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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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You guys are forgetting a very important part of Halo lore.  Master Chief is the Reclaimer.  he cant be stopped folks.  It is destined and foretold.  Sorry Tenno.  Not that it matters.

That sounds like a pile of bullcrap

No really,destiny?

That's your excuse for MC winning?


If that's the case,let's make...Doctor Doom the villain of a LoZ and pit him against Link

By your logic:

Link wins because Fate(or/and the godesses/Hylia) says that he always has to win Ganondorf/the villain(or xxxxxxx's manifestation of hatred).

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That sounds like a pile of bullcrap

No really,destiny?

That's your excuse for MC winning?


If that's the case,let's make...Doctor Doom the villain of a LoZ and pit him against Link

By your logic:

Link wins because Fate(or/and the godesses/Hylia) says that he always has to win Ganondorf/the villain(or xxxxxxx's manifestation of hatred).



Being a reclaimer means nothing. There are multiple reclaimers and they can die.

So that's not an argument that can be made.


It was sarcasm folks.  Didn't you get the hint that I thought the Tenno were far too unfair in creation to be put against any other hero? Their reality is akin to a 5 year olds sub conscious dream state.

Edited by Toztman
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It was sarcasm folks.  Didn't you get the hint that I thought the Tenno were far too unfair in creation to be put against any other hero? Their reality is akin to a 5 year olds sub conscious dream state.

Just making a point. Reclaimers can die.

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It was sarcasm folks.  Didn't you get the hint that I thought the Tenno were far too unfair in creation to be put against any other hero? Their reality is akin to a 5 year olds sub conscious dream state.

Apologies,I was tired and sarcasm in text is difficult to understand,and considering how some people which argued about MC winning were...desperate to say the least,so I expected the worst.


Not an excuse, mind you, just a explanation for your inconvenience caused by me

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Apologies,I was tired and sarcasm in text is difficult to understand,and considering how some people which argued about MC winning were...desperate to say the least,so I expected the worst.


Not an excuse, mind you, just a explanation for your inconvenience caused by me

 Sarcasm is nearly impossible to detect without body language this is true.  Its a for-fun thread anyways.  My fav VS. battle always has been Star Trek vs Star Wars so I enjoy the idea of pitting universes against each other.

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Because some people don't want to let it die about the weapons, this is how weapons would work:


MC's weaponry loses every single time to any Warframe weapon. Exception maybe being the slower moving kind.


Upon actually engaging in combat, Chief would recognize this and canonically would find a way to disarm his opponent.

We all can't seem to agree on how strong tenno are, a lot of the confusion/debate stemming from the broken physics engine in the game (arrows pinning 1 ton grineer to walls 100ft away and such, which in itself is improbable. Realistically, if the arrow was carrying the power to penetrate the armor, the arrow will merely pass through it's target if it has the force to 'carry' it. The devs realize this and they even made comment on that this is how things will work in armor 2.0 in livestream 15 or 16 I forget which).


So we simply do not know how strong tenno are, although we don't really see any feats of strength from them so you can follow the reasoning that since they lack the superior strength they simply don't rely on it and never put themselves in a position where their strength is a limiting factor. This argument suffers greatly from the burden of proof but it's a valid argument nonetheless.


I forget who, but someone brought up Antimatter Drop being a huge win condition for Nova and I think it was in response to my earlier analysis/hypothesis of how each fight would go down. The reason I didn't even consider Antimatter Drop as viable is because it demands Nova's full attention to use, direct, and 'power up'. Nova is also incredibly weak. Ability to direct Antimatter Drop with good direction requires immaculate concentration and you literally have to have it as the center of your focus. You can also argue that nova would need adequate space to manipulate the semi fast moving projectile. All of these conditions have to be correct for Nova to use it and all these conditions require some amount of time and attention. Time and lack of attention the chief could merely exploit to take her out the moment she moves her focus to it. If she just shoots it off, it's weaker than a null star iirc.


As for the debate on the armor vs the elements. I honestly have no idea. Extreme elemental conditions are not my forte. There appear to be some here claiming that it should matter more than what I stated. I'm not entirely baseless in my claims either.


Yes, electricity would fry the chiefs shields. Then what? It'd do nothing. Have you tried shocking adequate leveled grineer? It does nothing. Overload? Yeah. Good luck with that. Stationary shield? Even with speed on, you are slower than the chief, he's goes to out position your stationary shield to the point you standing still by your shield is a fatal move on your part. If you are an avid volt player, you know just how fatal standing around that shield can actually be. Maybe if Volt forgoes all electrical advantages and only uses Speed/Shield with a Continuity/Power Efficiency he would stand a greater chance. This would allow him to drop shields anywhere and everywhere he needed and to supplement every single bullet fired. Volt is still comparatively slow like a human is to a cheetah. You will find yourself constantly on the retreat/defensive and never really the offensive. I wouldn't even argue it's a good defensive. It's kind of a stumbling defensive that happens when you are completely unable to hold any ground at all, even if you have theoretically limitless ground to move to. Using this tactic, Volt is even unable to use powerful weapons like the Ogris and the Torid, however weapons like the acrid become far more reliable since the shield acts as a railgun of sorts for most projectiles. On open flat ground, Volt could have a much greater killing potential, in enclosed spaces or even spaces that has any kind of adequate cover, Volt's going to be unable to effectively strike the chief with anything, however the likelihood of this is better left to people who actually can delve into speed vs tracking vs reflexes vs bullet travel time vs error vs accuracy vs recoil. Way too many things to nitpick here that I don't know enough about to really speculate much more on. So with volt using this tactic, I'm going to leave their outcome at an unknown.


Ember.... She's slow (even by warframe standards she's only average), flimsy, and her abilities don't do enough fast enough to be of consequence. Even if fire was actually effective against armor (which ingame it's not. The only fire that is is the small pinpoint of Fireblast's lasting effect) she still wouldn't stand a chance. Her fireball is small and slow. Good luck hitting something like the chief with that. That would require luck. We aren't dealing in luck in this argument. Overheat doesn't offer enough protection anymore, and it definitely doesn't deal enough damage through the contact heat damage it deals (even against infested you'd know this to be true), Fireblast is small and unmodifiable. A quick tackle would amount to a brief scorch on the chief and both of them well and clear of the damaging radius. World on Fire simply doesn't 'do enough fast enough to be of consequence'. In any scenario, chief is going to close the distance on ember and simply break her without consequence or even much resistance. I am unable to think of a way ember can gain the upper hand. Maybe if she spams fireblasts everywhere, but that's not sustainable. Chief merely has to wait-it-out or snipe-her-out since she's now greatly limited in her mobility.



edit: pffft, totally forgot why I started responding in the first place. To attempt to debunk/derail the whole weapons epeen contest. Oh well, I think I already made it clear that I am of inadequate knowledge to effectively state how likely the weapon scenario could be flipped around or even removed upon actually engaging in combat. It would come down to strength and whether or not chief can merely disregard the weapons part by striking and engaging in hand to hand combat instead of letting it devolve to an exchange in gunfire. To be honest, the greater each warrior is, the less likely they will be able to effectively use just any old weapon upon their opponent.

Edited by Stinker
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Today I learned this is a thing people discuss. Faith in humanity lost.

We can argue about Goku VS Superman if you want. Then someone will inevitably throw in the Flash and it'll devolve to Flash VS Superman Prime.

Can't forget the inevitable "Punched the Universe" that will pop up.

Edited by Stinker
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Today I learned this is a thing people discuss.  Faith in humanity lost.

Want to cross the despair event horizon?

Honey Booboo got her own show,there's a Neo-Nazi political group in Greece(I'm Greek BTW) which has of the 1% of the votes,Dogs and puppies are thrown in garbage cans everyday,crazy lady put kittens in plastic bags and in the fridge,Putin is trying to ban public &*$$sexuality,Kid commited suicide for losing an iPod,a K.West's kid is named North West,some guy payed 5k or more for an unusual,people are trying to sell their souls on Ebay, there are still people that are saying that video games are inspirations for murder,rape,etc.,swag is still considered an acceptable term by teens,J.B won a Music award, two fat women sued Mcdonalds for makingh them fat and there's these pics:http://nedhardy.com/2013/04/26/22-pictures-that-will-make-you-lose-your-faith-in-humanity/


Try restoring your faith now...


Edited by Kefaljohn
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sorry but if master chief has 300 rounds for a halo 1 combat evolved magnum (the really old one) then the warframe universe better be cowering in a corner i mean i could kill a hunter or wraith with like 2 shots or 5 shots so yeah tennos beware of old master chief so yeah but i would say 1 rhino nova vaubaun mag saryn frost loki ash and ember would have to work together to kill master chief but before that allot of the tenno would die but the tennos would have to also have vectis soma kunai galatine before chief goes down i mean he survived a nuke and a few other things so yeah

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Because some people don't want to let it die about the weapons, this is how weapons would work:


MC's weaponry loses every single time to any Warframe weapon. Exception maybe being the slower moving kind.


Upon actually engaging in combat, Chief would recognize this and canonically would find a way to disarm his opponent.

We all can't seem to agree on how strong tenno are, a lot of the confusion/debate stemming from the broken physics engine in the game (arrows pinning 1 ton grineer to walls 100ft away and such, which in itself is improbable. Realistically, if the arrow was carrying the power to penetrate the armor, the arrow will merely pass through it's target if it has the force to 'carry' it. The devs realize this and they even made comment on that this is how things will work in armor 2.0 in livestream 15 or 16 I forget which).


So we simply do not know how strong tenno are, although we don't really see any feats of strength from them so you can follow the reasoning that since they lack the superior strength they simply don't rely on it and never put themselves in a position where their strength is a limiting factor. This argument suffers greatly from the burden of proof but it's a valid argument nonetheless.


I forget who, but someone brought up Antimatter Drop being a huge win condition for Nova and I think it was in response to my earlier analysis/hypothesis of how each fight would go down. The reason I didn't even consider Antimatter Drop as viable is because it demands Nova's full attention to use, direct, and 'power up'. Nova is also incredibly weak. Ability to direct Antimatter Drop with good direction requires immaculate concentration and you literally have to have it as the center of your focus. You can also argue that nova would need adequate space to manipulate the semi fast moving projectile. All of these conditions have to be correct for Nova to use it and all these conditions require some amount of time and attention. Time and lack of attention the chief could merely exploit to take her out the moment she moves her focus to it. If she just shoots it off, it's weaker than a null star iirc.


As for the debate on the armor vs the elements. I honestly have no idea. Extreme elemental conditions are not my forte. There appear to be some here claiming that it should matter more than what I stated. I'm not entirely baseless in my claims either.


Yes, electricity would fry the chiefs shields. Then what? It'd do nothing. Have you tried shocking adequate leveled grineer? It does nothing. Overload? Yeah. Good luck with that. Stationary shield? Even with speed on, you are slower than the chief, he's goes to out position your stationary shield to the point you standing still by your shield is a fatal move on your part. If you are an avid volt player, you know just how fatal standing around that shield can actually be. Maybe if Volt forgoes all electrical advantages and only uses Speed/Shield with a Continuity/Power Efficiency he would stand a greater chance. This would allow him to drop shields anywhere and everywhere he needed and to supplement every single bullet fired. Volt is still comparatively slow like a human is to a cheetah. You will find yourself constantly on the retreat/defensive and never really the offensive. I wouldn't even argue it's a good defensive. It's kind of a stumbling defensive that happens when you are completely unable to hold any ground at all, even if you have theoretically limitless ground to move to. Using this tactic, Volt is even unable to use powerful weapons like the Ogris and the Torid, however weapons like the acrid become far more reliable since the shield acts as a railgun of sorts for most projectiles. On open flat ground, Volt could have a much greater killing potential, in enclosed spaces or even spaces that has any kind of adequate cover, Volt's going to be unable to effectively strike the chief with anything, however the likelihood of this is better left to people who actually can delve into speed vs tracking vs reflexes vs bullet travel time vs error vs accuracy vs recoil. Way too many things to nitpick here that I don't know enough about to really speculate much more on. So with volt using this tactic, I'm going to leave their outcome at an unknown.


Ember.... She's slow (even by warframe standards she's only average), flimsy, and her abilities don't do enough fast enough to be of consequence. Even if fire was actually effective against armor (which ingame it's not. The only fire that is is the small pinpoint of Fireblast's lasting effect) she still wouldn't stand a chance. Her fireball is small and slow. Good luck hitting something like the chief with that. That would require luck. We aren't dealing in luck in this argument. Overheat doesn't offer enough protection anymore, and it definitely doesn't deal enough damage through the contact heat damage it deals (even against infested you'd know this to be true), Fireblast is small and unmodifiable. A quick tackle would amount to a brief scorch on the chief and both of them well and clear of the damaging radius. World on Fire simply doesn't 'do enough fast enough to be of consequence'. In any scenario, chief is going to close the distance on ember and simply break her without consequence or even much resistance. I am unable to think of a way ember can gain the upper hand. Maybe if she spams fireblasts everywhere, but that's not sustainable. Chief merely has to wait-it-out or snipe-her-out since she's now greatly limited in her mobility.



edit: pffft, totally forgot why I started responding in the first place. To attempt to debunk/derail the whole weapons epeen contest. Oh well, I think I already made it clear that I am of inadequate knowledge to effectively state how likely the weapon scenario could be flipped around or even removed upon actually engaging in combat. It would come down to strength and whether or not chief can merely disregard the weapons part by striking and engaging in hand to hand combat instead of letting it devolve to an exchange in gunfire. To be honest, the greater each warrior is, the less likely they will be able to effectively use just any old weapon upon their opponent.



if MC had his old magnum from halo 1 the first one not the remake all hell would brake lose for the tenno

Edited by WarPhoenix16
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Because some people don't want to let it die about the weapons, this is how weapons would work:


MC's weaponry loses every single time to any Warframe weapon. Exception maybe being the slower moving kind.


Upon actually engaging in combat, Chief would recognize this and canonically would find a way to disarm his opponent.

We all can't seem to agree on how strong tenno are, a lot of the confusion/debate stemming from the broken physics engine in the game (arrows pinning 1 ton grineer to walls 100ft away and such, which in itself is improbable. Realistically, if the arrow was carrying the power to penetrate the armor, the arrow will merely pass through it's target if it has the force to 'carry' it. The devs realize this and they even made comment on that this is how things will work in armor 2.0 in livestream 15 or 16 I forget which).


Upon entering combat with a Tenno, Master Chief would die before having a chance to even attempt disarming them. Scavenged Grineer/Corpus guns would be better than his own gear, but almost all of them are a complete joke to a Tenno's armor/shields individually. As for the minor unrealistic behavior of the bows, tough. The lore for them says they pin enemies to walls, gameplay shows them pinning enemies to walls, and even in cutscenes we see Grineer getting thrown by arrows, though the camera doesn't linger long enough to say whether they get pinned to walls or how far they fly. Suspension of disbelief and sufficiently advanced tech are terms thrown around for a reason. That's how I deal with the inanity of Halo's Binary Rifles cleanly vaporizing a person without producing a billowing cloud of superheated plasma that flash-fries everyone else in the room like would happen in real life if someone were to get vaporized. (applies to  disintegration/vaporization weapons in general for that matter) Sci-fi weapons don't always work the way that they would in real life.


So we simply do not know how strong tenno are, although we don't really see any feats of strength from them so you can follow the reasoning that since they lack the superior strength they simply don't rely on it and never put themselves in a position where their strength is a limiting factor. This argument suffers greatly from the burden of proof but it's a valid argument nonetheless.


Been going over Tenno strength feats for a while now, both in-game and in cutscenes. People seem to be deliberately ignoring them though. Caught another one while watching the cinematics- Ash casually kicks a Grineer about two and a half meters straight up before stabbing him from below.


As for the debate on the armor vs the elements. I honestly have no idea. Extreme elemental conditions are not my forte. There appear to be some here claiming that it should matter more than what I stated. I'm not entirely baseless in my claims either.


Yes, electricity would fry the chiefs shields. Then what? It'd do nothing. Have you tried shocking adequate leveled grineer? It does nothing. Overload? Yeah. Good luck with that.


Forgetting for the moment that average-level Grineer get fried just fine, even the higher-level ones that resist it are still incapacitated for a few seconds, more than enough time for Volt to fill him full of holes, particularly with his shields down.


Stationary shield? Even with speed on, you are slower than the chief, he's goes to out position your stationary shield to the point you standing still by your shield is a fatal move on your part. If you are an avid volt player, you know just how fatal standing around that shield can actually be. Maybe if Volt forgoes all electrical advantages and only uses Speed/Shield with a Continuity/Power Efficiency he would stand a greater chance. This would allow him to drop shields anywhere and everywhere he needed and to supplement every single bullet fired. Volt is still comparatively slow like a human is to a cheetah. You will find yourself constantly on the retreat/defensive and never really the offensive.


In every cinematic I've ever seen, Chief is quite a bit slower than a cheetah too. Tenno regularly match or surpass every visual depiction of Spartan speed in cutscenes, and a Volt with speed goes faster than I've ever seen a spartan move. You can bring up the novel feats, but the fact remains that they're contradicted by literally every cutscene involving Spartans moving.


I wouldn't even argue it's a good defensive. It's kind of a stumbling defensive that happens when you are completely unable to hold any ground at all, even if you have theoretically limitless ground to move to. Using this tactic, Volt is even unable to use powerful weapons like the Ogris and the Torid, however weapons like the acrid become far more reliable since the shield acts as a railgun of sorts for most projectiles. On open flat ground, Volt could have a much greater killing potential, in enclosed spaces or even spaces that has any kind of adequate cover, Volt's going to be unable to effectively strike the chief with anything, however the likelihood of this is better left to people who actually can delve into speed vs tracking vs reflexes vs bullet travel time vs error vs accuracy vs recoil. Way too many things to nitpick here that I don't know enough about to really speculate much more on. So with volt using this tactic, I'm going to leave their outcome at an unknown.


Ember.... She's slow (even by warframe standards she's only average), flimsy, and her abilities don't do enough fast enough to be of consequence. Even if fire was actually effective against armor (which ingame it's not. The only fire that is is the small pinpoint of Fireblast's lasting effect) she still wouldn't stand a chance. Her fireball is small and slow. Good luck hitting something like the chief with that. That would require luck. We aren't dealing in luck in this argument. Overheat doesn't offer enough protection anymore, and it definitely doesn't deal enough damage through the contact heat damage it deals (even against infested you'd know this to be true), Fireblast is small and unmodifiable. A quick tackle would amount to a brief scorch on the chief and both of them well and clear of the damaging radius. World on Fire simply doesn't 'do enough fast enough to be of consequence'. In any scenario, chief is going to close the distance on ember and simply break her without consequence or even much resistance. I am unable to think of a way ember can gain the upper hand. Maybe if she spams fireblasts everywhere, but that's not sustainable. Chief merely has to wait-it-out or snipe-her-out since she's now greatly limited in her mobility.


Spartans take huge amounts of damage from completely ordinary flamethrowers in Halo 3. Incendiary grenades are also effective against them. There's literally no reason to assume Ember's various fire abilities wouldn't be similarly effective. Also, even average speed warframes like Ember can move at speeds matching or surpassing anything Spartans have displayed onscreen. Show me a cutscene that has Chief or any other Spartan moving at 55 mph like in the novels and I'll concede, but until then I'm calling BS on that figure. Also, break her without resistance? Ha. This is a character that can survive getting whacked on the noggin by a 40+ foot long scythe wielded by an equally massive nanotech monstrosity and come out smiling. Chief's melee skills are nothing in comparison.


edit: pffft, totally forgot why I started responding in the first place. To attempt to debunk/derail the whole weapons epeen contest. Oh well, I think I already made it clear that I am of inadequate knowledge to effectively state how likely the weapon scenario could be flipped around or even removed upon actually engaging in combat. It would come down to strength and whether or not chief can merely disregard the weapons part by striking and engaging in hand to hand combat instead of letting it devolve to an exchange in gunfire. To be honest, the greater each warrior is, the less likely they will be able to effectively use just any old weapon upon their opponent.

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I wouldn't even say embers on par with a flamethrower though. She's more of a spark than a flame thrower. Those flamethrowers and incendiary grenades spew a nice potent flavor of napalm that burns far hotter  that what your average campfire.


The only thing resembling napalm from ember is her fireball, which has nearly no radius at all and adheres to whatever it hits. We're left to believe ember merely lights things on fire, rather than spewing some deadly napalm. Fireblast has a small focal point for it's fire that loses it's affect on enemies the farther you are from it. Napalm (Flamethrowers and incendiary grenades) coats a target burning ridiculously hot through a fire that's soaked you to the bone. Ember is hardly the equivalent of even just a napalm grenade.


As for your argument about getting stunned by shock, your tenno doesn't even flinch when he's shocked/lit on fire. What makes you think their debated equal would be?


As for cinematics, I didn't catch that about ash. So we could argue they are on par in strength for the more built frames like Ash, Saryn, Rhino, and maybe excal. I think I didn't present any scenario in which strength was even a factor anyway.


As for speed, just no. Even in the cinematics, the tenno appear to be far slower in even just their reactions than spartans are canonically. Just the lack of displayed confidence in the tenno's speed is testament alone that it's nothing spectacular. In each cinematic, there is no major speed bursts or sustained running to gauge their speed so we can't do anything but use the max speed modded tenno ingame, which someone did to be 54km/h iirc. That's not very fast in relation to a spartan.


I'm sorry if I come across as a Halo fanboy, I'm really not any more than I am a warframe fanboy. It's just tenno don't have a lot going for them right now, especially because we only have gameplay, a few blurbs about each tenno, and a couple cinematics. It's really hard to gauge a relatively unknown 1 year old like the tenno to the fleshed out 11 or 12 year old spartan.


This argument would be better left unfinished (not saying to cease debate, despite the roundabout way it's going in we're still getting places) until the game is declared as a 'release' instead of a 'beta'. Hopefully by then we'll have more to go on. Hopefully DE doesn't butcher the lore. It's so rare to see good lore in anything anymore.


So here's hoping they don't just let the devs write the entire lore. That trend is so common and idiotic I wouldn't be surprised if it's a trope. I'm not saying the devs don't get to own their own game, I'm just saying get the opinions of well established people, the less established but experienced people, maybe try out a few writers, and definitely question your lore the entire way down before you declare something as canon. I really, really, really would like to love the story of this game, or hell just any multiplayer game.

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To sum it up.The Halo universe devours the Warframe Lore.


It's the same basic concept in Nature where the Bigger Fish eats the smaller fish: eg. Science confirming Individuality against the predominant belief: Religion during the Ancient Times. Science was on the struggle on unveiling her wonders against Religion. Although Science pertains her Respect on the contrary, the Church has a firm grip on her status against the impending influx. Slowing the progress and defies the Facts being presented by Science. Now, tables have turned.


On Games, the Pioneering Themes stands out against the emerging Industries. The Halo Universe and its franchise has drawn fans alike on its compelling storyline. Warframe on the other hand is minted to its Roots (still on Beta) and yet to be expanded. If two Lores are likely to clash, one would devour the other. On this state, Halo will eat Warframe whole since Halo is Bigger Fish amongst the two.


That is why the discussion between Nova's Antimatter and Necros' Soul Punch was halted since both concepts are ineffable, the other is yet to be contained and the latter is intricate (and defiantly not sci-fi).


The weight of the discussion is convoluted but Warframe, despite of its current state managed to wound back.

(Warframe fans did outweigh Halo Facts) Warframe is still growing, expanding and once she's fully develop. She may birch Halo some time in the Future.



Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate. 

Edit: Senath-We're not done you evil geek. I hate you and your Antimatter stuff. 

Edited by yeomanry
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Lore/Experience Perspective


MasterChief spent all years of his Life (since he was still 7) until he lost Cortana.

1. He sabotaged a Mothership all by himself,

2. annihilated a Battalion of Covenant alone,

3. made Impossible Missions possible,

4. saved Two Planets-Reach and Earth,

5. saved the Entire Galaxy with the help of the Arbiter,

6. planted a nuke on an Ancient Forerunner,

7. destroyed a Halo,

8. survived dozens of times falling from Space


but he cant swim, and has ONLY ONE Armor through-out the game and the poor Spartan isnt a ninja. He doenst even know how to backflip.


Actually john 117 the masterchief can actually do a backflip.....


The tenno technology compared to the technology of the spartans are pretty far apart,the tennos have higher tech capabilities compared to the whatever access the spartans have.


If i remember correctly the Spartan II's have

-Enhanced bone structure,to make them virtually unbreakable.

-Enhanced Reflexes,300% increase in subject reflexes they can tell whether they are gonna be fired at but not fast enough to dodge bullets,they are also capable of running up to speeds of 55km/h and John 117 WITHOUT HIS SUIT did 87 km/h and with his suit 100 km/h

-Increased muscle mass

-Enhanced eye sight,their sharp eyesight allow them to be able to virtually see in the dark.


Tennos of what i know so far are from wiki which says

-The Warframes combat abilities are vastly superior to both the Corpus' high technology and the Grineer's vast numbers; even the most inexperienced Tenno can fight their way through hordes of basic foot soldiers alone, and teams of experienced Tenno can best even the deadliest enemy threats.


So that means warframe capabilities should come from their suits as well as their training to which i know nothing about on how that works on the inside xD.



Spartans without their suits are still deadly as they have gone through augmentation turning them into superhumans as well as rigorous training,with their suits they are almost similar to the warframe's while spartans may lack in warfame skills like excaliburs dash they have equipment like the so called bubble shield etc.


Tenno's so far i do not know how well they fight without their warframe suit but if they are not augmented they may not stand a chance against a spartan at all but with their warframe suit's they are extremely deadly and lethal along with several deadly capabilities that the suit gives them from what we call modifications in game to put should be suit augmentation's to them.


Spartans and tenno's should have probably the same fight speed reflexes but if they are to engage each other in battle I am not so sure who would win the battle but im going to place my bet on the Tenno's due to the higher tech capabilities they have at the moment with them.It would be cool to see the warframe and spartan somehow trapped in a time situation where they must both fight their way out together~

Edited by Clarencezer
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Lore/Experience Perspective


MasterChief spent all years of his Life (since he was still 7) until he lost Cortana.

1. He sabotaged a Mothership all by himself,

2. annihilated a Battalion of Covenant alone,

3. made Impossible Missions possible,

4. saved Two Planets-Reach and Earth,

5. saved the Entire Galaxy with the help of the Arbiter,

6. planted a nuke on an Ancient Forerunner,

7. destroyed a Halo,

8. survived dozens of times falling from Space


but he cant swim, and has ONLY ONE Armor through-out the game and the poor Spartan isnt a ninja. He doenst even know how to backflip.



The Tenno? The Lotus provided us of everything, we even have cheats to magically revive ourselves from Death, weapons we upgraded while Masterchief uses the same goddamn weapons-looting corpses while we freely massacre Storm Troopers. 




Who wins? Darth Vader 



Um Master Chief didn't really save Reach.  He and a few other Spartans just survived it.  The covenant glassed the planet to ashes.  


Also learn your Star Wars expanded universe.  There are some Sith Lords like Darth Bane that make Vader look like a pansy.

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How has this topic gone for 15 pages?


Good Question. Makes me wish I knew more about Halo so I could have joined in the topic. :P


That said, I've learned alot of interesting things from this thread, so don't mind me; I'll just be on the ceiling.

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