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How to nuke the inflated riven market without destroying rivens as an income generator for DE, and also improve the kuva/riven grind for players.


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10 hours ago, Voltage said:

Why not just remove Riven Disposition so players can remain confident in their stat roll and always feel like their Riven has a similar value +/- some Platinum? I really don't understand why it's a bad thing that there are Riven Mods worth loads of Platinum. Making changes for the sake of trying to make items cheaper isn't the right way to go about it.

We don't need stat locking either as it really defeats the charm of owning a unique Riven.

I would say increase the dispo range from 0.5 to 1.5 to 1.0-2.0 so meta rivens aren’t completely worthless. New weapons or variants start at 1.0 Dispo

We do need stat locking. The reason why people dislike rivens is because it has too much RNG. Stat locking is trying to ease that.

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Regarding the OP: 100% NO!  If they did that then the only purpose for platinum would be to buy stuff from the market (slots, cosmetics, forma, potatoes).  And there wouldn't be anything to save up lots of platinum for.  It would make the game even more lame and give DE even more of a long term player retention problem.  If you hate people that trade Rivens so much, you're the one with a problem, not the game.

That said, EVERYBODY seems to think Rivens are a badly designed system.  I don't think ANYBODY likes that re-rolling Rivens almost always feels like a complete waste of Kuva.  You spend hours farming Kuva just to blow it all in a minute or two.  I think giving the option to spend (large amounts of) resources to have more control would be good all around, and can be done in a way so that ON AVERAGE it doesn't affect the Kuva economy but it just makes the results more consistent.  We could lock down one stat, dictate whether there is a cursed stat or the number of positive stats.

And the way they just make all new Rivens have the same dispo results in the slimy feeling experience of DE nerfing your precious possessions with each major update.  I think they should make some sort of effort to guess an appropriate riven disposition, and I think that when it is clear that a new weapon is OP I think they should take the 'ripping off a band aid' approach and do it in fewer rounds of dispo nerfs.  That way there will be less points of negativity and 'bad news' for experienced players.  Which would be healthy for the game.

Those are the main things.  There's a few more minor things like how they're pretty tone deaf sometimes regarding WHY people use some weapons a lot.  Like nerfing the disposition of the Miter and Jaw Sword doesn't make sense, because NOBODY used these due to the weapon itself being effective in killing the enemies (Miter is ONLY for popping nullifier bubbles and Jaw Sword is ONLY any damn good as a stat stick).

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i don't see a problem here. it's a free market. anything else would be communism.

De should not interfere with supply and demand of rivens. those prices are so high because people are willing to pay them. who are you to dictate for how much things should be sold? who made you great emperor of warframe? 


the only way to take out the extreme rng factor out of rivens without destroying the market and with it DE's profits would be an upgrade system similar to other games that allows you to upgrade and roll-lock stats. this would need to be tuned so that the effort required to get to such a godroll riven equates it's market value. Which would be a lot (lot lot lot lot lot lot) of grind since you have to assume the upper value as a baseline. 

this would require a boatload of work which we know DE is not willing to do (let's release and abandon another 20 "revolutionary" mechanics instead). they won't nuke their own profits and they won't put in the work to substantially rework the entire system from the ground up so this entire discussion is futile. every few months we'll be getting this toxic riven "rebalance" that will destroy riven value, which will free up platinum in the market for plat sinks like the shop and thereby kill incentives to actually buy plat with money. but only gradually until it normalizes again and new weapon and their rivens take over said value. this is already bad enough economically for DE but it's a (bad) compromise they are willing to sacrifice some profits to. anything else would literally blow a hole in their platinum sales. they won't do that. they shouldn't. 

from a business standpoint losing money from sales or investing it only to keep profits stagnant (even tho it would make customers happy) both are a financial loss.


you claim your idea would "fix" the market without destroying the income for DE. but it would do exactly that. it would suddenly devalue all traded rivens. rivens would only be traded for minimal value if they were even traded at all. i imagine some smart people would use their daily trades as rolls making the entire kuva system obsolete. tens of millions of plat (if not much much more) would suddenly be freed up to use in the shop and people would not have to buy plat for quite a while. the inflation would cause prime parts to rise in price by a lot. this would however not change anything for new f2p players as they would have to pay the same raised amount if they want to purchase prime parts. 

boosters, skins, formas, slots ... anything that can be bought from the shop would be massively devalued over night. people wouldn't have to buy plat for months. even with minimal play. De would literally kill their own income for months if not years (until the shop drained enough plat to normalize the value compared to the free player market ... which tbh might never happen if i think about it).

the entire idea seems to not be thought through very well.


i agree on the technical point that introducing rivens was a mistake (although i profited greatly from their existence) but now that they exist and a market developed around them over the years it's impossible to radically change it without destroying the entire economy and in obseqium vast parts of De's income.

as i mentioned the only two paths are to develop a system around rivens that would enable manipulating the riven in detail which would have to match the market value in effort spent as mentioned above (and i bet most of the people who cry about the riven prices would then cry about the amount of grind you need to get your god rivens) or leave it as is and let the free market do it's thing.

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