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The New "seekers" Make Me Want To Quit This Game.


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Ok so these new little Grineer balls that latch onto you and stun you...terrible idea.

First it was the chain stunning.

Then it was the fact that they made single player impossible.

Now, even in multiplayer, I am stunned every 5 seconds with some crap electric animation as my teamates do nothing for 5 minutes trying to find the little ball that is attatched to me somewhere.

These things are the worst thing to ever happen to this game and are INCREDIBLY fustrating.

I don't think I can even play Grineer levels until they are nerfed or removed.

Edited by DoctorLime
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I've been slaughtering these new dudes for a while now and I've yet to see the constant stunlock happen in Solo, think maybe they've recently fixed it?

Other than that, you can get rid of their.. balls, by rolling around. Just like the Osprey leeches. I have to admit though, I didn't enjoy the stunlock even when I was playing with a group, it shouldn't be so permanent... The guys I played with were kind enough to help me out of it but what if they didn't..?

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I've been slaughtering these new dudes for a while now and I've yet to see the constant stunlock happen in Solo, think maybe they've recently fixed it?

Other than that, you can get rid of their.. balls, by rolling around. Just like the Osprey leeches. I have to admit though, I didn't enjoy the stunlock even when I was playing with a group, it shouldn't be so permanent... The guys I played with were kind enough to help me out of it but what if they didn't..?

You cant roll around with these things. They stun you until you die if a teamate doesnt help. Even if they do help the balls sap your sheild in like 3 seconds so you get ripped apart by gunfire. Even on a lvl 30 maxed out Rhino, one of these things has HUGE potential to put you down.

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im sorry but i need to link you this

xD .. now. well ._. i understand you but dont get frustrated.. solo play is hard and i love it for that >.< is like Hardcore mode, but if you are with a Full squad the seekers are not so frustrating if they help you. so well for me they should only add a mechanic for "escaping" or recovering after a stun, electrolling etc... maybe a roll or something like that.
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im sorry but i need to link you this

xD .. now. well ._. i understand you but dont get frustrated.. solo play is hard and i love it for that >.< is like Hardcore mode, but if you are with a Full squad the seekers are not so frustrating if they help you. so well for me they should only add a mechanic for "escaping" or recovering after a stun, electrolling etc... maybe a roll or something like that.

unless your teammates are in another room, then you are pretty much screwed. That or they can't seem to hit the balls. I've had the problem where no one can seem to get a hit on them so the person ends up dying anyways.
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im sorry but i need to link you this

xD .. now. well ._. i understand you but dont get frustrated.. solo play is hard and i love it for that >.< is like Hardcore mode, but if you are with a Full squad the seekers are not so frustrating if they help you. so well for me they should only add a mechanic for "escaping" or recovering after a stun, electrolling etc... maybe a roll or something like that.

Lol anything that can take COMPLETE control away from the player until they die, forcing them to rely on teammates is broken. Also the balls are difficult to find and remove. It just isnt fun and adds nothing to the game. If you want more difficulty buff enemies or add stronger enemies. Not little annyoing crowd control machines that kill your run and gun experience.

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as some one mentioned in another thread about the hellballs: "NO MATTER HOW HARD OR EASY THEY ARE TO DEAL WITH THEY ADD NOTHING BUT FRUSTRATION AND ANNOYANCE TO THE GAME" i think something designed in a way which adds nothing but annoyance and frustration is badly designed and should be completely revamped so it adds something positive instead of negative

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I think they were built specifically to stop people from rushing through the game.

I mentioned this because i saw this example being played out.

It was a "destroy the reactor" mission and the reactor was next to that room that has that secret underroom with all the lockers that you used to crawl into. So i head there to open the lockers while the other 2 dudes destroy the reactor, they do it quickly and just rush back out before i am even done. I see the "Needs your help" for one dude but i ignore it because the other should help him but shortly after that the other gets caught. I rush in to see like a dozen Grineer filling the room and notice that both were caught near other side of the room. So these dude obviously just ran through and ended up getting caught before they got out of the room.

In that aspect i kind of like them but playing as a Frost i find them annoying since i cant outrun them so i have to just play looking down half the time trying to kill those things.

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The biggest issue is how difficult they are to remove. Almost every game I can think of that has similar kinds of grab/stun enemies has a "QuickTime"/button mash to fight it off and/or is quite easy for teammate to remove. The rolling stunballs have neither.

The are devilishly hard to remove (I will blame general p2p latency, and super small hit boxes) and have to "solo" button mash counter. It's always funny to see 3 team mates clustered around a friendly hacking away with melee weapons or ineffective wild shooting... only for the victim to be released when the ball detonates on its own after stripping the shields.

The Leech drones of the Corpus can be killed by jump -> melee radius attack. Which makes them annoying if your playing attention, deadly if you're not. Similar kind of enemy, with an example of viable and reliable counter.

Oddly in Solo play I've never been stunned by them, they've only attached and then exploded a short bit later for very minimal damage.

Edited by Brasten
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I think this mechanic should be changed already. Latcher.

1. Rolling can get rid of them.

2. They can be shot while they tried to latch onto you but hitbox is extremely small - teammates who try to help can't see it properly especially when the victim got panicked and start shaking his mouse around.

3. Long, extremely long stun duration.

It definitely should be changed. This thing doesn't promote teamplay and only serve to increase frustration.

1. Cut the stun duration down to 1 second. Affected player has half of his shield drained and prolong the time taken to recharge shield.


2. Allow player to play as normal but slowly drain shield, no shield recharge for a fixed duration like 10-15 seconds. Can be removed by teammate. Explode after fully charged by player's shield deal minor damage and stagger.

Dang it, I don't really get why DE is so infatuated with stun mechanic.

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You cant roll around with these things. They stun you until you die if a teamate doesnt help. Even if they do help the balls sap your sheild in like 3 seconds so you get ripped apart by gunfire. Even on a lvl 30 maxed out Rhino, one of these things has HUGE potential to put you down.

As I said, I've fought with them a lot in solo and never got stunned once. All they did was releasing those tiny balls around and they just stick on you and explode after a while. Everytime I see them, it feels even weaker than those melee grineers since I can roll and shake it off. Which is why I suggested they must've fixed it for solo games, as I still see them stunning people in public games so randomly. Just as Mikovsky summarised.

Edited by CapricaSix
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It's been changed in single player to where they won't throw out the balls that stun. In Multiplayer you can use a heavy weapon and spam melee attacks yourself (which prevent flinching) to kill it even after it latches on to you, assuming nothing else knocks you down during it (don't walk into any heavies!) so that you can solo remove them. Admittedly they're annoying, almost require that you communicate (probably the intention?), and probably a little more than "slightly" overpowered.

I'd say keep the stun, but once all shields are drained have it self destruct (and no, not do additional damage). That should remove the frustration of watching the enemy chew through 1000~ combined shields and health while you could do nothing about it (assuming you aren't able to get your melee spam out fast enough, or were knocked down). Should also increase their hitbox/size since right now they're an absolute pain to see, much less hit, even when you are actually communicating with your team.

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Problem i had earlier is that people seem to ignore u, got stunned and stood there while the rest of the team wandered off.

Also had several times where all 4 of us would get stunned at the same time.

They are no fun in their current state.

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others have already said it, if you are solo they just explode

if you are "online" then they stun and drain shields (you need partners to get them off of you), I heard they are supposed to explode once your shields are drained, but currently they may be bugged

the idea is to have Tenno working TOGETHER (instead of rushing around every map)

personally I like the addition

this game needs MORE difficult enemies, this will keep things interesting and fresh and challenging (thus the game will not become boring/stale)

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um actually, there are two types. One type, called the latcher, is the stick and blow one. The other one trails electricity, sticks onto you and stuns you. They are actually different units, as I've seen them both while online, in the same level. The electric one only appears online, but is still a massive pain. And not in a good way. This is, as tvtropes calls it, Fake Difficulty, a subtrope of The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard which in this case also happens to be a subcase of The Developers Are Trolls.

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