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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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Let's have a comparison:


Grineer will be red while Corpus will be green


Melee Units Comparison:


Sawman - Powerfist - Flameblade - Scorpion - Eviscerator




Prod Crewman



Grineers clearly win, Scorpions and Flameblades alone could erase every single Prod Crewman from a ship without the help of the rest.


Standard Units Comparison:


Trooper - Lancer - Elite Lancer - Shield Lancer - Seeker - Ballista - Scorch




Crewman - Sniper Crewman - MOA



Once again Grineers clearly win, while MOAs are nice DPS they simply cant compete with Scorches and, if happens that the Scorch is behind a Shield Lancer well... gg & no re.


Heavy Units Comparison:


Heavy Gunner - Napalm - Bombard - Commander - Hellion




Elite Crewman - Corpus Tech - Shockwave MOA - Railgun MOA - Fusion MOA - Drone



I would say this is a Tie, both factions have great units, Techs are slightly stronger than Heavy Gunners and Bombards and can self-deploy Shield Ospreys, Drones are quite strong too... but on the other side we've the fearsome Napalms and the extremely high AoE DPS Hellion. Tie.


Support Units Comparison:


Latcher - Roller - Informer




Shield Osprey - Mine Osprey - Leech Osprey



Another Tie, both of the factions have different types of Support Units... Grineers are focus on disabling and CC'ing the enemy while Corpus's ones are focused on defense... they are equally important so it's a Tie again.

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Quick notice:
All "Which side?" threads will be merged into this one from this point onwards.
Please drop a quick report on any 'Which side?' threads I may have missed. I will address them ASAP.


while that makes sense the last one wasnt exactly about which faction, though the op failed to try to make it look like it couldve been asking about two things

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The Corpus leads the commercial and Industrial Trades on the Sol System. Hence, they supply the Sol System including the Grineer. Their clients are condensed stationary Grineer Echelons Isolated from the rest of its Military Expenditures. Thus, the expense of supplying their respective ships relies with their relationships with the Corpus.  


They scavenge the outer systems, greedy for the Old War salvage. Their most sought after of all - the Tenno and their WARFRAME armor.
Those captured are treated as salvage; meticulously dissected, integrated. The remains are sold to the highest bidder.

–In-game Lore Description


(1) The Corpus sent their Envoys throughout Grineer facilities or often conjures their habits on Infested Ships. 

In some manner, those Envoys ends up as Hostages. Hence, the Capture Missions.


(2) The Corpus are far advanced than the Rotting Grineer. Supplemented by their Robotics and Automated Biped dubs and Flying Proxies which needs a consistent supply of resources:




-Control Modules - Corpus Modified AI Brains

-Polymer Bundle - Skin Appendages for the Robotics and Corpus' Suits



These Robotics aid them on digging up lost Orokin Related whathisface:



-Orokin Cells

-Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactors - supplemented by most Alerts that rewards these bad boys are generated by       Corpus faction.

-Fieldron Samples -  Main components for Energy Weapon Researches.


(3) Corpus are known stereotypes on storing their Data. They Input their Data on External Hardwares which also gratifies the Grineer's Data Systems through Ciphers.


Hence, the Cipher/Hacking System and the Spy Missions


(4) The Market Margin and InGame Currency and their affiliation with the DEs

Inferior Corpus conglomerations supplies the Tenno of much needed supplies through the modified Currency known as Credits. (Corpus designed)


Ever wonder where those Platinum Warframes are from? Those Helmets and Credit Bundles? Those Void Keys and Orokin Reactors? Those Grineer Weapons and Color Palletes? How about the Tileset on our respective Dojo Ships?


(5) Darvo


(6) Shield Ospreys, Leechers, Supra and most of all...LAZUUUUUUURS!


Hypothetically, there are possibilities of losses that would affect our cause if the Corpus loses this War.

(1) Less Capture Missions

(2) Drought

(3) Less Spy Missions

(4) Corpus Embargo 

(5) Well its Darvo!


If the Corpus losses their Territories on certain Planets, the Tenno are much affected. 

If the Grineer overwhelms the Corpus, the Cryopods will suffer on the hands of the Grineer! We have no choice but to side with greater benefits!


DE conceptualizes this Event to fight for the Corpus. Corpus Wins, we can re-enact our roles as the Betrayers, or what Alad V firmly believes and be able to meet the new prototype, a Quadrupedal Proxie.

And be able preserve our cause, to fight only for ourselves-to save the new Warframe, the Berserker from the hands of Alad V.





Edited by yeomanry
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The Grinner Military Units are feared due to Heavy Gunners, Bombarbs, Napalms, Scorches and Unli Stun Lock from Shield Lancers but Shield Ospreys (FACT-if you have played as Nyx) can boost them all up once deployed and regenerates it by time.

Edited by yeomanry
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Corpus have cool plasma guns that go pew pew after precisely spitting out colourful glowy bolts of highly energized pain with NO recoil at all, they also have LAZORS that will melt your eyes out with MOAR glowiness. I wouldn't want to be issued with a worthless toy gun that has a ball for a magazine, a redundant "ammo box" and stormtrooper grade accuracy.

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I'm Ruk on Twitter so generally I must argue with this post. You hate our rollers so would you  rather have to fight them or some Moas. Think carefully gentlemen

Only Moas I hate are Railgun Moas. Such major pain in the &#!, level 200 or so kept one shotting nova trough globe when we went for 45 minutes on triton I think.

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I'm Ruk on Twitter so generally I must argue with this post. You hate our rollers so would you  rather have to fight them or some Moas. Think carefully gentlemen


Sorry you must of be mistaken, Clearly the Lotus has said siding with you will doom the Tenno to Alad V. If you work with the Grineer you doom are fellow clan mates to something worst then death.....evolution.

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