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Things to add to the Steel Path that's not just kuva


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1. Add synthetic eidolon shards to the vendor. Also, make it so that sentient enemies have a low chance to drop it as well.

2. Add universal medallions to the vendor. It would be nice if bosses dropped this too honestly.

3. Add an (or multiple) amalgam mod(s) that are unique to each boss. (Maybe to derelict vaults too?) This was a really nice addition to the Jovian concord and it might give us better reasons to use different weapons. 

4. Add the Umbra Forma BP to the vendor. There really is not much of a reason for these to be so scarce.

5. Steel path mod set that functions similar to the umbral/sacrificial sets, but for primaries and secondaries. (Dax Firestorm or Dax Pummel for example)



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vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)VexaKM:

1. Add synthetic eidolon shards to the vendor. Also, make it so that sentient enemies have a low chance to drop it as well.

2. Add universal medallions to the vendor. It would be nice if bosses dropped this too honestly.

3. Add an (or multiple) amalgam mod(s) that are unique to each boss. (Maybe to derelict vaults too?) This was a really nice addition to the Jovian concord and it might give us better reasons to use different weapons. 

4. Add the Umbra Forma BP to the vendor. There really is not much of a reason for these to be so scarce.

5. Steel path mod set that functions similar to the umbral/sacrificial sets. (Dax Firestorm for example)



I personally don't care about 1 and 2 but why not?

3, 4 and 5 would probably fall under "locking power behind Steel Path" which I think DE spoke out against already. Although I'd like all 3 of those things. Granted 3 and 5 being only one-time purchases which doesn't add longevity - unless tradable (which they shouldn't be, I guess?).

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)VexaKM said:

1. Add synthetic eidolon shards to the vendor. Also, make it so that sentient enemies have a low chance to drop it as well.

Mmm... No? Honestly doesn't make any sense that Teshin would have any, nor does it give any real reason to farm more Steel Path. Yes, I know it gives you like 5k Focus and allows you to unbind waybounds, but if you're at the point where you're doing arbitrations, and thus have the ability to unlock Steel Path you likely don't really need any more Focus. There's only a handful of good nodes. 


2. Add universal medallions to the vendor. It would be nice if bosses dropped this too honestly.

Universal medallions are essentially dead as a resource and an idea. Unless you get amounts rivalling the regular, specific faction medallions in which case makes syndicate medallions pointless, this would cause another resource problem that we have copious enough problems with already. Namely, if someone finds fun in nothing but Steel Path, and stockpile hundreds of thousands of universals, they stop needing to play that one mission it takes to max standing cap for the day.


3. Add an (or multiple) amalgam mod(s) that are unique to each boss. (Maybe to derelict vaults too?) This was a really nice addition to the Jovian concord and it might give us better reasons to use different weapons. 

Only if they're new, and have niches that won't be changed multiple times, or rendered non-functional due to mechanic changes like status. 


4. Add the Umbra Forma BP to the vendor. There really is not much of a reason for these to be so scarce.

This has already been suggested on day one. 


5. Steel path mod set that functions similar to the umbral/sacrificial sets, but for primaries and secondaries. (Dax Firestorm or Dax Pummel for example)



No, honestly. I don't want more Umbral-esque sets, where the set bonus itself (as in the secondary effect of having the set mod, rather than the bonus it gets) is pretty much worthless and the mods themselves are too valuable on so many frames that you question why you would ever not put them on if you can just forma it/around it. Or, worst case scenario, we have another Umbral Intensify, where it's just... Better intensify that you put on just about every frame that enjoys having high power strength and has the room. 

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15 hours ago, (PS4)VexaKM said:

1. Add synthetic eidolon shards to the vendor. Also, make it so that sentient enemies have a low chance to drop it as well.

2. Add universal medallions to the vendor. It would be nice if bosses dropped this too honestly.

3. Add an (or multiple) amalgam mod(s) that are unique to each boss. (Maybe to derelict vaults too?) This was a really nice addition to the Jovian concord and it might give us better reasons to use different weapons. 

4. Add the Umbra Forma BP to the vendor. There really is not much of a reason for these to be so scarce.

5. Steel path mod set that functions similar to the umbral/sacrificial sets, but for primaries and secondaries. (Dax Firestorm or Dax Pummel for example)



Synethatic Eidolon shares would be cool.

Umbra Forma too. I do not see a reason why they should be limited to NW ~twice a year. If I can comfortably farm SP I do not see an issue in them being available.

The rest of the stuff, not likely. It is not a bad idea. I just do not see DE putting exclusive mods to SP. 

I do not care about universal medallions. 

More cosmetics would nice too.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)VexaKM said:


Don't add anything to the vendor until you fix Steel Essence drops. Currently they are essentially nonexistent from playing through the Steel Path, and stupidly overabundant when AFK farming with boosters and Smeeta. You couldn't incentivize botting harder if you tried.

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