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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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There are enough of us to not take a small stance in this endeavor and instead deal a massive blow to both factions while retrieving our brothers and sisters.


Stand against both parties. They're both scum and deserve only our contempt and expended ammunition in their rotting corpses and crappy machines.

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I'm allying myself with the Corpus (unless my Clan chooses the Grineer.)


BS Translator:


I'm playing the way i want unless my boss tells me to play this way.


God what garbage. Maybe its the politics of the day but i'm tired of playing the game by the rules of other powers. Either stand against your 'clan' or submit to their rule like a good little sheep *pats*


Hyperion5182 Lord Marshal of the Kill them All party for this event.

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I don't choose sides over which weapon is best or which enemy has the most badass quotes. If this event is about picking sides, then I need to think through and be serious, so I will want one faction on its knees.


I pick Corpus. They have a superior intellect, hence the relatively advanced technology. They care for specific needed protection, such as for themselves, for their ships/inhabited planet areas, and their constructions. They also control the Grineer's cloning technology, giving me plenty more reasons to end a faction with ease. Among other specific reasons.


With Grineer on the Corpus's hand, I can take that advantage to take them down easily and end up destroying their cloning technology. I will then proceed to end each high-ranked enemy one by one, with the help of Corpus and their technology, and partially destroy their homes. With the Grineer scared S#&$less, I will bring what's rest of them on to my side to fight against the Corpus faction.


I will then proceed to end the Corpus and watch what's left of Grineer die and be left behind. I will destroy their trading networks and contacts, mainly, then proceed to destroy their manufacturing plants, leaving them with little choices of fighting. With what's left of the Corpus, I will then proceed to literally torture each high-ranking Corpus, until they deliver to me all their information, along some of the Grineer's secrets and data.


I then proceed to end the remaining rotting Corpus's bodies, so I can take advantage and scavenge data from the Grineer's lair and their secrets. Without any dangerous faction on our shoulders, it gives us time to investigate, collect and analyze the remaining data, restore the Orokin towers and ships, experiment with the infested to understand their origins, and cleanse the sol system of the infested.


In the end, I can only do so little. I will stick to the Corpus faction, no matter what.

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The captured Tenno are hostages of Alad V. If we fight against them they will be executed. If we fight with him, he will spare them in exchange for the extra firepower/talent he needs to shut down the grineer.

Join Corpus and you save Tenno while maintaining balance. Win-win.

People are making stuff up now...

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I took the liberty of making a fixed version that is hopefully what they intended to tell us:


Wait the Lotus says she cant tell us who to choose for, but she tells us we have to fight for the grineer in this fixed version?

Edited by Gadunka26
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majority of the forums are going corpus


take a look around the GD section

Ah, I don't really pay much attention to these forums much anymore, but I see you're right.


Still sticking to Corpus though! Grineer are all over the place, taking over everything, and if Tenno are really supposed to bring balance, those Grineer gotta go. (s'-')/ (I saw this somewhere and wanted to use it lol)



Cuz profit numbs the feeling >:)

Edited by AbsolutionZero
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I'll fight for the Corpus because I want to see what will become of their captured Tenno. I mean, they have no memory of the Lotus so they work for whoever wakes them.

If that's the case... maybe someone other than the Lotus awoke the Stalker... which would mean that, if this were true, we'd have more random mini-bosses like the Stalker, and that means more sweet-&#! weapons! This sounds so exciting!

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BS Translator:


I'm playing the way i want unless my boss tells me to play this way.


God what garbage. Maybe its the politics of the day but i'm tired of playing the game by the rules of other powers. Either stand against your 'clan' or submit to their rule like a good little sheep *pats*


Hyperion5182 Lord Marshal of the Kill them All party for this event.

You're an idiot. Un-freaking-believable.


While it would be the simplest thing to just leave the Clan and join another one, I'm opting not to because the Clan is lively, the people are friendly, and why the F*** should I?

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People are making stuff up now...

Actually most people misread the post. Just look at the OP and it says what I said. If we fight for the Grineer, those Corpus are going to do whatever they want to the Tenno.

Now does this make sense? It could

Does it make this an interesting moral choice? No. So I think it's a typo, but I will not believe anything which has not been stated otherwise. Basically Grineer fanboys are mad that they're clearly in the wrong.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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I still don't see why Corpus needs assistence. Fusion Drones... Raptor, Hyena, shockwave MOAs...


There must be a third option, "just find and extract collegues from Corpus's cold storage while the two empires are busy busting each other's asses"


Wait the Lotus says she cant tell us who to choose for, but she tells us we have to fight for the grineer in this fixed version?

Saving a few hundred of our own is useless if you lose the war (one faction is freed from fighting the other and can focus all its efforts on you).

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I'm going Corpus for 2 reasons


1: Grineer are the big threat here, not Corpus. Corpus are just greedy merchants looking to make a profit, not a real threat to the Tenno. Yeah, they dissect and experiment with the Tenno, but the Corpus most likely know they will get shot to pieces if they double cross us. Grineer also have a much larger army than the Corpus and bringing them down a notch would be most pleasant, and helpful to our efforts.


2. Battle Advantages: Corpus have a number of defensive machines to stop the Grineer in their tracks while Tenno cut up the stragglers. Laser Doors. Mine Ospreys. Shield Ospreys. Turrets. MOA's that can shoot through walls and knock things down. The Grineer only have guns

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You're an idiot. Un-freaking-believable.


While it would be the simplest thing to just leave the Clan and join another one, I'm opting not to because the Clan is lively, the people are friendly, and why the F*** should I?


I've been called traitor by people far more powerful than you. You think idiot even comes close to raising my blood pressure?


You're the one choosing to let someone else dictate the way you play for an event. Just like a good little Sheep.


As it stands right now without further information i wont be playing at all because that's just how i feel concerning the rules of this event. Take a stand and mean it. Might be a lively bunch of people but if it actively screws YOU what good is it?


Start taking responsibility for your own decisions.

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The Corpus leads the commercial and Industrial Trades on the Sol System. Hence, they supply the Sol System including the Grineer. Their clients are condensed stationary Grineer Echelons Isolated from the rest of its Military Expenditures. Thus, the expense of supplying their respective ships relies with their relationships with the Corpus.  


They scavenge the outer systems, greedy for the Old War salvage. Their most sought after of all - the Tenno and their WARFRAME armor.
Those captured are treated as salvage; meticulously dissected, integrated. The remains are sold to the highest bidder.

–In-game Lore Description


(1) The Corpus sent their Envoys throughout Grineer facilities or often conjures their habits on Infested Ships. 

In some manner, those Envoys ends up as Hostages. Hence, the Capture Missions.


(2) The Corpus are far advanced than the Rotting Grineer. Supplemented by their Robotics and Automated Biped dubs and Flying Proxies which needs a consistent supply of resources:




-Control Modules - Corpus Modified AI Brains

-Polymer Bundle - Skin Appendages for the Robotics and Corpus' Suits



These Robotics aid them on digging up lost Orokin Related whathisface:



-Orokin Cells

-Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactors - supplemented by most Alerts that rewards these bad boys are generated by       Corpus faction.

-Fieldron Samples -  Main components for Energy Weapon Researches.


(3) Corpus are known stereotypes on storing their Data. They Input their Data on External Hardwares which also gratifies the Grineer's Data Systems through Ciphers.


Hence, the Cipher/Hacking System and the Spy Missions


(4) The Market Margin and InGame Currency and their affiliation with the DEs

Inferior Corpus conglomerations supplies the Tenno of much needed supplies through the modified Currency known as Credits. (Corpus designed)


Ever wonder where those Platinum Warframes are from? Those Helmets and Credit Bundles? Those Void Keys and Orokin Reactors? Those Grineer Weapons and Color Palletes? How about the Tileset on our respective Dojo Ships?


(5) The Corpus Merchant that looks like a torn-bunny who sells Stalker Packs and Discounted offers? Whatshisname again?





Hypothetically, there are possibilities of losses that would affect our cause if the Corpus loses this War.

(1) Less Capture Missions

(2) Drought

(3) Less Spy Missions

(4) Corpus Embargo 

(5) We might loose that Guy!


If the Corpus losses their Territories on certain Planets, the Tenno are much affected. 

If Alad V successfully acquires our Sleeping Beauties, the Lotus will be able to track them down. Hence, Defense Missions.



And if the Corpus Wins! We will probably get a New Boss! Alad V and his Zoid.

There's no benefit on supporting the Grineer! 



Edited by yeomanry
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Well in the Livestream it seemed like they do want to Reward people for taking the stealth way in Solo with better rewards. So I hope that happens at least. I know that doesnt really help what your talking about but that does show that they have there eye on solo a bit.

as long as they make things work just as well for players who prefer solo play, I don't really mind :P

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