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Class System for Warframes + Parkour/Stealth


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A little disclaimer. The things I will state below are just my ideas and opinions that you may not agree with, you are also welcome to criticise them and give your own opinion on that subject. I tried to illustrate some ideas with paint sketches but it did not work out well, so yeah... better to use your imagination rather than trying to figure out the mess I drew up, right?.Olso sori for bed inglish.

The idea of dispersing warframes into classes came to my mind long time ago when I saw a concept of custom animations for bullet-jumping, each looked like they would suit perfectly specific groups of warframes, because each warframe feels kind of the same and the only way to tell that this one is a "Tank" is a presence of a specific ability (most of the time).

Why do we need this?

  1. As I said, almost any warframe feels the same when you play them without using abilities, the only difference are passives and base stats that affect warframe's survivability and speed;
  2. It would make more sense, e.g. heavier warframes (like Rhino) would not be able to swiftly jump around like any other lighter warframes (like Loki);
  3. It would improve both players experience and playstyle variety.

The classes are pretty generic and basic for any RPG: Tank/Frontline, Rogue/Trickster, Mage/Caster (self explanatory). Straight to changes:


Tank (e.g. Rhino, Hyldrin, Inaros)

  1. Increased enemy aggression (enemies are more likely to target you)
  2. Increased stugger / knockdown resistance (stugger duration decrease / less likely to get knocked down)
  3. Decreased stealth (not crouching actualy alerts enemies, enemies spot you from farther)
  4. Decreased mobility (can only wall-dash once, cannot double-jump, aim-glide time is reduced, bullet-jump is replaced with [PH]PowerJump that you can charge to jump farther/higher to compensate previous changes)
  5. Unique dodge - quick short boxer-like step in the dirrection (damage reduction during it)
  6. Falling from high places or [PH]PowerJump causes a shockwave (like Rhino's passive)


Trickster (e.g. Loki, Ash, Gauss)

  1. Decreased enemy aggression
  2. No stugger / knockdown resistance (to make player act more strategically and faster)
  3. Increased stealth (harder for enemies to spot you even when not crouching)
  4. Increased mobility (more dodge chance (% of enemy missing), all parkour is faster and during parkour moves even more dodge chance)
  5. Unique dodge - fast medium distance somersault like Protea (more dodge chance during it)
  6. Recover much faster from high falls


Caster (e.g. Mag, Trinity, Nyx)

  1. The least enemy aggression
  2. Normal stugger / knockdown resistance
  3. Normal stealth
  4. Normal mobility (bullet-jump is replaced with [PH]EnergyFloat that alows flying for short period of time (like Hyldrin's ult))
  5. Unique dodge - glide (like Whisp and Limbo, invincible for few frames during it)


That's it. Thanks for wasting your time reading this. gudlak

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4 minutes ago, Quinesis said:

Tank (e.g. Rhino, Hyldrin, Inaros)

  1. Increased enemy aggression (enemies are more likely to target you)

This is the only thing I would like to see somehow implemented into the game so every garbage Inaros player would have something to look out for.

The problem with this idea is that it will be totally impossible to divide every single Warframe into these 3 categories fairly. For example, you would class Gauss as a trickster when he can clearly also be a tank with his 100% damage reduction when his battery is full with his Kinetic Plating ability enabled.

Warframes are the classes of this game. There is no need to categorize them any further for passives that are more or less useless.

8 minutes ago, Quinesis said:

As I said, almost any warframe feels the same when you play them without using abilities, the only difference are passives and base stats that affect warframe's survivability and speed;

This is a clear indicator of lack of difficulty in the game and the enemies not posing the slightest of threat. Your idea wouldn't fix this.

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Problem with making tanks slower, at present point no one needs a tank, and with mobility being a polydactyly RSI-apalooza already, all that would happen is tanks trudging useless through empty halls.

We are too powerful, to 'need' any role, there's no inter dependence no sense as you have in a MOBA or MMORPG, of needing given roles filled. Thats good and it's bad, but either way cannot be ignored.

Its good because its freeing, you can choose the play style you like and stick with it. It liberates you from needing a full team or depending upon bots to fill roles.

Its bad because it closes off a lot of meta tactics, and in enabling total freedom of choice erases any impact of those choices.

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