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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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if you could please do volt next i would love to see a volt design i would also love to him as a mage?ranged unit thinking upon his electric shield and speed stuff you know all of his powers. Volt would look even more bad*** medieval just like all warframes please..

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Hmm, but Trinity strikes me as a very Christian thing. Not to mention she's a healer, and heavily armored (Like a lobster), whereas Egyptians are pretty scantily clad. Originally, planned to make her German, like Frost, but more as a knight, rather than Crusader. Much more heavily armored, more reminiscent of the first Excalibur version, which I now consider non-canon.


I looked up Russian, Egyptian, Spanish and Italian armor, though. They're all pretty sweet. Hmm....

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if you could please do volt next i would love to see a volt design i would also love to him as a mage?ranged unit thinking upon his electric shield and speed stuff you know all of his powers. Volt would look even more bad*** medieval just like all warframes please..


LoL, yes, Volt is in line, too: I'm doing genders four by three, so the first four were males: Excal, Loki, Ash and Frost. Next four will be Nyx, Trinity, Mag and Saryn, maybe. I forget! After that, Probably Volt, Vauban, Nekros and whoever's left.


Gotta say, though, Volt's weaponry is primarily close-combat, though he is gonna be a mage/scout!

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Lol, dat comment!

I've bought some clay and fooled arpund with it a little for practice. Practice for what?

I'm gonna be making medieval frame helmets. It won't be much, but it's for my future referencing for drawing the helmets, so I'll definitely do one for every frame I draw.

And I might do miniature statues, too. I have one planned for Excalibur and Loki.

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Your skills in drawing armored individuals are amazing. You manage to put so many details without cluttering the whole design and making it too busy for the eyes, but most importantly, you seem to make them feel so "natural," especially Loki.


As a fan of Soulcalibur, I can't help but feel the awesomeness of Yoshimitsu in your Ash's concept. I'm pretty sure you didn't even get inspired by said character, but it's just a slight vibe I get from it and I think it's gorgeous!


Your Nyx concept is great and I didn't expect any less from you. Fitting armor that actually looks protective (no obvious boob armor fan service) while giving her mobility.

Edited by Casardis
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Haha, wow. I'm flattered!

It's cause I invested in two different lead widths, so I normally rough it out before I darken the important parts. I can't colour for nuts, and these don't translate too well for the style of painting I had in mind, so this was all I could do for years.

Glad you like Nyx, though! It's too soon to say, but I think Nyx is my favorite out of all the designs I had in mind. The rest are harder to come up with.

I'm a fan of soul calibur too, actually! But I stopped playing their games since ps3 cost too much! But many hours were spent smashing steel against steel, so it's not without its influence! My inspiration is a mix of D&D, Warhammer and other sword and sorcery games.

Oh, and Dark Souls, 1 and 2. Their designs and style is just awe inspiring.

Edited by Calayne
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My God. That was exactly what I was thinking. Meridian Helmet looks exactly like an English/European closed helm! But I was thinking of using her original helmet, so I'm gonna be trying both to see if I can make it look natural. May take a while, though. Exams are around the corner, and their work load is no laughing matter!


Makes me want to go "Arglefarglelargleblarblarblar" and live on a farm.

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Makes me want to go "Arglefarglelargleblarblarblar" and live on a farm.


You're not the only one. I've procrastinated yesterday just to finish a fan art of Warframe. Gaaaah


Anyway, looking forward to what you'll do. Her original helmet will kind of be harder to work around, which will only make it more intriguing and a fun challenge.

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I don't plan for them to actually need any form of eye sockets, to be very sure. But I'll leave that "why" interpretation for until I write their stories ;)

But I do have something in mind for them ^^

Hmm, but I need an input: I realised since I'm doing 16 warframes, I can't do a nicer piece for each of them, concept after concept. Would you all think it's better to just go with concepts then come back, or just proceed slowly?

Note: the concepts are helluh lot uglier than their finished pieces are gonna be. I'm in favor of doing slow, but releasing concept roughs occasionally.

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Haha, thanks!


But don't knock on Warframe ;)  It's still awesome, we've just been in it so long, we may have been disenchanted! The worlds are slowly being expanded, and I think there's still so much unexplored potential! Space IS pretty big :P 


That being said, though, I would definitely love to see these rendered in 3D. That'd blow my mind. 

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Haha, I do have enemies planned for design, too, actually! But those... Are secret ;)


If I intend to draw a comic, which I certainly intend to, revealing enemy design kills the fun! So whether he exists or not, I can't say for sure. Depends on the story board. 




But... Yeah, he's gonna be a badass mother fu----

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