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In-Game Ban


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I told a joke in response to another joke.  It was a dare.  I'm #*!%ing tired of this S#&$.  I realize a certain amount of ... goodness should exist in Warframe chat rooms.  But I help people more than I tell stupid ass jokes and I'm #*!%ing tired of it.  Either the bot needs to be changed or the moderators need to have more information.   It is pretty ridiculous.  You guys need to get your S#&$ together.   Thanks!!!

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Unfortunately if you use the in-game chat in an irresponsible manner by violating the rules, then you run the risk of being banned from chat. If the violation is severe enough, then you may be banned from the game as a whole. "It's just a joke!" and "It's a meme!" are not excuses or free passes to violate the rules.


We on the forums cannot assist you with issues regarding in-game suspensions, you will need to contact DE Support to inquire about or appeal your suspension.

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