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Vulcan | Rocket powered frame. | A Doom-like playstyle. |


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*Visual Inspiration only, to direct your imagination.  KEKAI KOTAKI

PassiveRocket Boost.  Movements (Jump, Dash) travel 50% further and twice as fast.

Fourth: Exalted Cannon.   A giant shoulder hefted cannon.   m1 fires a large rocket with a 15 meter explosive  warhead.  Leaves a field that applies radiation procs to enemies with base radiation damage.  The field can also apply other statuses of elements modded onto it.    m2 causes a circular targeting indicator to appear on the ground where aiming.   Firing while holding m2 launches a micromissile swarm to bombard the area.   This could come from some nebulous other place,  or Vulcan can have Portal themes.  The cannon can drop on on a portal,  and m2 can have a mortar-like artillery firing animation,  and if the missiles encounter a surface (like a ceiling) prior to reaching the target, they appear to travel through a portal to reappear on the nearest surface above the target area to rain out from it.  Alt Fire would lock the frame in place in a braced stance as the cannon charges up the next m1 shot, building up damage over time.  Could also add incoming damage taken to the shot on top of the base linear charge up scaling. This charge up could also increase the explosion radius.   Also works with M2's missile barrage.    A charged M2 barrage continues to rain the missile barrage proportional to the time spent charging, and you can move the missile barrage by holding M1.

Third: Shieldwall.   Create a barrier of interlocking shields in front of Vulcan.  Roughly twice as tall as the warframe,  and 3 times that for its width.  The shieldwall is invulnerable to damage for the first x seconds, during which time it absorbs damage to add to its end health.  Holding activation braces Vulcan and charges the shield before hand, during which time he has damage resistance (Or invulnerability) and contributes incoming damage to the shieldwall as well,  but more importantly allows the placement of a wider and taller shieldwall.   When placed,  it also adds/restores shields to nearby allies.   Firing an m1 rocket through the shieldwall will break off a shield from the shieldwall along its path,  carrying that shield in front of it.  Still functional in intercepting incoming projectiles, but adding damage to the rocket equal to a portion of that shield's remaining health.   The hole remains in the shieldwall.  Holes in the shieldwall can be patched by holding Shieldwall and walking through the shieldwall.

Second: Rage.  A channeled mode.  Red tint to outer edge of camera.  While in Rage,  kills all drop health orbs and grant stacking armor and max health.  Stacked armor and max health deteriorates over time spent outside of rage.  Amount scales with strength and the health of the enemy slain. Deterioration rate is reduced by duration.  While in rage, you deal increased weapon and ability damage that quickly deteriorates, reset by kills.     The energy cost increases over time, reset by getting kills.    The longer the ability remains active, the more health and armor is gained from kills, cap increases, and the more you heal from health orbs.  Any kill in Rage Mode has a chance to drop Heavy Weapon ammunition.  While in Rage Mode and using Meteor Rush, a grabbed enemy has a +20% chance to drop an energy orb at the end of the movement.  If it doesn't drop it at the end of the movement, this chance can be retried by throwing them, and on that enemy's death.

FirstMeteor Rush.  An explosive rocket powered charge in a given direction dealing blast damage to nearby enemies along the path of movement.  Directly hitting the first enemy along your path of movement grabs them by the head, lifting them up and using them to bash other enemies that cross your path along the dash.  They and each subsequent enemy take damage from these collisions, on top of the rocket damage aura.   At the end of the dash if you are still holding the ability,  you can throw them in the direction of your cursor by letting go of the ability.   While in air from this, they take increased damage from all sources and if killed while in air or on impact, they explode.   Using Meteor Rush while Exalted Cannon is equipped increases the speed, distance, and damages.  Visually the cannon is gripped underarm and emits a short jet of flame, contributing the rocket powered momentum.   If Meteor Rush is used in midair facing the ground, it instead becomes a slam attack with a cratering visual that causes finisher damage on enemies directly hit.   Meteor Rush is a psuedo-exalted ability increasing its damages based on your equipped melee weapon. (Aura rocket, grab collision and thrown damage, and slam damage). 


Edited by Kingsmount
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9 minutes ago, Kingsmount said:

PassiveRocket Boost.  Movements (Jump, Dash) travel 50% further and twice as fast.

Fourth: Exalted Cannon.   A giant shoulder hefted cannon.   m1 fires a large rocket with a 15 meter explosive  warhead.  Leaves a field that applies radiation procs to enemies with base radiation damage.  The field can also apply other statuses of elements modded onto it.    m2 causes a circular targeting indicator to appear on the ground where aiming.   Firing while holding m2 launches a micromissile swarm to bombard the area.   This could come from some nebulous other place,  or Vulcan can have Portal themes.  The cannon can drop on on a portal,  and m2 can have a mortar-like artillery firing animation,  and if the missiles encounter a surface (like a ceiling) prior to reaching the target, they appear to travel through a portal to reappear on the nearest surface above the target area to rain out from it.  Alt Fire would lock the frame in place in a braced stance as the cannon charges up the next m1 shot, building up damage over time.  Could also add incoming damage taken to the shot on top of the base linear charge up scaling. This charge up could also increase the explosion radius.   Also works with M2's missile barrage.    A charged M2 barrage continues to rain the missile barrage proportional to the time spent charging, and you can move the missile barrage by holding M1.

Third: Shieldwall.   Create a barrier of interlocking shields in front of Vulcan.  Roughly twice as tall as the warframe,  and 3 times that for its width.  The shieldwall is invulnerable to damage for the first x seconds, during which time it absorbs damage to add to its end health.  Holding activation braces Vulcan and charges the shield before hand, during which time he has damage resistance (Or invulnerability) and contributes incoming damage to the shieldwall as well,  but more importantly allows the placement of a wider and taller shieldwall.   When placed,  it also adds/restores shields to nearby allies.   Firing an m1 rocket through the shieldwall will break off a shield from the shieldwall along its path,  carrying that shield in front of it.  Still functional in intercepting incoming projectiles, but adding damage to the rocket equal to a portion of that shield's remaining health.   The hole remains in the shieldwall.  Holes in the shieldwall can be patched by holding Shieldwall and walking through the shieldwall.

Second: Rage.  A channeled mode.  Red tint to outer edge of camera.  While in Rage,  kills all drop health orbs and grant stacking armor and max health.  Stacked armor and max health deteriorates over time spent outside of rage.  Amount scales with strength and the health of the enemy slain. Deterioration rate is reduced by duration.  While in rage, you deal increased weapon and ability damage that quickly deteriorates, reset by kills.     The energy cost increases over time, reset by getting kills.    The longer the ability remains active, the more health and armor is gained from kills, cap increases, and the more you heal from health orbs.  Any kill in Rage Mode has a chance to drop Heavy Weapon ammunition.  While in Rage Mode and using Meteor Rush, a grabbed enemy has a +20% chance to drop an energy orb at the end of the movement.  If it doesn't drop it at the end of the movement, this chance can be retried by throwing them, and on that enemy's death.

FirstMeteor Rush.  An explosive rocket powered charge in a given direction dealing blast damage to nearby enemies along the path of movement.  Directly hitting the first enemy along your path of movement grabs them by the head, lifting them up and using them to bash other enemies that cross your path along the dash.  They and each subsequent enemy take damage from these collisions, on top of the rocket damage aura.   At the end of the dash if you are still holding the ability,  you can throw them in the direction of your cursor by letting go of the ability.   While in air from this, they take increased damage from all sources and if killed while in air or on impact, they explode.   Using Meteor Rush while Exalted Cannon is equipped increases the speed, distance, and damages.  Visually the cannon is gripped underarm and emits a short jet of flame, contributing the rocket powered momentum.   If Meteor Rush is used in midair facing the ground, it instead becomes a slam attack with a cratering visual that causes finisher damage on enemies directly hit.   Meteor Rush is a psuedo-exalted ability increasing its damages based on your equipped melee weapon. (Aura rocket, grab collision and thrown damage, and slam damage). 


To have a rocket insired warframe seems nice and all but seeing your design it feels that 2 & 3 does not fall too much into the theme.

1&4 are great tho need debuff but the idea its genious.

Passsive can be: Movements (Jump, Dash) 50% faster or just twice longer, both at the same time will be an abuse.

Shieldwall can be converted into a mini rocket or have many mini rocket orbiting you as it where a defensive grid, I would vote for damage reduction while the ability last.

Can buy rage because nothing better comes to my mind,just debuffing it a lot since the whole concept its a godlike warframe with rocket theme. forn the rage + Rocket Rush synergy it will be better to have something as a self buff if you wish for orb drops it can be made into an augment.

those are juts my 10 cents into your idea.



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If you don't have both at the same time then it just becomes a detriment,  nobody wants to be pushed into a longer animation.  Both together work to alter the flow of movement and critically increases the momentum and sense of action.

Shieldwall is important as the original title was "An Artillery Frame".   Shieldwall establishes two important thematic traces:  A) A literal bunker for you to safely charge your cannon otherwise it'd be impractical to ever use, otherwise his main survivability stems from trying to chain kills while in Rage Mode creating a dynamic between bunkering for artillery every now and then, and staying very mobile from kill to kill, which itself is evocative of a soldier going from trench to trench, foxhole to foxhole, but Vulcan creates his own bunker when he wants it.   And B) A Spartan shieldwall,  aiming for a god of war aspect, an avatar of warfare.


They're thought through and aren't random.  The only thing I don't give are numbers,  because numbers were where balance gets fine tuned.

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19 hours ago, Kingsmount said:

*Visual Inspiration only, to direct your imagination.

Which means it's not yours, right?

In which case you're currently breaching ownership rights, and should at least provide the name of the creator as well as a direct link to the art on one of the artists websites/profiles.

"I found it on google image" is not attribution.

EDIT: OP tried to appease me with some lies and claimed they couldn't find source.

I found it within 2 google searches.

Source: Kekai Kotaki, a concept art for Guild Wars 2.

Shameful, really shameful to try and use someone's art without even linking to the real autor. Adn then lie about not being able to find it.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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5 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Which means it's not yours, right?

In which case you're currently breaching ownership rights, and should at least provide the name of the creator as well as a direct link to the art on one of the artists websites/profiles.

"I found it on google image" is not attribution.


Not exactly how that works.  Noncommercial, not business,  no money being made anywhere, a random image widely spread on the internet for a decade, good luck finding an owner if you tried- which I did.  Entirely fair use, normal sharing of an image straight up stated as not even being what is described but an evocative image to depict the nature of what is being talked about.

But yes I do completely agree you should name artists and link what you can and I have directly contacted artists in the past to ask if I could use this or that piece of art as a header for far more serious creations than this random idea I tossed out to the forum.  Genzoman for example is really cool about these sorts of things,  or at least he was that one time I asked for a project something like 8 years ago.


This image in particular however,  has been around the internet for a very long time with 35 pages of TinEye results, almost all of them free wallpaper sites, random people's accounts where they used it as a banner or avatar,  used it for fanmade magic cards,  ect.

It definitely still shouldn't be monetized,  but it's definitely within fair internet use to throw it up as a "Hey, look at this image.  This is kind of evocative of what I mean.".  And I didn't even embed the image, I just linked it and the forum automatically displays them itself.

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23 minutes ago, Kingsmount said:

has been around the internet for a very long time with 35 pages of TinEye results, almost all of them free wallpaper sites, random people's accounts where they used it as a banner or avatar,  used it for fanmade magic cards,  ect.

And all those people are thieves, yes, and you are trying to join them. Well done.

By using this image out of context (and without source link) you ARE making the real source harder to find, as all of those people before you. you couldn't find the source, specifically because people did what you are now doing. Again, well done. You're adding to the problem.

EDIT: You've lied about searching for it. A single google search reveals the image is a piece of concept art from Guild Wars 2.

EDIT2: Yup, you're a liar: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Art_by_Kekai_Kotaki This art has been made by Kekai Kotaki. Found it in minutes.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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when you say vulcan I immdieatly think of the Warhammer Primarch Vulcan, you know

this one 

Image result for vulkan warhammer

although the proposal of a rocket themed frame doesnt seem to bad honestly, the abilities do seem a bit OP but im sure that will be figured out in time

this is a legitimatly good proposel and I hop DE take a look at it

Just my 2 cents tho

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On 2020-01-28 at 10:02 PM, (XB1)UpgradeAcorn989 said:

when you say vulcan I immdieatly think of the Warhammer Primarch Vulcan, you know

this one 

Image result for vulkan warhammer

although the proposal of a rocket themed frame doesnt seem to bad honestly, the abilities do seem a bit OP but im sure that will be figured out in time

this is a legitimatly good proposel and I hop DE take a look at it

Just my 2 cents tho


Not sure why people say something is overpowered or not when I've given no numbers.  It could be completely useless with low numbers,  or anything could be overpowered with high numbers.

I don't like giving numbers with my suggestions usually, because they're the primary point of balancing something and should be fine tuned when being implemented. 

It's hard to balance numbers when you aren't working with it directly. 

I can also see how he might be terrible against important enemies.  The enemies with weak points, or enemies that can't be grabbed by the meteor rush.    And his Rage mechanic wouldn't work well against single enemies, relying on building up stacks prior to the fight, and then fading over the course of the fight unless there's still a normal flow of cannonfodder enemies, but most boss fights are single enemies sometimes with a few adds.


But yeah thanks.   A whole lot of his fun would be in sound and animation design for his movements and effects, in ways to emphasize "power", "Momentum", "strength".   Visceral and kinetic.  Probably something I can imagine the sound guys and the animators having fun with.



On 2020-01-28 at 2:46 PM, Lukarith said:

You could give him an augment for quad damage on health orb pickups. 


Lot of cool augment possibilities with this.

MIRV rockets,  Napalm.   Altering the cannon to be more of a gatling gun.

Rage augments that might alter the method of acquiring or losing rage.

Augments that alter Meteor Rush to focus more on grabbing and throwing people, or changing it to be of a bulldozer with a wider path,  or changing it so the dash is more focused but chains between multiple enemies, grabbing each along the way so you have a growing ball of enemies over your shoulder and you chuck them all at once at the end of it. 

Shieldwall augments altering it so each shield segment (I imagine it having a visual appearance of a literal shieldwall) explodes outward like a claymore if you fire a rocket into the wall.



On 2020-01-28 at 12:14 PM, HugintheCrow said:

EDIT: OP tried to appease me with some lies and claimed they couldn't find source.

I found it within 2 google searches.

Source: Kekai Kotaki, a concept art for Guild Wars 2.

Shameful, really shameful to try and use someone's art without even linking to the real autor. Adn then lie about not being able to find it.


Shove off, wtf.  That's a wild and hostile assumption to make just because you were able to find it, and then instead of politely presenting the credits you were able to find you go straight to verbally assaulting me. 

That kind of overt toxicity helps nobody.

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