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Usage of Operators in the Scarlet Spear


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1 hour ago, xMarvin732 said:

Other people:
MR doesn't mean anything, its just MR, it doesn't have any impact!

Look your Profile look at my Profile, you have more problems, you need to be carried, you suck.

If you take this as an argument, then please, think twice.

DE "fixes" Limbo, people use Mesa.

DE doesnt realize its not about trivialize, its about how to make the most boring thing, being faster

Did I said the MR?

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Just now, Uan91 said:

Did I said the MR?


Just now, Uan91 said:

Look your Profile look at my Profile

Here you go, you didn't mentioned MR but i dont see any reason why Profile is a reason here to judge why someone needs to be carried

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Marvin, you've put yourself in an discussion with me and another player, mind you buisness, thank you


Now, when I said "compairing the two profiles" I meant compairing the Operation points wich was  an answer to Sweg accusing me that I have troubles with the event just because i stop them with M.Lockdown or heal my teamates with vazarin. Is it a problem how I want to play? Personally I play publics with Mesa/Limbo and not just once I had to revive or heal my teamates. Are you going to complain because I play publics? Stay  IT.

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32 minutes ago, Sweg178 said:

isnt that solely what operators job has become? whats the point of having amps then .just mr fodder?

all the other sentient boss enemies require amps to be used .Also eidolons are going to meet its end where operator arcane and amps as well as their passives were a crutial part.

Slowly we are getting to the point where operator amps  might be completely irrelevant .The VOID damage isnt that much effective against sentients as it should be specially in this particular event . They just serve as a purpose of removing the resistance . 

Operator amps do exactly what they have always done, deal with sentient defenses like shields and resistance. Void damage have never been effective against actual health afaik, just low level enemies where damage type doesn't even matter. The actual damage dealt to Eidolons, Ropalolyst, and Orb Mothers is radiation by any weapon. 

If you ask me I'm completely fine with operators being all about utility, support, and stealth. I don't mind their void damage being key in some situations where it makes sense, but utility fit them a lot better than pure damage, especially in crowds. I think it's important that they don't compete with their warframes but complete them. 

Operators don't really have any focus in this event though. Umbral/Sacrificial mods and Paracesis on the other hand finally got a chance to shine. 


32 minutes ago, Sweg178 said:

Thats whats been going on in the ss no? ..mesa and limbo in every squad ..everybody wants to be done with 17 condrixes within 20 mins 

To an extent, yea, and the problem with that is that you don't exactly make a mediocre event any better by playing it in the most boring (easiest) way possible. People can blame DE all they want, but meta-gameplay is also part of the problem. The bonus rewards are time gated (and still quite bugged) between waves anyway, so that kind of efficiency doesn't even matter for most players.

I'm not saying we should nerf ourselves, just that there are plenty of other warframes that can do the job in more interesting and fun ways. I certainly don't mind adding a couple minutes to the total time if it makes the experience less about the grind but more about enjoying the game. There are still a variety of different frames popping up in squads that still do a great job, like Volt, Frost, Wukong, Nova, Chroma, Wisp, etc. 

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