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[Warframe Concept] Jecht - The Brutal Berserker. (Truly Unique Playstyle)


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Jecht - The brutal blitzer from Zanarkand. (Name for the Warframe pending)

This Warframe is inspired by Jecht from Final Fantasy X and (moreso) from Dissidia 012. (Yes, I have just been playing both :P)

Obviously, the actual Warframe wouldn't have massive spikes or a giant tattoo.

I'm terrible at art, so I couldn't get it to look decent. Use your imagination.


Anyway, the idea behind this Warframe is to give it a truly unique playstyle, completely unlike anything else in the game.

How do we achieve this? This Warframe cannot wield guns.

Instead, his primary weapon is an exclusive greatsword, which he always has equipped in his hand.


Now, I know you're probably thinking that this sounds stupid and useless, but bear with me.


I originally planned this to be much more similar to his Dissidia 012 combat style, where timing your button presses is key, and resulted in extremely powerful combos, but I'm not so sure that would work in Warframe (not at all, I don't think, but who knows).

So, I'm going to have 2 versions of this. One is my original thought, one is a more..."streamlined" version.


Poor attempt at a background story.

As EganMC pointed out, this section is basically a 180 in terms of what we currently know.

This section was more something that I wrote when I was bored. If lore is your thing, I fully recommend you completely ignore this section.


Jecht (real name pending) is an ancient Warframe. Lost thousands of years ago to the void. Instead of being put into cryosleep, he wandered aimlessly. Watching as the world was destroyed by the Grineer.

Over time, he grew restless, abandoning his use of firearms for his greatsword. With no allies around, he was unable to make a dent in the Grineer's defenses.


He hid himself from the world, waiting for the time when the Tenno would be reborn.

Over hundreds of years of slumber has left him weakened. He no longer has knowledge of firearms or weaponry.

All he knows is his greatsword.


The Tenno have returned, and he is ready to take out his enemies.




Name - Jecht (real name pending)

Gender - Male

Description - Jecht is an ancient Warframe. With no knowledge of firearms, he relies on his greatsword to deal massive damage to his enemies. A berserker through and through.

His powers synergise with his melee style, and help him to tear through his enemies with ease.



Due to Jecht almost always needing to be in melee range. His stats are very high to compensate.


Health - 150. 400 at rank 30

Armour - 150. Once you hit rank 30, it becomes 200

Shields - 200. 500 at rank 30

Energy - 100. 150 at rank 30

Sprint speed - 1.5

I know a base speed of 1.5 might sound ridiculous. But, it's to emphasize the fact that he needs to be able to zip in and out of melee range extremely quickly.


Jecht specializes in utilizing his high stats and speed to move into melee range, deal massive damage, and move out of range in a flash.


Abilities - If you can't see the videos, click the direct link. If you're using Chrome. Click the shield on the far right of the address bar and click 'load unsafe script'


Power 1

Blade Throw

Energy cost - 25


Similar to the ending combo of Jecht Rush from Dissidia.

Jecht launches an enemy into the air and throws his sword like a boomerang, dealing high damage to a single target.

Combo is at 1:30 of the video. Just before the Meteor part of the combo.

Direct link - 

(^Can you imagine out badass that would look in Warframe!)


With this power, the Warframe launches an enemy (or possibly several) into the air with a backhanded uppercut.

When the enemy/enemies are airborne, he throws his blade into them.

The blade makes contact and spins around several times, dealing high damage.


Deals damage 5 times. Once for the uppercut, 4 times when the blade is spinning in the air.

Strikes deal 75/100/125/150 for a total of 750 damage.


I'm still deciding whether it should be single target or multiple.

If single target, buff the damage up. But, again, he is a pure melee Warframe.

It makes sense for his abilities to be powerful.



Power 2

Blade Rush

Power cost - 50

Similar to Jecht Blade from Dissidia (for those that have played it).

Jecht Blade is at the end of the combo starting at 0:50

Direct link - 


With this power, the Warframe starts swinging his greatsword with massive force. (with a total of 6 strikes).

Each strike deals damage. Meaning you can focus it all on a single target to deal massive damage, or spread it out between enemies.


Each of the strikes can be aimed.

So, you can do a 180 degree turn during this skill, meaning you can effectively hit everything around you.


The skill takes time from start to finish, and you can take damage during the animations.


Strikes deal 100/125/150/200 damage per strike (6 total).

Strikes hit 1/2/3/4 enemies per hit. Maximum damage potential of 4800.


I'm still thinking over the multiple enemies part. But, considering he's a pure melee Warframe, and he's wielding a gigantic greatsword, it makes sense.


Power 3

Blood for Blood

Power cost - 75


A fairly simple skill.

Increases damage dealt, but also increases the damage taken.

Each time you strike an enemy, you will heal a small amount of hp.


Damage dealt increased by 5/10/15/20 percent.

Damage taken increased by 7/14/21/28 percent.


Each strike heals for 1.5/3/4.5/6 percent of your maximum health. (Perhaps too much. We'll see)


So, the damage taken is increased by more than your damage dealt. This is balanced (hopefully) by the fact that you regain health with each strike.


While this power is active, Jecht is surrounded by an orange (or your chosen energy colour) aura.

It will fade over time as the power is active, giving you an indication of how much time you have left.



Power 4

Final Rampage

Energy cost - 100


Jecht summons all his power. Each melee strike will land with such force it will detonate an explosion.

This gives a 360 degree AoE to all of Jecht's strikes, will also deal higher damage.


Similar (again) to Dissidia, in which each of Jecht's strikes cause a visual explosion

These aren't large explosions or anything, but they aren't tame.


Each strike has a 25/50/75/100 percent damage increase.

Each enemy hit by the explosion will be dealt 300/600/900/1200 (or 250/500/750/1000, whichever) damage. (does not double up with the normal strike damage. Or maybe it does, I'll let you decide)


I changed the values from 150/300/450/600. Simply because Nova's Molecular Prime deals 150/300/500/800. Plus, it has a debuff and a slow, it can also be done from completely safe ranges


If it did double up, that means you would deal 2x damage +1200 for the explosion.

If not, it just means that enemies out of your range/behind you would be dealt 600 damage per strike.


This is an extremely powerful ability, and it should be. Remember, this Warframe has no guns to speak of. There needs to be some incentive to play him.


While using this skill, you will be surrounded by an aura not dissimilar to skill 3.


Notice how the aura is significantly more intense than before.


Ok, now that we have the stats, information and powers out of the way.

I bet you're thinking "Nugget, you're an idiot. How in the hell would a melee only Warframe work in this game."


I have two versions below. First is the 'streamlined' version, which is a basic iteration of my original plan.


Second is my original vision, which is more similar to Jecht in Dissidia. Timed button presses augment your attacks and combo into each other. This version is infinitely more skill based. But, I'm not so sure how well received it would have been, hence the existence of the streamlined version.


Oh, before I begin with the next part.

My vision of this Warframe is this:


He has such incredible strength, that he is able to wield his greatsword almost effortlessly with a single hand.

His attacks use a combination of extremely powerful sword strikes and punches (Just like Jecht from Dissidia :P )


Streamlined Version


Instead of left clicking to shoot, and right clicking to aim, you have two different melee attacks. Each with their own sequence.

In essence, the streamlined version is your standard "left click, normal. Right click, strong"


I'll try to explain it as best I can, but it's not easy putting my visions into words


Left Click

Left clicking is your normal melee attack (new animations for the Warframe's greatsword. Does not utilize your equipped weapon)


Maximum of six consecutive combo strikes before the combo restarts.

These strike a maximum of 3 enemies, dealing normal damage.


You can aim your strikes. Meaning you can effectively turn 180 degrees mid combo to strike enemies behind you.

If you pause for an excessive amount of time, the combo will restart.


Right Click

Your "strong" attacks. These deal 1.5x damage, but the first strike can be charged for up to 2.5x damage.


Maximum of 3 combo strikes before it must be restarted.

These can hit a maximum of 6 enemies.


So, in essence, these deal more damage per hit. But, on a single enemy, these will deal less overall damage than the left click combos.

But, taking into account the charge mechanic, and the fact that they can hit 6 enemies. These combos have more damage potential.


Now, the charge mechanic.

The first strike in the combo can be charged for up to 3 seconds, giving up to 2.5x damage potential.

You are stationary during this charge, and are vulnerable to enemy fire.


Combo Potential

This part is optional, but it'd be an awesome addition

Ah, combos. People have been clamoring for melee combos for quite a while. 

Here's my vision on combos for this Warframe.


Intertwining left/right clicking is the key for maximum damage potential. Combos will have their own damage multipliers and will severely increase damage potential.

Messing up a combo will leave you open for 1 second, and will cause you to restart the combo.


A big part of this the integration of charging the right click attacks.

If a combo has a strong attack in it. It may be charged for higher damage, regardless of whether it's the first or last strike in the combination.


Some examples. (These would all flawlessly chain into each other. Making you feel like the ultimate badass)


Left click -> Left click -> Right click (charge) -> Left click -> Right click


Right click (charge) -> Left click -> Left click -> Left click -> Left click -> Right click


Left click -> Right click -> Left click -> Right click -> Left click -> Right click (charge)


Just a few examples.

Honestly, it's very hard for me to properly convey what I'm thinking. 

If you've played Jecht in Dissidia, you probably have a better idea of what I'm getting at. Or, at least, you could vision how awesome this could be.


Original version

Ok. Now we've got the basic, streamlined version out of the way, here's the big fish.

Timed combos.


Those who have played Jecht in Dissidia will know exactly what I am getting at.


In Dissidia, Jecht's attacks were purely based on timing. During a combo you had a very, very small window opportunity to press the attack button again. This would continue the combo, and deal huge damage.

It was very unforgiving. You had only a few precious milliseconds to press the button.

If you messed up, your combo was reduced to a mere fraction of what damage could have been done.


That's what I want for this Warframe. Something truly skill based.


I won't go over the left/right clicking again, I explained that above.

But, with these combos, you have a time frame after the last attack to click again to continue the combo.

If you get it right, damage is increased. If you mess up, the combo finishes and you are vulnerable for 1 second.


Let's say a combo has 5 attacks in a sequence. You click at the right time perfectly each time. Your damage output is drastically increased. I mean DRASTICALLY.

The whole purpose of this is to reward skill.


Now. Each section of the combo requires you to press at a different time. Meaning, you can't just press left click every 0.5 seconds for a perfect combo.

No. It might be Left click -> 0.5 seconds -> 0.2 seconds -> 0.7 seconds -> 0.4 seconds ->  0.4 seconds. (hopefully that makes sense)


In my perfect world, this would not be forgiving. Like Dissidia, you would only have a few frames to actually time it correctly. Otherwise you are punished.


Obviously, this Warframe isn't for everyone. But, if you've been looking for something truly unique, and that rewards skill. Well, this might just be the Warframe for you.


In addition, if you are timing a combo right, you are uninterruptable. Meaning an enemy can't melee you to screw you over.



Each step will have a number in brackets. This indicates the time frame you have before you click again.


Left click -> Left click (0.5-0.7) -> Left click (0.3-0.4) -> Right click (charge)


Right click (charge) -> Right click (1.0-1.1) -> Left click (0.4-0.6) -> Right click


Left click -> Left click (0.2-0.3) -> Left click (0.7-0.8) -> Left click (1.0-1.2) -> Left click


I know that may confuse some of you, but hopefully not :)



Aaaaalrighty then.

Now that the stats, information, powers and attack stuff is out of the way.

You may. or may not, be wondering what the hell I mean by 1.5x, 2.0x damage etc.


What damage does Jecht's sword do? Normal attack damage? Charge attack damage? Can I increase this?

I have kinda thought this through...Slightly


Basic attack damage info


The damage numbers, regardless of how they are implemented, would need to be high.

Again, this is a melee only Warframe. If his sword deals the same damage is an unmodded galatine, why the hell would I choose this Warframe.

There needs to be a real incentive (apart from unique and skill based gameplay) to play him

I've had 2 ideas for this.



Give the attacks a flat damage value. (150, for example)

This means each left click attack (depending on whether it's my version, or the streamlined one) would deal 100 damage, while the right click attacks would deal 225.



Give the attacks a flat damage number that is augmentable with mods or exclusive equips

This means it could start as 75 damage, but if I build my Warframe right, I could buff that up to 150 or higher, at the expense of survivability.


I'll think this through some more. It's probably the most fragile section of this Warframe



There we have it. A (surprisingly) massive wall of a Warframe suggestion. According to wordcounter.net, I typed up more than 2000 words oO.


I doubt it'll ever get implemented, but it was a blast to write it up.


Jecht is one hell of a badass in Dissidia, and I just wanted to convert that over to Warframe.

Try to picture everything I typed up. Hopefully you get the incredible visual imagery that I am getting.


Big thankyou to anyone who actually read through all of this.

I did end up putting quite a bit of work into this concept, so any feedback/suggestions are highly appreciated!

Edited by Nugget_
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well.. i can tell u that in no way, shape, or form can the name, image, or likeness be used. square enix will own DE, and any of it's current works, not limited to those using said copyrighted likenesses, by about 2 weeks after either A) public game release (especially since it'll be on the same system SE releases their FF titles) or B) berserker frame release


that aside, i did always like the char, and i do like the idea ur going for, but tbh, the council has a lot less say in the matter. they're already putting together a berserker frame. it's already determined to be a female. must be a "frame". must operate within the same limits and construct as the current suits do.

...not trying to give u only destructive criticism.

regardless, it would be a blast to play with lmao. currently using excal prime for it's uhh..... "melee style".. hoping berserker turns out a good frame.

Edited by .Black.Lotus.
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well.. i can tell u that in no way, shape, or form can the name, image, or likeness be used. square enix will own DE, and any of it's current works, not limited to those using said copyrighted likenesses, by about 2 weeks after either A) public game release (especially since it'll be on the same system SE releases their FF titles) or B) berserker frame release


that aside, i did always like the char, and i do like the idea ur going for, but tbh, the council has a lot less say in the matter. they're already putting together a berserker frame. it's already determined to be a female. must be a "frame". must operate within the same limits and construct as the current suits do.

...not trying to give u only destructive criticism.

regardless, it would be a blast to play with lmao. currently using excal prime for it's uhh..... "melee style".. hoping berserker turns out a good frame.

Ah, trust me, I know that the name/image or anything can be used, haha. That would spell the end of DE.

That was just an indication of my inspiration.

Especially with Square. They love shutting down anything that uses their assets.


I know the there's a berserker Warframe in the works, but, honestly, it didn't sound all that flash to me.

But, that's just my opinion. :)


Thanks for the feedback



This idea Would not fit in warframe. What makes the tenno is that they are the masters of gun and blade. And having only a sword would make it weaker then all other frames

I did acknowledge this.

The whole idea is to make his powers/playstyle/stats powerful enough to bring him up to par with the others, despite being melee only.


It wouldn't be an easy thing to do, but it'd definitely be possible.

Edited by Nugget_
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I know the there's a berserker Warframe in the works, but, honestly, it didn't sound all that flash to me.

agreed. too similar to the other heavy frames we have (rhino, excal, frost) with more emphasis on it's melee(?) abilities..?


...kind of feels more like a "Blood Thirster" than a "Berserker"


- when i think berserker, i think of berserker, from Fate/Stay Night ... not a rhino with a fat head that insta-suicides when ur not fast enough to kill all 50 guys in ur immediate 40m range

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Instead of being put into cryosleep...

Over time, he grew restless, abandoning his use of firearms for his greatsword.

He no longer has knowledge of firearms or weaponry.

All he knows is his greatsword.

Jecht is an ancient Warframe. With no knowledge of firearms...


I'm afraid not.


I think, lore-wise, the Excalibur is the first warframe. How do you plan on explaining an Ancient warframe? Warframes aren't alive, they've not been living for a long time, and nobody has equipped one previously to the Tenno.

You say the story as if he is some kind of living suit himself before the time of the very first warframe.


Now I know, you said "Poor Attempt", but this is too lore-breaking to even be vaguely considered.


"Instead" of being put into cryosleep? No. All remaining live tenno were put into cryosleep so they could survive to this point. Ancient it up whatever way you want, Jecht was there too. If he did avoid the cryosleep, he'd not only be dead, his warframe concept would be lost.


Also, this game is a shooter. Making a warframe tailored around melee will probably lure all the newbies in at first, but no matter what you equip him with, he's not viable compared to a warframe who can use range. I know you've given him intense stats to counterbalance this, but any other person will still shoot other enemies down before Jecht can even get to them.

...With a maxed rush mod, this guy reaches 1.95 speed.



Perhaps this is to balance his need to run up to an enemy first.



Also, does this mean he will have no weapon customisation whatsoever?

Being limited to no secondary or primary, and his melee weapon is forced to be the one greatsword?


The main problem with this is simple.

This will get boring extremely quickly.

After you max a warframe, the only customisation beyond mods is based on the weapons.

Take that away, and the warframe is boring and basic.


Now, for his abilities...



1. Will this be an animation? If it is, does it make him invincible?

I doubt it will have an animation flat out, seeing as it's a 25 energy ability. But this skill will take probably at least 4 seconds to execute, of which you're open to nearby attack from anyone.

And if you can move about, you have to wait for your sword to return before you can fight again.

Otherwise, this is okay.


2. No qualms.


3. Extremely poorer version of rage, except with a decent healing effect.

For a warframe who gets up and close, an increase in damage taken is not viable or worth the energy.

Keep the damage bonus and maybe about 1 - 2 of the health regen, and then you're good.


4. Just a harder to execute version of M Prime, don't mind it.




The frame doesn't feel like a frame, it feels like the game suddenly completely changed to another.

We won't know fully unless it were in game, and unfortunately I don't see any of it happening.

Don't want to be mean, but no point in sugarcoating it.

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"Don't want to be mean, but no point in sugarcoating it."

Hey, any feedback is good feedback.


In regards to the lore section.

I wasn't really being serious when I said it. I was just bored, and wanted to add a bit more to my suggestion than the standard.

I should probably have clarified this in my OP.


Though, the amount of lore we have is laughable. Almost any kind of fan lore is a go until we get some kind of official word.


Onto your ability assessment.


Power 1

Yeah, it has an animation.

Did you watch the video.


The time it takes for Jecht to perform this in Dissidia is about 1 second.

I'm not suggestion a 1:1 replication of it, but the video should give you a basic gist of it.


Power 3

What do you mean when you say "just a poor version of rage".

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Rage convert damage to energy?

"For a warframe who gets up and close, an increase in damage taken is not viable or worth the energy."

A valid point.

But, the whole idea of this Warframe is to make getting in close a viable option.

It definitely needs some tweaking, but the idea is to make his powers/stats/playstyle pay off.


Power 4

Not so sure how this is like M Prime.

Unless you're just talking about explosions. In that case, that's pretty much the only similarity they share.


Anyway, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! :)



Oh, and I definitely didn't think his speed through. lol.

Made me laugh when I saw you say "wat"


*Edit 2*


"I think, lore-wise, the Excalibur is the first Warframe. How do you plan on explaining an Ancient warframe? Warframes aren't alive, they've not been living for a long time, and nobody has equipped one previously to the Tenno.

You say the story as if he is some kind of living suit himself before the time of the very first warframe.



Now I know, you said "Poor Attempt", but this is too lore-breaking to even be vaguely considered.


"Instead" of being put into cryosleep? No. All remaining live tenno were put into cryosleep so they could survive to this point. Ancient it up whatever way you want, Jecht was there too. If he did avoid the cryosleep, he'd not only be dead, his warframe concept would be lost."


To be honest, we don't know enough lore to assume Excalibur is the first Warframe.

Especially when, in the PS4 trailer, Excalibur was clearly awakened after Nyx, Frost and Ash.


I know that Warframes aren't alive, the idea behind my (terrible) backstory is for one of the earliest Tenno to have avoided cryosleep.


Again, we don't know enough about lore to assume that every single Tenno was put into cryosleep. Who's to say that a few didn't escape that fate. Just another reason why we need some kind of official lore release.

Edited by Nugget_
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Sigh even the image of berserker gets demolished into this.


No beard, no animal fur, no axe.

"Berserker" doesn't have to mean beard/fur/axe. Regardless of the Norse origins.


Sure, that might be the definition in plenty of games out there. But, berserk basically means frenzy or"Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied."


Berserker can mean ny person/thing that attacks with recklessness/little regard for itself.

Which, in all honestly, is pretty spot on for this concept, considering he replaces guns for a greatsword.


Plus, beards and animal fur wouldn't exactly fit now would it?

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"Berserker" doesn't have to mean beard/fur/axe. Regardless of the Norse origins.


Sure, that might be the definition in plenty of games out there. But, berserk basically means frenzy or"Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied."


Berserker can mean ny person/thing that attacks with recklessness/little regard for itself.

Which, in all honestly, is pretty spot on for this concept, considering he replaces guns for a greatsword.


Plus, beards and animal fur wouldn't exactly fit now would it?

Nor does the swept down hair or kilt, your point is?


I didn't pointed out his skills,


Berserkers had animal companions or atleast honored them in some way beside the blindrage and trance, i see here nothing of this.


It's just sad to me that something so ancient gets twisted.

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Nor does the swept down hair or kilt, your point is?


I didn't pointed out his skills,


Berserkers had animal companions or atleast honored them in some way beside the blindrage and trance, i see here nothing of this.


It's just sad to me that something so ancient gets twisted.

I'm going to make this my last reply to you. It's quite obvious you didn't take the time to read my thread.

I stated that those images were only there to show where I got my inspiration from, which is Jecht from FFX.


I'm not even going to touch on your comment of "animal companions". It's pretty obvious that you think that the definition of Berserker in fantasy MMORPG/RPG games is literal.


Thankyou for your reply, and good day.

I would appreciate if we both left it at that.

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For the sake of keeping it simple:


Limiting melee-only frame to a single sword sucks (one-tricking an already one-trick pony), and is not good fro DE either.

Give him utterly cheap long-lasting ability that makes any weapon he is wielding @(*()$ awesome (within reason). Like say triple damage/chargedamage/critdamage and double critchance. Or more abilities each adding one/two such buffs.


Removing his prumary and secondary slots sucks and is not a good thing for DE again.

I would turn primary and secondary slots into melee-only slots. So he can melee with primary instead of shooting, switch to secondary melee, or press E to insta-melee with another melee weapon.


Now it's kicking &#!.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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I'm afraid not.


I think, lore-wise, the Excalibur is the first warframe. How do you plan on explaining an Ancient warframe? Warframes aren't alive, they've not been living for a long time, and nobody has equipped one previously to the Tenno.

You say the story as if he is some kind of living suit himself before the time of the very first warframe.

In the lore, they say that Orokin civilization died millenia ago. Tenno were put in cryosleep and stored in Orokin ships by Orokin presumably... so....


If his concept wasn't put in cryosleep like others, he is a few millenia old. "Ancient" title can apply imho. There is nothing stating that Tenno can actually age, or even die at all.


And without any support from anyone, he has no way of getting ammo reliably, so ranged weapons are unreliable at best.

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In the lore, they say that Orokin civilization died millenia ago. Tenno were put in cryosleep and stored in Orokin ships by Orokin presumably... so....


If his concept wasn't put in cryosleep like others, he is a few millenia old. "Ancient" title can apply imho. There is nothing stating that Tenno can actually age, or even die at all.


And without any support from anyone, he has no way of getting ammo reliably, so ranged weapons are unreliable at best.


Like I've said, we haven't really had any kind of official lore release, so who's to say that my background story is...completely stupid. :P

Also makes sense that he ditched weapons for the sword due to ammo.


Seeing as he was on his own for so many years, he didn't have the strength to take down enough enemies to keep replenishing his ammo supplies. 


But, we could go on and on speculating. Until we get some real official lore, we're left with this.

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In reply to your sentence about how little lore we have.

DE did confirm that Hayden Tenno (of Dark Sector) was the original Tenno.

In other words the world of Warframe began in the 21st century until it reached where we are now, thousands of years into the future.

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In reply to your sentence about how little lore we have.

DE did confirm that Hayden Tenno (of Dark Sector) was the original Tenno.

In other words the world of Warframe began in the 21st century until it reached where we are now, thousands of years into the future.

But a single statement is not enough of a backstory to Warframe. What about all the things that happened in between the 21st century all the way to the current timeline? Who are the Orokin? And the 'Sentients'? Where did the Grineer rise? Who founded the Corpus?


Just saying that Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno isn't enough, we don't even know what exactly happened after the Dark Sector ending. This is a piece of what we need when it comes to lore, and DE isn't delivering it.

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