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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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Hey everyone!

When I read the post last week, I immediately pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing. I just went with whatever came to mind and let the frame tell the story. I had a hard time deciding on a name, so I tried out the Latin translation for forest/woods. This brought back flashbacks to the Titania quest-line. I had already decided on abilities that an Earth warframe would harness, and re-watching the quest play-through, I realized that my warframe reminded me of Titania's guardians. So what if there are consequences to waking the guardians of the forest?

Introducing Silva, "The Druidess"

Do you remember her Tenno? Stripping her of her company; left to guard nothing; left without purpose?

Do you hear the screams, beaming in your mind? Disturbing the peace, as you have once before?

-- The transference wavers here --

Can you sense it Tenno? The forest breathing, watching, waiting...

Something old lingers in the trees, growing wild over time. It haunts the area like a tormented spirit. It should not have been left here to be forgotten...

-- An uneasiness shivers down your spine --

Do you see it Tenno? The darkness shifting, taking form, then dissipating into thin air?

Do you feel the grip of death on your neck? It slithers through your mind like a poisonous vine. You were not welcome, but here is where you will remain.

-- But this can not be, Operator... Run --


  1. Mistwalk [Teleports behind enemy; Whips nearby enemies, dealing damage and bleeding them temporarily]
  2. Life-Grip [Tendrils latch onto nearby enemies; Restores player health for amount of enemy health drained]
  3. Call of the Wild [Calls on spirits; Energy launches out, honing in on nearby enemies, damaging and confusing them temporarily]
  4. Shapeshift [Transforms; Exalted Weapon - Customize like you would your companion]


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Much like the Zaw weapons, the Frankenframe (that's a horrible name, but descriptive - I'm sure the developers could come up with something better) would be a player crafted Warframe with abilities taken from any of the other frames: Rhino Stomp, Loki Invis, Saryn spores, etc. Ability 1 would be chosen from all the "1" abilities, 2 from all the "2" abilities, and so on. The player would get to craft his or her very own frame - unique abilities and synergies - maybe the dev team could plant some easter egg synergies to be discovered by the players with various ability combos? Has the potential to be very powerful by aligning with the abilities with the player's play style. Recommend that the foundry cost be: for each ability, the player has to sacrifice the frame the ability comes from - fully leveled. That would be 4 fully leveled frames sacrificed to create one Frankenframe.

Prime Frankenframe could be buffed stats AND the 4 abilities taken from ANY ability the player has mastered; you could have all "4s" for example. Foundry cost would be - 1 fully leveled Frankenframe per ability; but the sacrificed Frankenframe would have to have the ability the player wanted to graft onto the Prime Frankenframe. So, you'd need 4 Frankenframes with the desired 4 abilities (one per Frankenframe) to produce 1 Prime Frankenframe. 16 original Warframes sacrificed to produce this one unique Prime Frankenframe.

Maybe there's a quest(s) involved? I'd pay good money to have a cut scene with an operator pulling a switch, see electricity arcing everywhere and Lotus shouting "It's alive!" 


(apologies if this has been thought of before - I didn't have time to read through 240 pages of submissions)

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Hi everyone! For my submission I'd like to introduce:

Warframe name: Photon

What he does: Photon manipulates the electromagnetic spectrum to tailor his abilities and their elemental damage types.

Ideas how this can be implemented: His longwave attacks proc heat and have a very far range, whereas invoking the short wavelength end of the spectrum outputs really high damage radiation that falls off quickly. All portions of his EMR attacks have an element of magnetic damage to them. Similar to Octavia and sound levels, Photon gains strength from the amount of light in the room. When light is low, like in a derelict or night on the Plains of Eidolon, he can create his own binary stars that orbit him and are coloured based on how he is attuned to the EMR spectrum, their gravity wells draw in enemies that are consumed as fuel to increase the duration and strength of the buff. His weapon is an exalted throwable spear that not only delivers a powerful puncture attack but radiates damage based on Photon's selected elemental type. If the damage is lethal then the target is briefly enthralled and charges into enemy groups, detonating as an elemental bomb after several seconds. If the target is an elemental eximus that matches Photon's spear, the explosion effect is multiplied.

Really crappy concept: https://i.imgur.com/oirZIF7.jpg

Original artwork by theDURRRRIAN : https://www.deviantart.com/thedurrrrian/art/Warframe-No-space-witnesses-640640458

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我来自中国 英语是用翻译器翻译的 请见谅

I'm from China. The English below is translated by translator. Please forgive me

warframe: Margulis 

This warframe is not from the Orkin era, but from Tenno.
Release the power of void
This warframe can give full play to the power of Tenno - his power comes from the void. His main means of destruction is to tear the enemy through the strength of the void. If the warframe is to become powerful, it must cooperate with the operator. When Tenno equips him, the commander's ability will also increase.
He will be upgraded to umbra when the machine is mature.
Although the body of this warframe is not like a woman, Teno still gave him the most beautiful name for Teno: Margulis

这具战甲并非来源于Orkin时代 而是由tenno打造。


这具warframe可以最大的发挥tenno的力量——他的力量来自于虚空。 他的主要破坏手段是通过虚空的力量撕裂敌人 这具warframe如果要变得强大 必须与指挥官进行配合 当tenno装备他时 指挥官的能力也会增强。

当时机成熟时 他将被升级为umbra版本。



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I have a few ideas, definitely grineer based as they're my favorite faction.

 A tactical/special ops warframe trio or 4 man team sniper/gunner/medic/assault. Perhaps a frame with a gatling gun arm that changes ammo type ie (incendiary, armor piercing, exploding etc). 

There's no warframe centered around kubrow so a tactical k9 themed frame (could call him Cerberus and he could release 3 hell hounds). Instead of releasing a whole tactical team (which I like) you could combine them all into one tactical k9 frame that releases hell hounds, has a sniper or other exalted/signature gun that fires different types of rounds like gas, incendiary, explosive as well as a support ability like an ammo regen/modifier or other form of healing/shielding/buff.

Another frame idea I like is a hazmat/gas or biochemical type frame that could fill a room or area with gas and ignite it. The hazmat operator suit is my inspiration for the idea and style of the frame with an arm mounted weapon or even a shoulder cannon.

Most of these ideas can be rolled into one single frame, but I really like the idea of a full 4 man team that can build off each other's abilities as well. The storyline potential and significant amount of character diversity and content to introduce and sell, like skins, weapons, armor and other styles are a great way to go both from a business standpoint as well as the gamer/consumer side like myself.

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Child-like in appearance, [Innocence] is the smallest Warframe of them all. Beautiful and delicate, inoffensive and pure, she inspires love rather than fear. [Innocence] slips into the middle of a battlefield, catching those around her off-guard (but not alarming them). Whose is she? How did she come to be in the middle of this awful bloodshed? Grineer, Corpus, and Infested alike sense a lost young one - and as parental instincts awaken, all defenses fall.

Those who watched from a distance say that distracted enemies drop their weapons to gaze upon her, forgetting all else in their overwhelming adoration and concern. Should any harm come to the child, they turn as one to defend her, throwing themselves in harm’s way or raging instead towards the offending attacker. Entire squadrons abandon their objectives to follow her wherever she goes, and, to their fellows’ disbelieving horror, fall gladly upon their own swords at a single, gentle request.

Lovingly, she thanks them in their final moments for their willing sacrifice, having never lifted a single finger against them herself.

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The frame was pulled into the abyss during the old war, believed to be lost to eternity. Released from the abyss by chance, along with the new enemy. The Blood Orokin.

FrameName: Catalyst

1 Absorb Copy element from Target and apply to own attacks(melee/weapons). Cast

Long hold, explode in all directions releasing element causing damage to enemies and clearing element from self.

Mod allows ability to add copied element to ally by casting on allied targets.

2 Leech Short push on target to add armor, shield and health of target to self. Hold to explode and add portion of same to to allies, removing from self. Timed Buff effected by duration.

Mod converts ability to plant a crystal with aura that ticks the absorbed energy for allies inside, multiplied by strength and reduced by health pool drain until zero. Aura buff effected by total health given.

3 Combine -  long hold Combine ability stats from 1 and 2 and store stacks for future use for big bang. Short push replenish self health and shield(cast) and remove status(for buff duration).

4 Big Bang Combine absorbed stats to create a black hole which sucks all enemies in and damages them for ticks over time using collected elements from absorb and draining collected stats from leech, plus proc at the end in a big bang which ragdolls.

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Alraune - The Dryad

We need a proper Plant themed frame in my opinion. I planned out a rough idea of what her kit would look like


Passive: Overgrowth

Gain more plants when scanning. Regain energy in Light.


1: Uproot

Spread roots in an area in front of you before suddenly raising them to batter enemies. Survivors are rooted, health being leeched to restore your health


2: Seeds 

Switch between Pitcher, Snapper, Leech and Flower. Throw seed as a grenade in front of you

Pitcher: Burrows in the ground and swallows enemies, gaining in size for every enemy swallowed

Snapper: Venus Flytrap esque plant that snaps at nearby enemies, inflicting toxic and slash damage

Leech: Roots into an enemy and slowly grows into a Sentry plant, firing more seeds at other enemies to grow more plants. Health determined by amount of health stolen from enemy

Flower: Creates a Corpse Flower to deal gas damage to all enemies around it. Enemies will attempt to destroy it, reflecting damage back to them


3: Allure

Cover the area in pheromones, charming enemies to fight for you. Can Root charmed enemies for no energy cost and drain their health


4: Bloom

Summon a giant flower beneath you to control as an extension of your body. Uproot now affects a wider area. Throw 3 seeds instead of one. Charmed enemies gain their own flowers and remain charmed until the end of Bloom, upon death will restore the health of your Bloom.

You become entirely stationary in this state. Crouch to pull the petals over you, making you invincible while the Bloom takes damage for you. Enemies that draw near are automatically rooted and restore health to the Bloom.

Bloom is extremely vulnerable to Heat and Toxin damage. Death by Heat will result in it burning down, dealing fire damage to everything around it (Allies and Defense Targets included). Death by Toxin will cause it to wilt and damage your health and energy for 30 seconds

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I spent a few days thinking long and hard about a warfare which is unlike any in the game currently. I eventually though of an amazing and unique warframe which was inspired by my imagination, nothing would bring me more happiness than seeing my idea come to life in warframe. I will list the basic idea of my warframe with possible abilities and other mechanics.

The warframe is basically a frame with infinite potential. The warframe would be able to morph and adapt in any way. For example, one of the abilities would be called Copy and Paste (Just a random name I fought would be funny but suits the idea. The warframe scans any enemy or Allie, no matter what it is, Warframe, Grineer ect.. and morph either completely or become similar to the creature). This would not just go for show however, the warframe would inherit its abilities/attacks, strengths weakness ect... (Probably scaling in a certain way depending on the level of what it is scanning.) This make the warframe very fun to mess around and experiment with. To add on to this, after scanning a second entity, the ability allows u to choose the last 8 enemies you scanned and you can morph into them at will. (This may or may not have to cost energy)

Warframe Profile:

Name: Morphius

Gender: Male

Main Strait: Morph/Shapeshift

Passive: Morphius and morph into anything he wishes at will and can adapt to enemy attacks.

Ability 1: Formation: Morphius and choose 4 variations of himself (Similar to equinox in a way) From his base form, A bulky and heavy image but slow version, A extremely fast but squishy version or a stealth/invincible version (Like Limbo) where he cannot be hut but at the same time he cannot hurt anyone else.

Ability 2: Copy and Paste (Placeholder name) Explained in second paragraph.

Ability 3: Duplicate: Morphius is able to split himself in two each time (Max could be like 8 or 16 depending on how camera view works and if it gets picked as the warframe.) Morphius would split his health shield armour ect.. every time he does it. the benefit to this ability is that when one of the duplicates dies, amorphous does not die until the last duplicate is killed. This ability would be great for high level missions. Morphius would be able to transform back to his base form at anytime but when he does so it will take a bit for his health and shield to regenerate.

Ability 4: Morphic Assault: This is basically this exalted weapon. This hands (according to the inspiration source) would be able to shoot and melee an enemy. He can use his arms like rapiers and at once use them to shoot laser energy out of them, this would also involve this legs ad well. He could be able to use combos such as turning his hands into a great axe after Meleeing 5 times. He could also hold down his melee attack and do something like a muda muda barrage (JoJo Reference Btw). He can also quickly spam his ranged attack to shoot a burst of lasers instead of just a ray.




Inspiration by X-Men Days of Future past Sentinels: (If this is actually picked and they can't make it exactly like this, try to base it around this so the morphic idea works well.


Close up of Face: https://images.app.goo.gl/5ht3sL2ZkM7SpgHdA

Example of enemy adaptation (If they use blast damage or knockdown multiple times morphius can turn into metal and can't be knocked down:


His heavy form:


Stealth Form:


His Speed form on right and Invincibility/Ghost Invulnerable form on left:


If this idea does get picked and they want more ideas for it I am happy to help.

Some of these aspects are just ideas and could be subject to change.

I would be over the moon if morphius is added to warframe. (He could be a quest warframe associated with the sentients).

Original concept by Bassmaz55.


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Make a frame based on all the wars that have happened on Earth. Like it had been watching from the beginning and adapted or taken on aspects of each era or culture.

Ideas taken from Spartans, Vikings, Knights, Hussars, Zulus, Huns, Samurai, soldiers, chemical weapons and tanks from WWI, Atomic weapons from WWII, etc...

Could have parts of armor or abilities that represent each different periods of war on earth and the strategies and technology used by different cultures.

Named after Aries or the Horseman of War OR name it after the band Sabaton which is what sparked my idea for this theme. Those would be cool for a bruiser type but if you wanted to go support then it could be more of a Sun Tzu style and have abilities that represent war strategies or his sayings and provides buffs based on them.

Rather than picking a single stereotypical theme like a spartan, samurai, devil dog, or whatever, combine them all into one.


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Варфрейм: Акры.- те, кто восстал из пепла, своим упреком сокрушат своих врагов, которые стояли на пути.

Особенности Warfame. особенности ame. Вид выполнен в стиле black-ash-fire. На правой руке у него шипы, на левой-огненная рука. Шлем с двумя маленькими шипами. Во время реинкарнации на голове появляются рога, а также появляется перчатка. Сама Перчатка показывает череп.
Пожиратель хаоса, двуручный меч.
При использовании 4 способностей, Атрес может совершить жестокое убийство голыми руками, если сработает сигнализация. Затем он ломает консоль.

Пас: Зверство. Если Атрес получает смертельный урон, он становится невосприимчивым к повреждению.
В течение 30 секунд игрок должен убить несколько противников, чтобы пополнить их здоровье.

1. Сталь разкал: создает перед вами ударный разрез, прорезающий землю.
Радиус действия-10 м

2.Подземные клинки: используя силу меча, мечи быстро выползают на лошадях. На них сразу же насаживают кол, при этом получая порез.
Радиус действия-5 м

3. Вспышка ярости: создает огненный взрыв, тем самым ослепляя, и накладывает эффект состояния огня.
Урон в секунду-100
Угол ослепления-30*

4. Истинная форма: Атрес призывает своего пожирателя хаоса, надевая таким образом свою броню. Также появляется шкала жестокости, за каждого убитого врага увеличивается урон от меча, уменьшается расход энергии.

Урон за одно попадание-1000
Расход в минуту-5-0,7.

Броня: 150
Здоровье: 250
Щиты: 100
Бег: 1.00

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Sewing Warframe 

Theme: sewing, support, self damage, string.
Passive: Weaving 
dots on you give damage reduction up to 30% 
Statues effects are 60% less effective on you but last twice as long. Dots cannot damage shields by passing them and only effecting health.
1st ability : knit
Throw a needle the size of a spear that chains to 2 additional enemies, players, or dolls linking them with a string and dealing damage or giving armor to players, players linked in the string gain increased armor. Status effects on all players are also applied to all enemies as if the had them as well. Enemies tied to the string have reduced accuracy. Enemies that die tied to another will pass on there status effects to another enemy on the string for the remainder of the statues duration. This does not transfer to players.
String has x length. If two enemies, players, or enemy and player get to far from one another the string will break damaging and stunning only enemies.
String has double the length when connected to dolls.
Synergy: players linked to dolls will siphon health from the doll based on the power strength, level of the doll, and missing player health. Dolls hit by knit will cast there own knit ability to a random target.
2nd ability : Doll
Create a life sized greener,  corpus, or infested doll in front of you based off enemy level, player health, and ability strength. The doll cannot move or attack. This doll can be attacked and targeted as if it was a real enemy. The doll can draw enemy aggro. The doll has the characters passive even when not linked. Linked with enemies,  it shares percent of damage received and states effects. Linked with ally's its health is siphoned off to injured linked players healing them slowly over time. 
3rd ability: Cut 
Sever a string attached to you by the nearest or targeted enemy / ally. You take all their status effects upon yourself as well as deal a slash proc to yourself and deal damage based on your missing health times ability strength to your enemy. Cutting the string tied to an all also takes all of their statues effects as well as healing and adding movement speed to them.
4th Ability: Pin
Nail a target enemy to the ground transferring all status effects and dealing massive damage over time for a set amount of time based on the amount of status effects transferred and ability strength. If the enemy dies and is connected to another enemy by string, nail that enemy to the ground and deal damage for the remaining duration. If more than one enemy is attached by string to the dying enemy, copy the ability with the remaining duration.
Allies targeted or effected a chain cast of Pin are healed for a duration and given indestructible buff for the amount of status effect that would be applied. Once fully healed it will pin another ally or enemy for the rest of the duration without additional status effects if more are attached by the string.
Signature melee weapon: Giant sewing needle that is used like a rapier sword. Hits have a chance to apply string in this warframe's hands.
Average status and okie crit.
Signature companion: spike ball that shoots needles and tethers enemies to it dragging them around for a short time.
High status chance
Good range for a setinal 
Low damage
Tldr: Manipulating status effects warframe with a sewing / knitting theme.
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War - macho 

Very Tough warframe.


p. Increased defense when taking damage or attack


1. Smoke a cigar

Gives a short attack buff 

This buff will increase over time.
From 50% to 200%.

If you reuse the skill after turning off the buff, you throw a cigarette.

This cigar explodes. 10% of damage dealt to enemies during buff time


2. Two hand Two rifles

Using the skill, use two main weapons. (only guns of the same kind) 

Consumes mana per second.


3. Strike with a gun

Grab the muzzle and use it like a melee weapon.

Damage is affected by the main weapon's modding. (stance : heavy blade)


4. Arm cannon

Arms outstretched
Fires shells that do great damage to the front.

The place where the shell has passed is caught in flames.

The fire lasts 10 seconds.

This fire gives the enemy an abnormal fire state

The enemy that caught this fire
Takes 50% more damage.











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The junk Warframe 'Prion'


The Warframes were made by the Orokin, but their creation sit atop an unknown amount of failed experiments. Broken minds, bodies, objects and anything in between litter the path to the current pantheon . All of these failures was discarded, destroyed, recycled, or simply thrown away. Among this sea of junk however, unmoderated and undocumented interactions occurred, creating something, a perverse parody of the final form that was desired....

This parody amalgamation stands like a zombie...A head that doesn't sit right and spazes out every so often....bits missing from its deformed body....a stretch of sinew here, part of a gold crest there....a leg that is missing any physical form of a knee. 

Passive = kills provide a small buff to a random attribute. "anything is junk if you blast it enough"

On transference out = It collapses into large chunks of the frame.


Debate has been rife regarding the question of weather the Warframes have sentience or not, indeed there has been at least one case and some anecdotal evidence for others. Despite this, there is one consensus - if the history of it's creation is true, the thought of it truly being sentient is nothing short of a horrifying thought. 

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So, dunno how this works, but here goes.

I'm thinking something different.  Warframe, the game, is about speed and agility.  Let's change it up with a Warframe that just too heavy to bullet jump forward or rocket jump upward.  The theme for this one is "Ordinance".  I'm thinking something with big guns and lots of "moar dakka" inherent to the makeup of the frame with wrist mounted launchers for a short range cone attacks and tactical stuff like smoke grenades(maybe a thermographic view mode when the player is in the smoke), shoulder micro-launchers(maybe with multiple munitions besides the obvious missiles like drones that follow the targets around and have a limited ammo supply) that lock on to enemies(like ash's ultimate) and an exalted heavy weapon that doesn't materialize like magic, but deploys from where it is permanently mounted on the back of the warframe over the shoulders and fires MASSIVE explosive shells complete with clanging, bouncing shell casings and pushing the 'frame backward.  Something so overloaded with ordinance that it can't just magic around like the lighter 'frames.  Instead, I propose a new movement specific to this frame where it skates around on tracks when Sprint is toggled(like Limbo jumping into his other realm) and boosters that allow for a "super jump" to clear chasms and stuff. 

Visually, the base 'frame shouldn't necessarily be a Hulk like Rhino or Hildryn, but should, instead, give the impression that even the super strength of the Warframe is insufficient to haul all that ordinance, so the Orokin made it tall and lanky with brute force mechanical assistance and bracing.  Literally living up to the name WarFRAME.

I realize I've probably gone overboard with what should have been a short(ish) post, and much of it might seem out of character for Warframes.  But we've got 35 Warframes that all play in very similar manners sans certain specific powers(looking at you Titania) and I think it's time for something truly unique.

I'm including some clips that illustrate what I'm talking about, queued up to the scene(s) in question.

Exalted TwinCannon:

Everything Else:


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Avarite the Crystal Of Greed

I came up with this Warframe with my friend A__Q_W_E_N_T_E_D

Sorry for our bad English please!


This warframe is based on crystals and the greed of the enemies that attack it. He is a tank that can complete missions in solo or party (or sleep :D). His skills are aimed at concentrating the attention of enemies on him and their weakening.

Sex: Female


Armor: 225

Health: 100 (300 to 30 lvl)

Shields: 130 (450 for 30 lvl)

Running speed: 1.00

Energy: 150 (210 at 30 lvl)



An enemy who deals 5% damage from the amount of health and shields to a warframe takes damage in the amount of 1% of damage from his maximum health (or shields, if any).

Also, the skills of this warframe can impose “Greedy Crystals” on the enemies that parasitize on the nervous system and weapons of the enemy, because of which they increase their attack speed and decrease their damage. The maximum on the enemy can be up to 5 crystals.

1 ability:

Throws a crystal in the form of a spike, which, in contact with the surface or the enemy explodes into small crystals that pierce the enemies. Also, the spike imposes “Greedy crystals” on the target.

Depends on strength, affected area and energy efficiency.

2 ability:

The warframe produces a flash that provokes enemies within 10/15/20/25 radius for 10 seconds and reduces their damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10/15%. Opponents also break the “Crystals of greed” from the warframe, which stick to the attackers.

Depends on the affected area, energy efficiency and duration.

3 ability:

“Greedy crystals” begin to sprout deeper into their owners, damaging internal organs, which is why they slow down and lose accuracy. The more stacks of crystals, the better the effect.

Depends on energy efficiency, durability and strength.

4 ability:

Enemies with the maximum number of “Greed Crystals” are completely enslaved and go to the side of the warframe with increased characteristics, but with a reduced attack, and they also become priority targets for attacking opponents. When activated 3 abilities, crystal soldiers will restore health at 25% of maximum HP.

Depends on energy efficiency, durability and strength.

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Introducing Fable, a prodigy of melee combat and a hero of the oppressed. Fable is all about momentum and his strength is bolstered for each enemy cut down (which his kit or passive should reflect.

His signature ability is an exalted melee that can cycle forms between a spear to skewer and punch through a line of enemies, a sword for graceful flowing strikes and a glaive to cut down the masses. (stances changes with the forms.)

Another possible ability of Fable's is to leap and execute a finisher on a targeted enemy (this could scale quite well obviously), an ability perfect for singling out a tougher enemy while giving players a dose of power fantasy. Additionally the leap at the start complements the fluidity of movement and combat.

Fable looks tall, lean and noble with a color scheme reminiscent of steel, while having swirls of warpaint to intimidate his enemies.

The Tenno dreamed long of what they wished to be. They decided that they didn't want to be murderers, executioners or soldiers. Instead, they dreamt of being heroes.

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There are many roles among the Tenno but few are able to bring them together and lead them. By leading by example he uses prestige he gathers during fights to inspire both his summoned troops and his allies. His troops increase in rank as he gains more prestige but the may lose effectiveness if he loses to much prestige. Whether he is charging headlong into the fight or staying back and picking off valuable targets he can call his trusty steed to quickly charge tough his opponents. Designating targets to focus and places to defend he is the ruler of the battlefield.

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A lizard/gecko/reptile based Warframe.

Passive: Has a prehensile tail that can be used for mobility such as having a larger leap distance with the crouch jump mechanic.

1st Ability: The ability to walk/climb on all walls but turns the wall or ceiling ur walking on into your new flooring. (Its hard to explain in words but I'll do my best.) For example if she or he is walking on the ceiling the players will be viewing the enemies upside down despite them being the one upside down. The players POV is always upright. (Maybe a stealth factor could come in for this ability)

2nd Ability: A camouflage ability that allows her to turn herself into the spitting image of a chosen enemy with bosses as exceptions. Enemies won't attack and those sensors and cameras won't register her as an enemy. It has time duration mechanic and when she runs or attacks her disguise will be dropped. (Maybe she has to consume the enemy in secret first just like an anaconda consuming its prey for this ability to activate)

3rd Ability: Places eggs that hatch when enemies come close and the hatchlings restricts movement and poisons.  Maximum 5 eggs which scales with levels on that ability.

4th Ability: Evolves into something that is similar to the xenomorph from Aliens and kicks your hatchlings and you into overdrive giving your hatchlings increased damage, durability and speed. Makes your passive stronger and grants health based on the damage your hatchling does.

Thanks for reading!

Background: Failed genetic artificial warframe created by the grineer to spy and eliminate targets.

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I am Spanish-speaking, so I apologize if you do not understand me, I am using google, so I leave in Spanish and English.

I was thinking of a ghostly-themed Warframe, with this approach of abilities and passive (to delve into the potential). Visually it could be the mix between Nekros and Wisp, with the luminous details of Revenant, the "flade" of normal Ivara.
Passive: being invisible when not in combat, that is, when attacking, you would lose invisibility and would have to wait a few seconds to become invisible again.

1) A stomp in a circular area that does damage to the enemies because it steals part of their request to keep you, giving energy or health (as DE decides).
2) Over a period of time (20-30s max) a slight increase in movement (levitating as wisp) and deflection or reduction of damage.
3) Launch a cry that scares enemies and a slight increase in damage (approx 20%), with a probability that the enemy will drop his firearm from fright and fight melee
4) An exalted weapon, perhaps a wolflike hammer or a heavy sword, which emits a spectral aura.

Soy de habla hispana, por lo que pido perdón si no se me entiende, estoy usando google, por lo que dejo en español e ingles.

Estaba pensando en un Warframe con temática fantasmal, con esta aproximación de las habilidades y la pasiva(para profundizar en el potencial). Visualmente podria ser la mezcla entre Nekros y Wisp, con los detalles luminosos de Revenant, la "flada" de Ivara normal.
Pasiva: ser invisible cuando no esta en combate, es decir, al momento de atacar perdería la invisibilidad  y tendría esperar unos segundos para volver a ser invisible.
1) Un pisotón en área circular que hiciera daño a los enemigos pues les roba parte de su pida para quedartela tu, dando energía o salud(como decida DE).
2) Durante un periodo de tiempo(20-30s máx) un leve aumento de movimiento(levitando como wisp) y desvío o reducción del daño.
3) Lanzar un llanto que asuste a los enemigos y un ligero aumento del daño(20% aprox), con una probabilidad de que el enemigo suelte su arma de fuego del susto y luche a melee
4) Un arma exaltada, quizás un martillo parecido al del lobo o una espada pesada, y que esta emitiera un aura espectral.

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I would like to see a Elemental Warframe a female warframe named Electron  based off of storm from marvel so this warframe can control the main elements Electricity, Fire, Water, Earth Her backstory would be she was born in the same lab as valkyr but escaped from alad v with powers unknown until she was found in sliver grove pond being taken care by the unknown spirit of the silver grove upon finding the blueprint the sliver grove will tell you the favorite spots or memories that she remembers electron telling her as she took care of her as you collect the pieces in these spots she will tell you about the journey that led her to the sliver grove where her powers carried her how she discovered how she destroyed and repaired civilizations as she passed through just finding a home where she wasnt look at weird anymore. You will face her specter as the last battle where she will tell what her plans were for the future had she ever gotten made past the sliver grove. I also think you could slide a easter egg referring back to titania and maybe make the two become sort of like sisters and the sliver grove was there mother at the time. 

So for the Snow missions based those in Neptune or Uranus, water missions those be based in Uranus, Electricity the Spy mission on lua with the hallways of the electrical batteries, and for the fire missions those can be sabotages on grinner tilesets specifically ships.

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Twin Souls/Parent & Child Frame:

- One part is a larger, golem-esque creature whose abilities are simple physical/blast(?) based effects. I'm thinking something along the lines of a Mother Gorilla/Bear. (The Parent)

- The other part is a smaller, fairy/child-esque humanoid that sits on the shoulder/back of the first. It's abilities could be purely elemental or purely support. I'm thinking of a kind of mischievous child. (The Child)

The abilities could be taken further to have the "Parent's" abilities be very straight forward and proactively protective of others while the "Child's" abilities could be self-targeting buffs or enemy-targeting debuffs.

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