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Update 10.3.0: Hump Day!


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Ok, first the good.


These fixes, these changes to systems, are amazing.

To be able to see the loot you are picking up instead of just "Ammo full" makes such a big difference.

Simple changes to the Corpus ships are incredible, from the dead end rooms having locked doors, which makes the entire ship feel bigger, to the fact that the windows are so clear now, its great, I love it.

The changes to Survival, it feels like there are more enemies coming after me, & it easier to survive to a point where the enemies themselves feel like the threat, not just the air timer, I adore this change.

The change to the mods area, its good, but... I still would love to be able to search by name for a mod when setting up a weapons build.


Now this key thing.... I actually like the idea behind it, of having to carry a key to unlock this vault, that has a negative effect on it. I actually don't mind the idea that you have to use a void key to make it in theory.


What I do mind is the fact that you still need to run with a full group to have any reasonable chance of getting into the vault, & that when you are farming void keys, as you will now need to do, you find yourself feeling let down. Not to mention to get a group for Void or OD, you still have to use the recruiting channel, instead of the awesome auto-grouping system.


Now I say let down, because once you hit wave 15 in a survival you get a key, & instantly think... Omg, lets just keep going, we can keep getting keys, or good stuff from this point on, but you don't, you end up getting mods, that... well if you have played a bit, you probably already have, & even if you do.... the ones I just got on a 35 minute run were mods I don't have the slightest urge to use. I personally think this could use some looking into, maybe every 15 minutes is another guaranteed void key?


Overall these changes to Survival are great though, I just feel like they could use some small changes to making fighting for that higher amount of time survived really worth it.


(PS, also love the fact that the doors are locked till you start fighting, to prevent people from just running about looting everything.)

Edited by EctoSage
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only complaint: Kestrel was NOT supposed to get those mods??!?!?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?! Y not??? kestrel back to @#$% then? usless now? seriously? ugh DE im not a fan of ur recent updates (sorry! :[ )


 other than that and vaults in general all sounds awesome :D

Edited by Zoike
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Just saying: I think that if you have a weapon that has a catalyst on it and you don't want that weapon anymore, (this goes for reactors and warframes too) when you sell it, you should have the option to strip the catalyst (or reactor) out of the weapon. But instead of getting it right back, it should be a bluprint again and you'd need the recources and you'd have to wait for it to build again. Just a thought...

No, you shouldn't "just saying" that, you should make it an official proposal to the higher-ups. But, I have only one addition to your finest idea, which is to charge an Incredible amount of credits everytime a potato is removed from a weapon, or sell it with a lower price than selling it with the potato included, so that people still get to play the alerts with those blueprints, and DE gets to keep the players interested in buying reactors/catalyst with platinums instead of ever changing your potatoes everytime they can.

The main idea is to have the chance of keeping the reactor/catalyst after you sell frame or weapon (goooooooood bye excal's)

Edited by Muitopedrinho
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As lovely as this update sounds, and after going over it a few times, it doesn't explain a few extremely frustrating occurrences that happened to me in a defense mission; Xini. And yes, this was doneo after the update.

1) Either the "arrow Keys" A, S, D, & W are less sensitive now or the overall movement of one's warframe is now much more restricted or limited, making small hairpin movements have become much more tedious and difficult to perform.

2) [this was the worst out of them all] Whenever in the midst of running or just plain moving, in a general direction, the Warframe rather frequently continues to walk/move in that general direction, only seeming to stop when you press the movement keys in the opposite direction in which one's warframe is stuck moving in, and then pressing the movement keys of the direction you were stuck moving in in order to break this "Loop walk" I suppose one could call it. Moving in any other direction becomes the only option when stuck in this loop, making it impossible to stand still and take a clear shot, let alone successfully melee attack an 

3) The rest of the issues I've experienced seem to pertain to my internet provider, or so I am deducing it to be as such for now. If it isn't the case, I'll take this up with the Help Center/ Forum.

Overall though, the updates and fixes do look nice, but I'm having an increasingly hard time enjoying the game, let alone those updates, with my friends and significant other because of those first two issues I have mentioned. The third one I'll find a way to fix myself for now. 

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Memory leak fix for the void? Surely this is a priority. 


I'm not having fun, there no end game. Will there ever be? WAY too many bugs. The content currently being added is mid level and pretty boring.


Don't get me wrong, this update has a lot of nice stuff, but we NEED a fix for the bad stuff. Please dedicate your time to fixing things rather than adding more and more bugs to the game.


I just get that feeling that with every update you are moving away from F2P to "freemium" 


You've got a sure thing with this game, please don't mess it up.

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Just finished a Saturn boss run after the update. At the end one of the rewards wad the Ember chassis BP. But it is tweeked in the foundry, It only shows under components as Ember Chassis Blueprint with no graphic and no way to build it... 


I'm actually having a similar problem. I just finished farming Ember today, got all of her components, and none of them are showing up available to build in my foundry. I can only see them in my inventory under miscellaneous. I really hope they fix this soon. :(


Other than that, I love all the new changes and fixes! Thank you Warframe staff!

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I am getting the same blueprint over and over again in the same quest (General Sargas Ruk). The previous update was better. I killed the general 10 times and I obtained 15 orokin cell and only 2 blueprints of Ember warframe, more or less.


Now I´ve killed Sardas 4 times and i am getting the same blueprint, the helmet. ¿Is it that normal in this game?. No, it isn´t.


And my account, I do not know why, is not working. I´ve changed the password two times (even copy-paste from a txt file, avoiding gramatical mistakes from my hand) and now I cannot get in the game, but I can get in my account, here on internet. I write my email and password here and everything is good, but if I try to log in the game, I have an error, and I write PERFECTLY WELL the email and the password.


I don´t understand.

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  • Bosses now have their blueprint drops as end-mission rewards (like Lephantis) instead of physical orbs in the level. (PSA: Known issue with BP's not appearing in Foundry will be Hotfixed.).

Good move, though this should have been done long ago.  Does this mean we can get back the gaining of loot on failing a mission, since the exploit on bosses is now gone?



...   Made Ignis flame effects use energy color.  ...

While this is nice given it only allows for moncchrome, thus it doesnt look like fire anymore (even with the right shade of orangy/yellow).  Any chance of having the default colours on Ignis and for that matter warframe powers like flames for Ember and Electricity for volt be the default mixed colour that they originally had that actually makes them look like the element they are menat to be, rather than the single monochrome colour making them look like bad cell colouration.


...  A few Market weapons are being retired: Gorgon, Dual Ether Daggers, Boar, and Machete. You have 7 days to get them before they go into the retirement! ...
Why remove some iconic weapons?  These weapons realy havent been replaced with anything else and are rather unique in the mix of things.
The gorgon for example is the only heavy machine gun using bullets, boar the only automatic shotgun.





This is a good start, keep up with the fixes.  Lists like this should be normal for the update notes, given the number of bugs in Warframe currently.

Edited by Loswaith
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  • A few Market weapons are being retired: Gorgon, Dual Ether Daggers, Boar, and Machete. You have 7 days to get them before they go into the retirement!



Can you just confirm what this means. Are we still going to be able to obtain them some how, or is this a 'Gone from market, gone for ever' thing?

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So does this mean that if you leave void survival before 15 minutes you get nothing at all?

I believes what she means is that if you leave before 15 minutes, there is no chance of receiving a Prime piece, like Mag Prime Helmet BluePrint, or Reaper Prime Blade, etc etc. The keyword used was "Prime".

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