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Do We Have Magnets In Our Back And Thighs?


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I don't think the suits are viruses. We most likely hold the guns on our back/thigh because of magic. Rainbow Magic that we puke into our suits  to pump into those positions to hold them.

They're made from Plastids. It makes me think of Mutagen Masses, you know, controlled portions of viruses for a purpose.

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In Mass effect, you can have a rifle, shotgun, pistol, smg and a sniper rifle equipped. All of them were held in place by mass effect fields (if I remember right). You could say that the Warframes were designed with the same sort of concept. Obviously not mass effect fields since you need eezo for it, but another sort of magnetic field perhaps.

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Exactly. Use your imagination, do not question it. There may even be no reason behind it, they just go in there. I honestly can't see any present known logic to how different variety of weapons attach to a exoskeleton armor that consists of a virus.

... Oh... kay.

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Smart Materials.  We have a few of them now, they're pretty awesome.  Photochanical materials for example can change their structure when exposed to light - essentially smart materials can change properties and stuff under stimuli.  SO perhaps its a function on our weapons like we flip a tiny switch or they're computer linked to our frames so we activate something and the material turns adhesive and we just slap it on ourselves. 

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