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Let us wound deimos animals ourselves.


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I've spent 6 hours now hunting a cresent vulpa purely for the mastery, I finally got one to spawn, and there were no infested anywhere. noise arrows, pherliac pods, neither worked and so the vulpa left because I took too long. This is such a pain because if we don't kill the infested nearly when calling an animal, they kill it before it even gets to us and we never get to capture it, but if we kill all the infested then there is no way to wound them.

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Yeah, I don't get that. Why is this even a thing? Why do we need to hunt these things under special circumstances in order to make pets out of them? I get needing to tranq them in the field, but the extra step of also having to lure in Infested to damage them is just silly. Especially since shooting them ourselves just kills the animal.

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I have spent 3 days looking for one for Mastery. It is beyond frustrating. Neither hunting or flying around in archwing with a tranquillizer out is fielding a single result.


Edit* I just had one spawn in the wild, and was being attacked. Still, I find it ridiculous how random that chance was. Please, DE, add a lure for the Crescent variety.

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