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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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Who are some (not all) of the most intimidating people you've ever seen in your life? Islanders. Naturally large, angry looking, long hair, tattooed, war dancing islanders.

Now imagine if you had a space ninja version of that running around throwing spears, shooting an Arca Plasmor, and using void abilities to rip everything and everyone apart. I think that would be pretty cool.

And maybe if not a whole islander Warframe just a islander deluxe skin for Rhino

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1 minute ago, (PS4)marcus_eros said:

a warframe with a glitch/static effect. its abilities have the same effect and may also put a glitchy effect on the player's screen(purely aesthetic, has no bearing on actual gameplay). the enemies it kills with abilities also become glitchy.

Peculiar mods exists, would be funny to apply it to everything

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18 minutes ago, (NSW)Ikhono said:

A beast tamer frame

Oberon could have his passives mix where other animals are tamed around him, as well as his current buff for friendly pets. Would make him close to beastmaster Warframe. 


22 minutes ago, Zazuga said:

Let's do a Paladin style warframe wirh big armor inspiered by you guessed it a paladin.

Oberon has also been called a paladin since healing and fighting powers. 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

Oberon could have his passives mix where other animals are tamed around him, as well as his current buff for friendly pets. Would make him close to beastmaster Warframe. 

Isn't Khora the Beastmaster ?

Oberon is more to Nature's guardian imho

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I was thinking along the lines of a techno based warframe. He can hack into robotic based enemies, like osprey. Create a defensive shield made of binary coding almost like its made of 1s and 0s. He can disable enemy weapons, and his most powerful weapon is a whip-blade made from void energy.

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Mayby some kind of sword master (not excalibur) you get to summon 4 swords (1,2,3,4) each of them witch different statistics and abbilities. Wen you are using one of the blades for example second skill the rest of abilities (1,3,4) are changed to the skills of the sword the frame is using (1,2,3 won't drain energy when summoned just like Ivaras bow but also won't drain energy to attack). Fourth ability will be a fuson of all three blades with massive dmg but massive energy drain as well. To make it easier sword sellection might just be like Vaubans trap sellection or Titanias buffs.

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What about a Berserker Warframe, a warframe that gets stronger and harder to kill the closer he or she gets to die.

Armor and power strength increseas the lower the health get. hight risk hight reward warframe, the harder the enemy level is the better and all that stuff.

It would have abilitys to make him/her harder to kill as well as there team mates.

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I think a mimic type warframe would be cool.  He/she could mimic the abilities of another level 30 warframe in your arsenal.  As you level up you can choose a frame to mimic.  So instead of different load outs you would choose one of your level 30 frames.  It could be you fourth ability.  Time based of course.  At the time of purchase or creation you choose its standard abilities which should be one of the first three you choose from on your first login.  Like excalibur, volt, or i think it was mag.

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A shapeshifter or Werebeast Warframe! with a huge and slow but destructive form, with a normal Warframe form and a "Monster Hunter like" Monster form 😄

Or a Summoner / Invoker Warframe, that can summon controllable allies and mix it abilities to form more powerful ones

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A spirit / lunar type Warframe, that can use mass sleep spells, 'moon light beams' , use shadows etc... maybe with a 'Hazey' theme and call him 'Haze' for simplicity : )


A metallic manipulator / titan styled frame, that has energy shields, floating javelins etc..

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Warframe prototype: A frame that was built by Margulis back when transference was first discovered.  Doesn't have any abilities of its own but allows you to choose four of your focus abilities and amplify/modify them, as well as obviously being able to use real weapons. Looks like a lab test subject, so wrapped up in bandages with various implants stabbed into it. 

So for instance, combine void strike from madurai with the blood rush mod.  There's so many different combinations you could make, obviously it would have to be a frame you get late in the game. 

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Turn Zanuka into a real useable warframe. Make a quest about the Zanuka Project. I mean Alad V tested on Valkyr. He also tested on sentients (Amalgams) and the infested. He should know how to create "fake" warframes. So what if he made updates his "pet", Zanuka, and gave it a more human like shape paired with sentient abilities ( maybe some kind of weaker adaptation mod as a passive?) or an exalted sentient weapon like the Shedu (probably a meleeweapon since Zanuka is kinda originated from Valkyr. That would fit the passive quite well)

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I'd like to see an alchemist warframe who can convert weak enemies into cartridges that have their own healthpool and grant unique buffs. Either that or a treasure hunter frame who uses the treasures they've discovered as weaponry. Maybe these treasures could be linked to the lore, like a Jade Light emitter or an old Sentient prototype.

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A warframe that use his ability to change his shape to that of the enemies of the three faction, if his power strenght i higher then 100% the quality of the enemy he will steal his form from will be better (trooper--->Heavy gunner) But if it is below 100% his quality will decrease (Trooper --->Butcher)

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