

This is our destiny,this is our destiny


Cephalon Cy, hear my plea

 Through this storm please carry me

The wonderous things that you've shown me

Quasars as far as the eye can see


Long we fought and some alone

Now on this ship we've found a home

For on this vessel together we stand

All are void both creed and clan


We'll save the system from peril once more

Back from the void to win the war

This is our destiny this is our destiny

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There’s much power in our mighty frames

Lead and laser, we overcame

They’re really bad, but they won’t last

We’ll shoot them down, we the outcast


There is a Lotus in our hearts

It gives us hope, though we did part

We will defend the Home System

Until it’s safe ever again


Drive them away, the man-made enemy

Through the Void they will not go !

Give them hell, tear them asunder

Through the Void they will not go !

Push them back, and hunt the Sentients

Through the void they wil not go !

Drive them away, the man-made enemy

Through the void they will not go !


Though they are strong, we will prevail

We’ll fight them all, we will not bail

We’ve slept for eons on the moon

Now we’re ready to dig their tombs


Their threat is so far from empty

But we will have our victory

We’ll crush them like the Orokin

While we all sing this mighty hymn


Drive them away, the man-made enemy

Through the Void they will not go !

Give them hell, tear them asunder

Through the Void they will not go !

Push them back, and hunt the Sentients

Through the void they wil not go !

Drive them away, the man-made enemy

Through the void they will not go !

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Our space vessel is about to sail
Roaming around the stars
It will cross through the dark
To give light to hopeless lifes

Our cannons are ready to blast
They want us to sweep them away
But the enemies will fight back
And wont give any step away

The vessel fly to the enemy lines
the crew is ready to fight
the fear is in the air doubt stench
but our purpouse give us courgare

Their cannons strike and make us shake
They board our vessel like is going to end
The path appears to guide us to nowhere
And everything just get harder

the fight seems endless
sometimes it feels pointless
but the hope that our vessel carries
gives us the power to advance without fail

We fight for those who cant 
and never will give a step back
our vessel guide our path 
to give light to those who are in dark

(Sorry for the excesive typos XD)

(Also i dont want sound like a loser but i prefer 2nd prize over 1st prize XDD)

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Here's my Shanty for the Crew of the Scrap Beast :3




Drunken Pilot at the helm,
Everything is going well,
Ready the Sling-shot
I'm gonna board

Shoot through their hull
Slaughter the Grineers
Explode the Core
And rush back to my crew

Everything is on fire,
The Engineer covers it,
Ready the Sling-shot
I'm gonna board

Shoot through their hull
Slaughter the Grineers
Explode the Core
And rush back to my crew

Dozen fighters on the scope
Our Gunner takes them out
Ready the Sling-shot
I'm gonna board

Shoot through their hull
Slaughter the Grineers
Explode the Core
And rush back to my crew

Ammunition is low
Everybody screams
Ready the Sling-shot
I'm gonna board

Shoot through their hull
Slaughter the Grineers
Explode the Core
And rush back to my crew

Everything is dead,
collect the rewards
Ready the Sling-shot
I'm gonna board

Shoot through their hull
Slaughter the Grineers
Explode the Core
And rush back to my crew


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