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The New "seekers" Make Me Want To Quit This Game.


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in solo mode, they disable the stun lock. its confirmed because i always play solo. lol funny thing is, when my friend join, the ball that was sticking on my body and waiting to explode suddenly change and just stunlock me. And when u play solo, to remove the ball on ur body is by rolling but u cant do when ure with other ppl because the ball change its nature.

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I'd like to see some sort of quicktime to remove it, or the hack minigame to disable it, which also might give people a reason to carry Cyphers.


Although the hack game may not be approprate. It needs a way to quickly get off the screen if an ally actually un-stuns you. I already get fairly disoriented when I get teleported about by 2+ Grineer Commanders. Having a hack screen appear and disappear every time you get stunballed would almost be worse.

The age only answer has been "mash buttons" or "wiggle joystick". Its an anti-stun break as old the Arcade.

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I really dont find them to be all that irritating in the end, they are really only bad when you're stuck in tight corridors with large packs of grineer zerging you down. Otherwise you can just back track and shoot them, or like others have stated, jump on a box like some lady who's afriad of rodents.

A button mash quicktime to remove them would probably be the best route, possibly consuming 25 shields (or somewhere near that) to overload them in the process and nuetralize the threat. (Also nuetralizes what appears to be the most overpowered game breaking enemy threat in the game according to this thread :P)

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Instead of tweaking it, how about just getting rid of it? To whoever thought of them:

I'm sorry, but it's a bad idea. No amount of tweaking can make a bad idea any more than marginally better, and marginally better is never something to aim for. Bad ideas happen, and that's fine, just don't perpetuate them with some false hope of making them viable. The entire stunlocking thing is a big thing already, and adding this simply makes it even worse. Please, just get rid of them. They're not fun, they don't add anything to the game. Just because laser doors were eventually accepted doesn't mean these are going to.

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Then whats to keep people from just speed running through all the maps. There has to be hurdles, big or small, or both or this is just going to be another easy to slog through F2P.

Just be happy that they arent literally instant death, but rather an inconvenience.

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So you're saying we should just deal with it? The point of a closed beta is to 1) Weed out bugs 2) Give useful feedback

I'm fairly sure this falls into the latter category.

And what's the big grudge against speed runners anyway? Sometimes speed running is the only way to solo a map. It also happens to be the most effective way to farm. Besides, we've got laser doors. Not every faction has to have some sort of block to it.

And speed running has its own associated flaws. Speed running means you get less XP, fewer mods and suchlike.

Easy or difficult, the main thing about a video game is to make it fun. This adds no fun at all. In fact, it detracts from peoples' fun.

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Please, just get rid of them. They're not fun, they don't add anything to the game. Just because laser doors were eventually accepted doesn't mean these are going to.

I could say the same about Grinders. But I really hope they don't remove Seekers completely, removing or weakening the stunlock would suffice. Aside from the stunlocks they're pretty decent in my opinion, we need more diversity like that.

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Seems like someone needs to learn how to use the mechanics of the dodge, Communication is a key feature of keeping yourself alive, I think personally they're amazing, and great for gameplay, think you're finally getting the upper hand? Boom curveball. Seekers are not present in solo play, also hiding ontop of objects helps too, but I keep to my first statement.

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I dont have any grudge against speed runners. Didn't even insinuate it. I can understand that some might get frustrated with seekers and the like, but its easily overcome, and hardly as bad as you are making it out to be. It could most definately be tweaked, so that its not such a cumbersome faction mechanic for people similiar in mindset such as yourself.

In solo play, the stun isnt even present. In randoms, I can see your disdain if no one comes to save you. So at that point, I'd go play solo. But when you have a group of friends you can play with, that actually care about you, they really arent a problem.

Edited by Zeally
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except that even if you do have friends who care, sometimes they're preoccupied, or unable to get the things off you.

Which is exactly what happened to me today.

But why on earth were they introduced? With all the complaints about stunlocking, Grinders/Rollers, Chargers, Runners, Shockwave Moas and other mechanics that take control away from the player, I can hardly see how introducing a ball that completely immobilizes you would be a popular, or remotely intelligent move.

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I can understand your point. I've even been in the situation, possibly with the same frustration at some level.

But the same instance I enjoy it, becuase it makes the fights I and my friends have with the Grineer dynamic. Its one of the very few things the Grineer have that can really mess with you, and it keeps each movement to each sector different. IE: Sometimes there are no seekers, and the Grineer we are fighting are a cake walk. Then the next sector, we may encounter seekers, but they dont stun. Next sector, we have 3-4 seekers that stun, and we're pressed by weak Grineer and a few heavily armored. See what I mean?

In all actuality, I guess I do have one problem with the seekers in general, and that is that they are really hard to hit when they are on the player. If there were some sort of adjustment to thier hit detection and removal from a players Warframe, I would say they were perfect for the faction.

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So in other words, you're just complaining about something you personally can't overcome, This isn't an easy game, and the sense of accomplishment is great right now, to overcome the harder levels you need to learn and master all the mechanics of the game, as well as being a decent shot. If your team is unable to understand you need to work together, than that's your problem with your friends. Everything enabled and in the game right now adds such a massive dynamic to the game that if you're caught off guard and not paying attention you have a high chance of failing. Speed running might be the most efficient way of completeing a mission, but I can roll with two of my friends and farm kills almost indefinently on a map because everyone is working together. I think you should re-consider the mechanic, and see it from a broad perspective instead of something that directally hinders your personal play time. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. And I do not mean that as an insult, just meaning that you should play solo if you have such a hard time with them, to ease your frustration.

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Honestly, let them stun you, drain your shields, and everything else they do. AT LEAST they should change it to where we can turn and shoot while you're snared. Honestly, even with multiple people, when you're on the more difficult planets like Ceres and have 4 Heavy Grineers raining fire on you, you literally just sit there and chew through revives. It's honestly a completely and utterly terrible concept, leaving the player completely helpless. At least let us be able to survive while stunned.

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Lol anything that can take COMPLETE control away from the player until they die, forcing them to rely on teammates is broken. Also the balls are difficult to find and remove. It just isnt fun and adds nothing to the game. If you want more difficulty buff enemies or add stronger enemies. Not little annyoing crowd control machines that kill your run and gun experience.

What he said. +1

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They should make it simple mechanism, specialy when enemy is so small.

Make them deal x % of your shield dmg per sec per ball, around 5% would be ok, since this enemy should be supportive to other enemies. Additionaly if you get 3 balls on your butt, you get stuned for 2 sec and the balls explode putting your shield on 0.

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Maybe they should also let the Nervos have a "Priming State" just like the Latchers. I do enjoy fighting them as it adds dificulty.

But seeing Seeker's in Mercury should be a big no no. Come on, its a newb room. Seekers are quite the newb hostile.

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I like the priming state idea. A few seconds to do a roll to throw it off you before you get stunlocked would add a skill element to it.

Either that or let you 'surge' the power in your warframe (costs 50 power or something) to detonate it and free yourself from the stun.

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I rarely run into them solo but when I do, they do not stunlock, they just explode.

In party mode, the strun is annoying indeed, considering it completely imobilize you and you cannot use anything or even move towards your team mates but, I do not think is game braking due to the fact that you need to rely on team mates to help you. Is a micro-team work that prevents ppl to zerg around different directions. Are certain maps where the team needs to stay together and I am fine with that. Is a multiplayer mostly and I enjoy teamwork. Were moments when I had 3 on me in a row but my team helped me so everything was fine. I dislike ppl running allover with own agenda (moslty looting) and not giving a crap about seekers, ballz, cameras or w/e.

I got a experience with one ball once, when I was cought off my team in a lockdown and a ball rolled thru the door to me before lockdown.

It seems it has a 10~ secs timer while lingers on you draining shield and after it explodes. Due to the fact that I have almost 700 shiled , it drained it all, took pinch of my hp (from 440 to ~370) and then it exploded. I survived due to the fact that I had no mobs shooting at me.

Conclussion: even in party mode it has a timer before it explodes. If the player survives or not depends on the shield and hp and also if someone shoots at you or not.

PS: being a volt, i tend to overcharge every time i see any kind of ball and so make sure I cleared all room of any of them. Prolly is easyer for my class but I guess every class has some sort of aoe trick to bring them all down before they start charging/chasing you.

Edited by Akisakura
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Ok so these new little Grineer balls that latch onto you and stun you...terrible idea.

First it was the chain stunning.

Then it was the fact that they made single player impossible.

Now, even in multiplayer, I am stunned every 5 seconds with some crap electric animation as my teamates do nothing for 5 minutes trying to find the little ball that is attatched to me somewhere.

These things are the worst thing to ever happen to this game and are INCREDIBLY fustrating.

I don't think I can even play Grineer levels until they are nerfed or removed.

I've never had a problem with that, my friends and I can easily find them or just melee these little trolls! :D

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PS: being a volt, i tend to overcharge every time i see any kind of ball and so make sure I cleared all room of any of them. Prolly is easyer for my class but I guess every class has some sort of aoe trick to bring them all down before they start charging/chasing you.

As Loki, you can cloak, disarm(not sure if that one works on the balls, but it disables any ranged weaponry on any hostile character except for the infected, it also disables the ability of flying drones to hover) or/and just spray at them with any weapon that shoots fast or just shoot accurately.

Even though I can do that, I still panic like hell when I see one of these evil things and jump onto a closest crate/climbable object, shooting at them like crazy. xD

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There are two different balls the seekers through. both are in online.

the taser ball is the stunner and is NOT in solo. it only drains shieds and cannot get up high boxes. part of the idea is that players play off the ground. also, always look for seekers. kill them frist and players will have less to deal with from them. they can be destroyed before they hit a tenno. shooting them with a gun is more effective than swinging a melee at them. remember that team mates block hits, including melee, and melee is not presition. not like the a gun is (except gorgon, its not presise at all)

the latcher is in both modes and blinks red for about 10 seconds, then explodes. rolling removes them.

they are not fun for everyone, and i feel the pain. I seem to be a magnet for them, and as a trinity, i have no escape from them, and no disable. I HAVE to rely on friends, and that seems silly as the one friends are suppose to relly. over all, however, i like them. if they are changed, i hope it becomes a massive slow, instead of full stun, or drains energy instead of shields, or something.... but i hope they stay.

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Enemies < check the nervos section

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