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a bit from the last dev stream said that archwing missions are gonna be phased out but people kinda need them to level arch gear.
My question is there some sort of replacement coming for railjack to level archwing gears more consistently

And might a i suggest a endless mode for the free roam on the earth node or a new node entirely for railjack that is mainly purely archwing.
the only time railjack will be used is in moving it to a new target!

Asteroid mining
The rail jack is turned into an excavation drill basically without the ability to fire its guns as its using all auxilliary power to the fire main canon to mine resources so its basically defenceless, enter the arch wings people need to use archwings to defend the railjack from the corpus/grineer/sentients while cy gathers resources (railjack items or items for the composite archwings  if thats still happeneing etc)
amesha would need a change otherwise it would cheese this into oblivion

railjack stats would come into play here giving it more durability meaning people would need to upgrade railjack to have  the ability to last longer in this mode

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I'm personally of the opinion that Warframe ought to transition to an "all Railjack" approach. That is to say - use Railjack as the connecting tissue. That doesn't mean every missions should require us to kill 80 fighters and 6 Crew Ships, obviously, or indeed even DO anything with the Railjack. I just want every mission to be accessible TROUGH the Raijlack system. In this way, we could retain "pure Archwing" missions quite easily. How? "Mechanical disruptors." In this mission, your Railjack guns and abilities are disabled by active mechanical disruptors. You need to park your Railjack somewhere hidden and do the rest of it in your Archwing. Same gameplay as before, with the addition of initially arriving in your Railjack.

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or you just need your archwing to go fight in places that the railjack would not fit - inside hollowed out asteroid/asteroid bases or debris fields from old battles for example. No need for "your guns, they no longer work, but your archwing guns work fine" silliness.

I don't think the railjack should become an orbiter replacement, because of the operator, foundry etc but there's no reason it couldn't be used to navigate between planetary missions without returning to the orbiter.

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1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

I'm personally of the opinion that Warframe ought to transition to an "all Railjack" approach. That is to say - use Railjack as the connecting tissue. That doesn't mean every missions should require us to kill 80 fighters and 6 Crew Ships, obviously, or indeed even DO anything with the Railjack. I just want every mission to be accessible TROUGH the Raijlack system. In this way, we could retain "pure Archwing" missions quite easily. How? "Mechanical disruptors." In this mission, your Railjack guns and abilities are disabled by active mechanical disruptors. You need to park your Railjack somewhere hidden and do the rest of it in your Archwing. Same gameplay as before, with the addition of initially arriving in your Railjack.

There is an achievement on steam "build your own railjack", 2% of people have it ... And i'm guessing this number isn't any higher on consoles.

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1 hour ago, gbjbaanb said:

or you just need your archwing to go fight in places that the railjack would not fit - inside hollowed out asteroid/asteroid bases or debris fields from old battles for example. No need for "your guns, they no longer work, but your archwing guns work fine" silliness.

That too, though that would require new tilesets. To an extent, the Corpus Ship Archwing tileset would work with this design, as it's legitimately too close-quarters for a Railjack to fit. It takes place within the "folds" of the Corpus ship and makes sense. Not so much the other tileset, though - the asteroid one. There's no real reason why Archwings would work there but Railjack wouldn't without "mechanical disruptors silliness." What you're proposing is a good idea, though, and I do wish it would happen. Hell, the Murex itself looks like would be a good place for Archwing action. It's certainly large-scale enough to allow Archwings to fly within its interior while still being small enough to disqualify the full Railjack. So fair point there.


1 hour ago, Swagernator22663 said:

There is an achievement on steam "build your own railjack", 2% of people have it ... And i'm guessing this number isn't any higher on consoles.

I should have mentioned this, you're right. The proposition here isn't to REMOVE old Star Chart missions, but rather to replicate them within the Railjack framework. There are some technical limitations, but Railjackcan generally do everything ground missions can, with the exception of enemy numbers - Railjack missions have very few enemies in them, leading to barren-looking tilesets. Alternately, you can allow people without a Railjack to pilot their Landing Craft in its place. My original idea for this was to let us manually approach the ship, base or ground location in our Landing Craft instead of a loading screen, dodging security sensors of some kind and eventually latching on to insert our Warframes. Remaining undetected during the approach would start the mission with the alarms off and possibly a bonus of some kind, tripping alarms starts the mission with everyone on alert and the starting room packed with enemies. That sort of thing.

I realise that's a technical nightmare to design, but you COULD use the Railjack framework without the Railjack itself. After all, the framework has more to do with map generation and location transitions, specifically using a single instance which gets spot-loaded with assets for the next mission, rather than having to spawn a new instance with every mission or necessitate a trip back to the Orbiter. You COULD do that without the Railjack, though it does require some further logistics.

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U guys are missing the point and are infact hijacking this topic, in current railjack theres no mission that lets u use archwing to level gear effectively and people rely on the arch missions like salacia to level non arch guns. all that needs to be done is make an 1 arch wing level in railjack node that has a sationary railjack disabled/sabotaged/excav or whatever and u can only use archwing to defend it while cy tries to reapir systems/mine for items. problems require simple solutions or its less likely to change or happen you dont need to use rail jack to transition anywhere the loading screen does a gud enough job!

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Railjack is currently not an acceptable place to level archwing gear.  

I would love Railjack to be multiple layers...

  • At the highest level is RJ stuff.  Killing fighting, crewships, stationary guns, and bases. (doing the objectives it takes to win the node/mission)
  • At the layer underneath that should be Archwing layer.  At this layer there are bazillions of the smaller archwing size enemies that just polute the map.   Fighters and crewships never target you while you are in an archwing, because your not a threat.   Likewise the AW type enemies can not do any damage to your Railjack(and I would say are immune from anything RJ does)

AW's could get out and fight AW size enemies and level up.  


Otherwise Im concerned for the removal of normal AW nodes also... almost all those nodes sucked.   They have needed updated for a really long time.   I would like to see RJ maps that are dedicated to AW fights.   Exterminates, Defense, captures, excavations, survivals for various levels.  

Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone.   Strap AW onto the back of our Mechs and fly them around in space and get affinity for both lol.   

Would have been cool to have archwing needed to get railjack.... 


Trying to force RJ and AW to exist on the same level is BAD.  Especially when you take into account AW weapons can now be used on the ground to.   

RJ should give and take x amount of damage

AW should give and take y amount of damage

ground weapons should give and take z amount of damage.

There should not be any overlap...  

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13 minutes ago, Spriggen1337 said:

U guys are missing the point and are infact hijacking this topic, in current railjack theres no mission that lets u use archwing to level gear effectively and people rely on the arch missions like salacia to level non arch guns.

To be accurate, there's no mission in Archwing that efficiently levels Archwing gear either. It's maybe the speed of your average casual solo survival run in terms of affinity gains, and that's in the missions far enough along the chart that a player's probably going to also begin accessing the better alternatives for the wings and guns. Only arch-melee weapons actually 'need' that setting to be levelled best.

Archwings themselves, you can at worst go stealth-kill-sniping out in the Plains to level them up sooner, or float around instead of being on foot if you have a squad doing more combat stuff.
Archguns are best levelled by wielding them on foot. Yes this requires a Gravimag, which also in most cases pre-requires a Catalyst (for reasons never adequately explained), but the result is many times greater affinity gained over time.


For Arch-melees, DE are considering implementing them for the Necramechs, which will provide another superior gain potential for that last category. Doubly so, if they do also let us use our Mechs in missions that aren't open zones, as players have been pushing them to implement.

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@TheLexiConArtist salacia node on neptune is the goto place u can level arch gear with this boost this weekend in 2-3 runs each run takes 10 mins max, archwings maybe 4-5 runs total (depends on the wing and skill use). u take this away then all u will have left is railjack mode and that wont be any fun to do since u will never get any exp or kills to level ur stuff since the jack will get everything with its missiles or black hole.

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15 minutes ago, Spriggen1337 said:

@TheLexiConArtist salacia node on neptune is the goto place u can level arch gear with this boost this weekend in 2-3 runs each run takes 10 mins max, archwings maybe 4-5 runs total (depends on the wing and skill use). u take this away then all u will have left is railjack mode and that wont be any fun to do since u will never get any exp or kills to level ur stuff since the jack will get everything with its missiles or black hole.

In that same ~50-60 minutes, less when boosted, you can get gear done in a solo Survival. Even have the added benefit of a Smeeta's potential buff in survivals to speed the process. I know this because I never matchmake with any equipment I haven't levelled to max at least once personally, and that's usually how I do it. So.. exactly as I said, it's about the same rate as that, which is on the low average end?

And if you really want to level your 'wing gear in Railjack missions.. you just do what we solo players had to do for our Railjacks at launch - fit whatever tankiness you can on your boat, park it wherever's least vulnerable, and go out alone to do the mission entirely by 'wing. Ship isn't getting any kills if there's no players aboard, is it?


That does leave something for DE to solve if they tied all low-level Archwing content to Railjacks, though, considering newer players won't get their boat until much later in the chart. Can't expect everyone to just matchmake. We'll just have to see what they do, won't we?

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