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weird thing about riven storage?



was reading that because of how rivens work we have the current storage system (which sucks) something about how the stats are stored they take up more database space etc

I guess that is understandable, but i was wondering shouldn't this capacity only apply to "unlocked" rivens? no reason a random "locked" rifle riven shouldnt be able to stack to hundreds or take up anymore database storage than a stack of 400 ammo drum?


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so I was thinking yeah the "next riven unlock" challenge could be just stored to your profile per weapon type rather than be associated with the riven, anything has to be better than that huge "BUY RIVEN STORAGE" screen!

22 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

its also entirely possible that the stats are determined before its unveiled

I think this is interesting, I often debate if mmo boss loot is determined before the kill or on the loot click! ultimately it dosn't matter it could be changed to the latter to save on database storage space.


though I feel like this is a bad system designed on purpose to sell "space" but it just feels really clunky and could be designed much better

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2 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

I forgot about that, maybe just make it so like the condition is random when putting it in the weapon? not like its a meaningful task related to what unlocks at all

player-wise it's not friendly at all. As we could equip one riven per different weapon types with similar/same unveil condition, so as to unlock several rivens at the same time

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